Russian Collusion In A Nutshell

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A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
The 80s called...

The average age of Trump’s base is 80
As is the average IQ of the Democrat base.

And 10 points higher than Trump's base.
This thread proves otherwise.

Any time a Republican brings up Obama’s famous line about Russia during the 2nd 2012 presidential debate, and/or Ted Kennedy’s treasonous acts involving the Soviet Union, you idiots do nothing but deflect or run because you don’t have a real comeback due to Democrats’ shameful historical support of the Soviet Union.

I was being too generous with my estimation of your bases’ IQ to nullify your pathetic deflection.The average Democrat’s IQ is well below 80. That is the reason why you rely on censorship and a media monopoly, you are all idiots who are getting your asses handed to you every time you attempt to debate someone who isn’t a child.
Doesn't matter how many funny faces you bitches pony up, you know the writing is on the wall and the dump truck Trump is backing up for a haul.

Beep, beep, beep...
Should I dig up the New York Time’s endorsement of a Trump presidency in 1984?
Any time a Republican brings up Obama’s famous line about Russia during the 2nd 2012 presidential debate, and/or Ted Kennedy’s treasonous acts involving the Soviet Union, you idiots do nothing but deflect or run because you don’t have a real comeback due to Democrats’ shameful historical support of the Soviet Union.

The Democrats suck.

Now, do you have a point, ptbwbihnortbp?
Um, just going to point out the Russia, Russia, Russia thing happened during democrats watch.


And had Bernie Sanders beaten Jeb Bush in the election, with the Russians hacking the RNC and releasing emails that hurt Bush, all these Trump worshippers who are a-ok with a foreign government interfering in our elections would be going batshit crazy accusing the Democrats of being anti-American traitors and threatening a revolution for conspiring with the Russians.

LOL, how ironic the "Russian hacked" emails actually showed Hillary colluded with the DNC against Bernie.

LOL how ironic to use quotations in "Russian hacked"

Trump worshippers :rolleyes:

Yep....only a person who practices willful ignorance buys into this stupidity.
And why is that?

4 consider pleading guilty because you can't afford to put up a defense is an conviction.
They plead guilty, because they were guilty and there is enough evidence to prove it.

Who has been sentenced???
After 2 years nobody has been sentenced.
We're just getting this due process party started.

And it's actually 25 Russian indictments........which will lead to nothing.
That's because the treasonous right is more loyal to an adversary, than it is to this country.

Russian hackers that will refuse extradition.
But they're still hackers. And what they hacked, was the DNC, for the benefit of the Trump campaign, with Trump knowledge and support.

Simply manna for the idiot leftists to feed on until the next horseshit announcement.

noun: manna
(in the Bible) the substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness (Exod. 16).
  • an unexpected or gratuitous benefit.
    "the cakes were manna from heaven"
  • (in Christian contexts) spiritual nourishment, especially the Eucharist.
The only way it could possibly be manna, is if you were able to prove the hacking never happened, which you can't.

And now, let's discuss what the convictions were for......"Lying to a corrupt FBI agent".
This SOB.....

Where's all of the Russian Collusion charges??
First prove he's corrupt.

Well, for one thing.....Collusion isn't against the law.
It is when done with a foreign power to affect a Presidential election.

If it was the Democrats would have been in prison years ago.
After all, they're colluding with the media every day.
I'm sure that's a lot better than lying to the media.

Heck, we've got more evidence of Democrats colluding with Russia that you can shake a stick at.
Which you cannot prove.

Shit.....we caught Obama colluding with Russia on video.....clear-cut collusion. Everyone has seen it and you liberal assholes have conveniently ignored it.
That just proves your hypocrisy. You jump through hoops to take what Obama said out of context, yet look the other way when Trump clearly has worked with the Russian's to impact the 2016 election.

