Russian Connections to That FBI Informant

Just tugging your tampon, fuckboi.... don't get excited.
Keep your love life to yourself, Freakazoid. I am sure there are other sites you can go to to get your rocks off.
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LOL The Guardian. I'm sure Rawstory has confirmed he's Putin's son-in-law and Trump's Godchild.

You clearly have not been following the Biden investigations in Congress if you are parroting these particularly absurd Dem talking points.
I don't know anything about Dem talking points, as I don't get them or want them. I just follow the news, to an extent. Nothing I reported that has not been on FOX NEWS, or not accessible by internet to everybody on this message board. Sorry if it is inconvenient or counter to your preferred narrative, but I didn't get those talking points either.
Did you see those photo's with Putin and Trump standing next to each other and Trump has this big shit eating grin on his face?

As to your question why, you mother-fuckers are Russian kiss-asses from Trump on down. Every goddamn decision you fuckers make, every comment you make to the media and every action you take inthe House helps Russia in some way.

That's why, fuckface!

You sound like a Russian asset.
You felt the compulsion to get on here and tell us that you have a limited vocabulary and you don't understand big words?

Well, I'm proud of you. Is that one of the "Steps"? Admit there's a problem and then shit yourself in front of people that are clearly superior to you? Well, I hope the program works.

Putin is a human being... which puts him 50 clicks above you on the food chain. :laughing0301:

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Oh, did I hit a nerve. GFY slimeball.
Why? The russians just killed another Russian, just last week and have assasinate Russians others in several foreign countries including the US.
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If you are a rogue, communist, and then capitalist hard-line nation and terrorist state, willing to blatantly use your intelligence services in this manner, it is and has always been policy to silence anybody, anywhere that speaks or acts contrary to what the Russian government approves of.

Sure you do. You claimed he was a "Republican informant." Straight up Dem talking point.
Straight up, from news from the Republican house committee. They are the ones getting the goods. Their witness, not mine.
So it seems that the discredited”witness” that Comer was all excited about got his lies about the Biden’s and Burisma from

Yeah… the Russians

Sooner or later they’ll learn… I guess
Actually he was a reliable FBI witness. He would still be if he was testifying against Trump.
He may have been but he admitted lying here and says those lies came from Russian Intel
And Comer’s “case” has crumbled into sawdust
So it seems that the discredited”witness” that Comer was all excited about got his lies about the Biden’s and Burisma from

Yeah… the Russians

Sooner or later they’ll learn… I guess
So, when is the DOJ going to arrest those responsible for the Russian Collusion hoax on Trump?

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