Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked our country.

A year ago, Trump's worshippers were saying that Russia didn't attack us, that this was all #fakenews. They aren't saying that anymore. Or at least most of them aren't.
That's a strawman. I never said the DNC didn't get hacked. They caught that bunch. But it hasn't been proven that it changed the election, and it hasn't been proven that Trump had anything to do with it.

We can prove the DNC and Hillary payed to get dirt from the Russians but of course shess protected.

We got caught bugging Merkle. We have a history of meddling in elections. This is nothing new. This shit has been going on for ages. Unless you have selective memory.
Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)
Only the DNC was hacked. No one on the right was targeted.
Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)

Of course you're correct.

But that's not the point of this investigation.

Several posters have correctly noted that Russia's goal was to sow dissent and chaos into our electoral system.

Yet those same posters are attacking the Mueller commission for investigating Russian interference in the election.

I'm pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Trump's supporters by noting that had there been foreign interference in our election and Hillary won, they would have been screaming treason. But since their side won, they are minimizing and rationalizing Russia's interference.

Why did we need a special counsel to investigate foreign election interference?
In fact, not feeling, Rosenstein has revealed that although the Russians are being looked into, a Trump connection with them was Never a part of it and addled Democrats just spread the lie that he was
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Russia or the Soviet Union has been conducting espionage operations against the United States since the Russian revolution, and the Democrats never gave a damn until Hillary lost. In fact, the Dims even defended proven Russian spies alike Algier Hiss and all the scum who took the 5th at the McCarthy hears and HUAC.

No one is buying their crocodile tears. If helping Russia undermine our elections would get them elected, they would do it in a heartbeat.

That's pretty amusing, given that a Democrat President led the wars against communist Vietnam, communist North Korea, and the Bay of Pigs, and imposed sanctions against the USSR after the invasion of Afghanistan.

If the Russians had hacked the RNC and Hillary got elected, I would be just as supportive of an investigation into Russian meddling as I am now. FFS if Hillary is convicted of anything, throw her ass in prison.

But the rule of law seems to be dependent on political affiliation to many Trump worshippers.
Sure you would, asshole. Leftwingers are always claiming they were opposed to this or that communist thug after the fact. However, during the Reagain admininstration, they fought Reagan tooth and nail when he introduced Pershing missiles into Europe. Johnson may have carried on the war the Kennedy and Eisenhower started, but his party hated him. The Truman administration was crawling with communist spies, and Democrats fought the McCarthy and HUAC hearings tooth and nail. They still defend Algier Hiss to this day.

The Mueller investigation has nothing to do with the rule of law. It's an insult to the rule of law. It's a witchhunt.
Time to embrace the horror, bitches! The voters rejected the whore bitch, twice!
Not the majority of voters.
Enough that she's not President, eh?

Lessee, the FIRST TIME, she was rejected in favor of an inexperienced, unaccomplished opponent because he was simply BLACK.
The SECOND TIME, she was rejected in favor of an inexperienced, unaccomplished opponent because he was simply ORANGE.

And all Hillary took from it was that she was being discriminated against because she was a (ahem) woman.

I'm sure a few here can name us the couple of times anyone ever ran for president TWICE. Bet none if them lost both times though. And was by far the more experienced person BOTH times.

But I'm certain no one has ever lost twice and been run a THIRD TIME.

If it happens, it will be the height of democratic denial and arrogance as well as proof of their utter corruption.
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Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)

Of course you're correct.

But that's not the point of this investigation.

Several posters have correctly noted that Russia's goal was to sow dissent and chaos into our electoral system.

Yet those same posters are attacking the Mueller commission for investigating Russian interference in the election.

I'm pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Trump's supporters by noting that had there been foreign interference in our election and Hillary won, they would have been screaming treason. But since their side won, they are minimizing and rationalizing Russia's interference.

Why did we need a special counsel to investigate foreign election interference?

WE DIDN'T. We only needed him to try to rope in and manufacture a faux impeachment case to save face for the Democratic Party.

Do Democrats have any face left worth saving?
Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)

Of course you're correct.

But that's not the point of this investigation.

Several posters have correctly noted that Russia's goal was to sow dissent and chaos into our electoral system.

Yet those same posters are attacking the Mueller commission for investigating Russian interference in the election.

I'm pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Trump's supporters by noting that had there been foreign interference in our election and Hillary won, they would have been screaming treason. But since their side won, they are minimizing and rationalizing Russia's interference.
On the other hand, by sowing dissent in our government, Communists like Obama, and Hillary, are doing exactly what the Russians wanted.

*corrected misspelled word....Thanks Todd*
Last edited: sure have a vivid yet warped imagination.
Dropping acid at a Pink Floyd concert will take you places you're never been.
I've been to two of them......and I spent alot of time passing joints.
Acid is a bit rough for my tastes.
Anything that causes permanent brain damage is off the shelf.

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Did/do Republicans like General Mc Masters? & the National Security Strategy written under him? please reply am interested.
here is what it said.... Russia & China want economies less free, less fair, grow there militaries, control information to expand there influence, repress there people.
Why is Trump so pro Russia? why does he believe Putin?
REALLY like your thoughts on this.
Could I get an answer, to tough of a question?
Did/do Republicans like General Mc Masters? & the National Security Strategy written under him? please reply am interested.
here is what it said.... Russia & China want economies less free, less fair, grow there militaries, control information to expand there influence, repress there people.
Why is Trump so pro Russia? why does he believe Putin?
REALLY like your thoughts on this.
Could I get an answer, to tough of a question?
Who the hell says he trusts them. The voices in your head? LOL
Did/do Republicans like General Mc Masters? & the National Security Strategy written under him? please reply am interested.
here is what it said.... Russia & China want economies less free, less fair, grow there militaries, control information to expand there influence, repress there people.
Why is Trump so pro Russia? why does he believe Putin?
REALLY like your thoughts on this.
Could I get an answer, to tough of a question?
Who the hell says he trusts them. The voices in your head? LOL
Voices in my head? it was a simple question about Mc MASTERS. (Trump said he believed Putin, the simple answer part of the question,) the question was about Mc Masters.
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