Now they want Rosenstein impeached the guy who just got 12 indictments Sometimes it's difficult telling Repubs from their russian pals

Eddie, you're dumb as dogshit, but less pleasant to be around.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada indicted 13 Russian nationalists 6 months ago. So what happened with those? Why were the indictments dismissed? Oh, because the Russians called the scumbag Inquisitors bluff and went to court? Yep, Torquemada never expected them to actually defend themselves, in fact the corrupt fucker was indicting companies that didn't even exist - basically pulling names out of the phonebook. Corrupt pile of shit that Mewler is.

So you Stalinist pigs had a bad week last week, flat out traitor Strzok may be immune to our laws, but made for VERY bad optics, partly because of his contempt and clear position as an elite not subject to law.

The Inquisition suffered a black eye, so Torquemada threw a hail mary to try and distract from the disaster. He indicted 12 Russians on the same gamble, hoping they will not stand up forthemselves

I mean, what would the corrupt fuck do if they show up and say "let's see the evidence?"

He'll do what he did when he was caught fucking the dog with the 13 Russians, he will dismiss and depend on the corrupt press to sweep it under the rug.

Do you have a link to the indictments being dismissed, because court docs says Concord Management and Consulting and the Mueller team are due back in court on Aug. 17.

Report: Mueller's Indictment of Russian Company Is Facing Dismissal Over Legal Incompetence

The motion continues, “As such, Count One of the Indictment appears to be facially invalid because it fails to charge an essential element of the offense of conspiracy to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing and defeating the functions of the FEC and the DOJ, that is, that the Defendant acted willfully, in this case meaning that Defendant was aware of the FEC and FARA requirements, agreed to violate those requirements, and ultimately acted with intent to violate those requirements.”

Concord Management’s Monday motion contains at least one reference to U.S. case law where similar indictments were dismissed because they failed to adequately track statutory language. In other words, Concord Management is arguing that Mueller and his army of attorneys charged Concord Management (and other Russian entities) with a vague-sounding “crime” that isn’t actually a crime.

In fact, Concord Management’s motion explicitly says as much, claiming, “[T]he DOJ never brought any case like the instant Indictment, that is, an alleged conspiracy by a foreign corporation to ‘interfere’ in a Presidential election by allegedly funding free speech. The obvious reason for this is that no such crime exists in the federal criminal code.”

Because Mueller’s indictment was apparently sloppy (or intentionally vague) in this regard, Concord Management is asking the court to inspect the language of the grand jury instructions–with the hope that the court agrees the indictment actually failed to include all of the elements of the crime charged. As the motion notes, under U.S. law, indictments must contain all such elements.}
Flynn's plea is in the same boat... looking forward to Mueller not producing tomorrow and seeing the case get tossed..

A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
The 80s called...

The average age of Trump’s base is 80
As is the average IQ of the Democrat base.

And 10 points higher than Trump's base.
This thread proves otherwise.

Any time a Republican brings up Obama’s famous line about Russia during the 2nd 2012 presidential debate, and/or Ted Kennedy’s treasonous acts involving the Soviet Union, you idiots do nothing but deflect or run because you don’t have a real comeback due to Democrats’ shameful historical support of the Soviet Union.

I was being too generous with my estimation of your bases’ IQ to nullify your pathetic deflection.The average Democrat’s IQ is well below 80. That is the reason why you rely on censorship and a media monopoly, you are all idiots who are getting your asses handed to you every time you attempt to debate someone who isn’t a child.

Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)
Any time a Republican brings up Obama’s famous line about Russia during the 2nd 2012 presidential debate, and/or Ted Kennedy’s treasonous acts involving the Soviet Union, you idiots do nothing but deflect or run because you don’t have a real comeback due to Democrats’ shameful historical support of the Soviet Union.

The Democrats suck.

Now, do you have a point, ptbwbihnortbp?
The Democrats are the only reason why you care about Trump’s supposed involvement with Russia.
A perfect example of just how STUPID wing-nut "logic" is, Donnie Dirt Bag appointees head both the DOJ and the FBI, yet somehow the Right rationalizes that the Dems control Tramp appointees. :cuckoo:


So edtheliar, some of the treason that Strzok engaged in on behalf of the democratic party, in respect to the coup your filthy criminal party is attempting. Does this mean that Jeff Sessions has control of deep state traitors? Obviously not. The fucker Strzok engaged in treason and he can't even be FIRED, much less shot as he should be.

Our government is corrupt to the core, Trump is exposing it.
In a nutshell-there is not any.

Rosenstein said so but mule face will plod along trying to lasso minor players over tax stuff they did 10+ years ago (years Before Trump even thought about running)
He whipped 17 other Republicans and Hillary’s Monster Machine so the cries of “illegitimacy via Russian help” are what’s illegitimate
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Um, just going to point out the Russia, Russia, Russia thing happened during democrats watch.


And had Bernie Sanders beaten Jeb Bush in the election, with the Russians hacking the RNC and releasing emails that hurt Bush, all these Trump worshippers who are a-ok with a foreign government interfering in our elections would be going batshit crazy accusing the Democrats of being anti-American traitors and threatening a revolution for conspiring with the Russians.

LOL, how ironic the "Russian hacked" emails actually showed Hillary colluded with the DNC against Bernie.

LOL how ironic to use quotations in "Russian hacked"

Trump worshippers :rolleyes:

Yep....only a person who practices willful ignorance buys into this stupidity.
And why is that?

4 consider pleading guilty because you can't afford to put up a defense is an conviction.
They plead guilty, because they were guilty and there is enough evidence to prove it.

Who has been sentenced???
After 2 years nobody has been sentenced.
We're just getting this due process party started.

And it's actually 25 Russian indictments........which will lead to nothing.
That's because the treasonous right is more loyal to an adversary, than it is to this country.

Russian hackers that will refuse extradition.
But they're still hackers. And what they hacked, was the DNC, for the benefit of the Trump campaign, with Trump knowledge and support.

Simply manna for the idiot leftists to feed on until the next horseshit announcement.

noun: manna
(in the Bible) the substance miraculously supplied as food to the Israelites in the wilderness (Exod. 16).
  • an unexpected or gratuitous benefit.
    "the cakes were manna from heaven"
  • (in Christian contexts) spiritual nourishment, especially the Eucharist.
The only way it could possibly be manna, is if you were able to prove the hacking never happened, which you can't.

And now, let's discuss what the convictions were for......"Lying to a corrupt FBI agent".
This SOB.....

Where's all of the Russian Collusion charges??
First prove he's corrupt.

Well, for one thing.....Collusion isn't against the law.
It is when done with a foreign power to affect a Presidential election.

If it was the Democrats would have been in prison years ago.
After all, they're colluding with the media every day.
I'm sure that's a lot better than lying to the media.

Heck, we've got more evidence of Democrats colluding with Russia that you can shake a stick at.
Which you cannot prove.

Shit.....we caught Obama colluding with Russia on video.....clear-cut collusion. Everyone has seen it and you liberal assholes have conveniently ignored it.
That just proves your hypocrisy. You jump through hoops to take what Obama said out of context, yet look the other way when Trump clearly has worked with the Russian's to impact the 2016 election.

Now they want Rosenstein impeached the guy who just got 12 indictments Sometimes it's difficult telling Repubs from their russian pals

Eddie, you're dumb as dogshit, but less pleasant to be around.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada indicted 13 Russian nationalists 6 months ago. So what happened with those? Why were the indictments dismissed? Oh, because the Russians called the scumbag Inquisitors bluff and went to court? Yep, Torquemada never expected them to actually defend themselves, in fact the corrupt fucker was indicting companies that didn't even exist - basically pulling names out of the phonebook. Corrupt pile of shit that Mewler is.

So you Stalinist pigs had a bad week last week, flat out traitor Strzok may be immune to our laws, but made for VERY bad optics, partly because of his contempt and clear position as an elite not subject to law.

The Inquisition suffered a black eye, so Torquemada threw a hail mary to try and distract from the disaster. He indicted 12 Russians on the same gamble, hoping they will not stand up forthemselves

I mean, what would the corrupt fuck do if they show up and say "let's see the evidence?"

He'll do what he did when he was caught fucking the dog with the 13 Russians, he will dismiss and depend on the corrupt press to sweep it under the rug.

Do you have a link to the indictments being dismissed, because court docs says Concord Management and Consulting and the Mueller team are due back in court on Aug. 17.

Report: Mueller's Indictment of Russian Company Is Facing Dismissal Over Legal Incompetence

The motion continues, “As such, Count One of the Indictment appears to be facially invalid because it fails to charge an essential element of the offense of conspiracy to defraud the United States by impairing, obstructing and defeating the functions of the FEC and the DOJ, that is, that the Defendant acted willfully, in this case meaning that Defendant was aware of the FEC and FARA requirements, agreed to violate those requirements, and ultimately acted with intent to violate those requirements.”

Concord Management’s Monday motion contains at least one reference to U.S. case law where similar indictments were dismissed because they failed to adequately track statutory language. In other words, Concord Management is arguing that Mueller and his army of attorneys charged Concord Management (and other Russian entities) with a vague-sounding “crime” that isn’t actually a crime.

In fact, Concord Management’s motion explicitly says as much, claiming, “[T]he DOJ never brought any case like the instant Indictment, that is, an alleged conspiracy by a foreign corporation to ‘interfere’ in a Presidential election by allegedly funding free speech. The obvious reason for this is that no such crime exists in the federal criminal code.”

Because Mueller’s indictment was apparently sloppy (or intentionally vague) in this regard, Concord Management is asking the court to inspect the language of the grand jury instructions–with the hope that the court agrees the indictment actually failed to include all of the elements of the crime charged. As the motion notes, under U.S. law, indictments must contain all such elements.}
Flynn's plea is in the same boat... looking forward to Mueller not producing tomorrow and seeing the case get tossed..

The 80s called...

The average age of Trump’s base is 80
As is the average IQ of the Democrat base.

And 10 points higher than Trump's base.
This thread proves otherwise.

Any time a Republican brings up Obama’s famous line about Russia during the 2nd 2012 presidential debate, and/or Ted Kennedy’s treasonous acts involving the Soviet Union, you idiots do nothing but deflect or run because you don’t have a real comeback due to Democrats’ shameful historical support of the Soviet Union.

I was being too generous with my estimation of your bases’ IQ to nullify your pathetic deflection.The average Democrat’s IQ is well below 80. That is the reason why you rely on censorship and a media monopoly, you are all idiots who are getting your asses handed to you every time you attempt to debate someone who isn’t a child.

Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)
I doubt Russia would want a communist to control America.

That would be very bad for them.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.

Russia has no business meddling in our elections and by the same token we have no business meddling in anyone else’s elections.
A big red-flag went up when Obama cancelled America's manned space flight program and made us dependent on the Russians to do just about anything.

Yet Trump is the one who colluded with Russia.

Not to mention Obama violated the supposed Separation of Church and State by making NASA support Muslims.
Honestly, if everyone was actually thinking logically, if Russia did anything, it was to hurt Hillary, not help Trump, that was just a byproduct of the actions.

Then why did they do it you ask? To get back at Hilly for screwing over one of their own, Marxist Bernie!

Lets face it, you are in a car race with people, and your brother is driving another car. Someone forces him off the road, you get upset, and force that person off the road. Stupid people say you did it to help the winner win. Smart people say...….you did it, so he wouldn't win, because he forced your brother off the road-)

Of course you're correct.

But that's not the point of this investigation.

Several posters have correctly noted that Russia's goal was to sow dissent and chaos into our electoral system.

Yet those same posters are attacking the Mueller commission for investigating Russian interference in the election.

I'm pointing out the rank hypocrisy of Trump's supporters by noting that had there been foreign interference in our election and Hillary won, they would have been screaming treason. But since their side won, they are minimizing and rationalizing Russia's interference.
A few years ago, Republicans would hammer Democrats for being soft on countries who attacked America.

Today they rationalize it.
Some maybe. Others, like myself, recognize that this nonsense is counterproductive. No one is going to jail because they were online trolls. They will never be brought to justice making this a big damn waste of my tax dollars. Also of note is the hypocrisy of Americans who ignore the fact that WE DO THIS VERY SAME SHIT TO OTHER NATIONS

This isn't about "trolls."

A foreign government attacked our democratic institutions in an attempt to damage our country.

But because the Republican candidate unexpectedly won - and that candidate is deified almost as a God by his base - Republicans are attacking the people who are investigating those who attacked our country.

A year ago, Trump's worshippers were saying that Russia didn't attack us, that this was all #fakenews. They aren't saying that anymore. Or at least most of them aren't.

Russia or the Soviet Union has been conducting espionage operations against the United States since the Russian revolution, and the Democrats never gave a damn until Hillary lost. In fact, the Dims even defended proven Russian spies alike Algier Hiss and all the scum who took the 5th at the McCarthy hearings and HUAC.

No one is buying their crocodile tears. If helping Russia undermine our elections would get them elected, they would do it in a heartbeat.
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the only russian collusion that has been going on since 2016 is the collusion between single american men and loose/lonely White Russian Women for sale on Amazon and Ebay
Not true. The indictment is very specific about who was doing what and when.

Lets take April 2016 for example.
On April 18, 2016, Papadopoulos meets with a Russian think tank.

On April 18, a Maltese national and so-called “professor” Joseph Mifsud introduced Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos to Ivan Timofeev, the director of a Russian government-controlled think tank called the Russian Government Affairs Council.
Less than a week later, Russian operatives hack the DNC computers.

The indictment says that “on or about April 22, 2016, the Conspirators compressed gigabytes of data from DNC computers, including opposition research.

3 days after that, Papadopoulos reports back to Stephan Miller.

On April 25, Papadopoulos reported to Trump campaign adviser Stephen Miller about his contacts with various Russians, including Timofeev.
Low and behold, the very next day, Trump shoots his big mouth off at a campaign rally saying he's going to have a great relationship with Russia.

On April 26, Trump gave a speech at Trump Tower after his victories in five East Coast primaries. Seemingly out of nowhere, he told the crowd, “We’re going to have a great relationship with Trump and Russia.”
Looks like Trump will be your bitch for a little dirt.
Russia or the Soviet Union has been conducting espionage operations against the United States since the Russian revolution, and the Democrats never gave a damn until Hillary lost. In fact, the Dims even defended proven Russian spies alike Algier Hiss and all the scum who took the 5th at the McCarthy hears and HUAC.

No one is buying their crocodile tears. If helping Russia undermine our elections would get them elected, they would do it in a heartbeat.

That's pretty amusing, given that a Democrat President led the wars against communist Vietnam, communist North Korea, and the Bay of Pigs, and imposed sanctions against the USSR after the invasion of Afghanistan.

If the Russians had hacked the RNC and Hillary got elected, I would be just as supportive of an investigation into Russian meddling as I am now. FFS if Hillary is convicted of anything, throw her ass in prison.

But the rule of law seems to be dependent on political affiliation to many Trump worshippers.
You are confusing the Russian collusion investigation with the Russian interference investigation.

The Russian collusion investigation has produced nothing.
And you're playing word games.

It's all right there in the latest indictment in very specific, day to day, living color.

When you track the actions taken by Russian intelligence in the indictment with statements made by Trump and actions taken on his behalf by members of his campaign, the picture is as clear as an iPhone photo. Agents of the Russian government coordinated with members of the Trump campaign and took cues from Trump himself in order to influence the election of 2016.
Time to embrace the horror, bitches!

Time to embrace the horror, bitches!

The voters rejected the whore bitch, twice!
Its boiling down to Russians acted on their own ( like they have for 60 years), and Trump won so lib loons connect dots that Trump won Because of Russians and they have imposed that disruptive fantasy upon America
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