Russian Connections to That FBI Informant

What they look like screaming "RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSIA!" at the sky and clawing at their faces again. :laughing0301:

The party that likes to fuck kids has ZERO credibility.

you look like this.jpg
It was either that or suicide.
Right. If he spills his guts to save his own ass, Putin and the Russians would suicide him in a heart beat. His last heart beat.
Simple. He has been touted highly by the Republican committee in the House

No he hasn't. I don't think anyone even knew his name before he was arrested. Republicans never asked him to testify, they never subpoenaed him. Their interest was in the FD-1023 that the Biden administration hid from Congress for more than a years and and took months and the threat of legal action to get them to release it.
Which I once found shocking

No longer.

I remember when I first heard the rumors that Russians were behind the attacks on Clinton just months before the 2016 election.

I was appalled and assumed Republicans would be as well.

Not so much
Liar and a moron. That's all you are lesh. Face it.
This is just the FBI doing the bidding of Sponge Brains Shits Pants.

Attention FBI: "Clean Up On Aisle 4...!!!"

Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into --

Longtime Democrat mega-donor and activist Bill Ackman said President Joe Biden is "done" and "handing the election to [Donald] Trump."

"Biden, I think, he's done," Ackman told a recent podcast posted Wednesday night to X. "I mean, it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing for the country having him as a presidential candidate, let alone the president of the country. It's crazy, and it's just going to get worse and worse."
First was the "Whistleblower" who was afraid for his life and refused to testify, turns out he was NOT only an arms dealer, but an asset PRC's Ministery for State Security. Now this Smirnov, ties to Russian Intelligence. The lies he told part were a Russian Disinformation Campaign . There zero credibility with this whole fucking thing.

So Comer Pyle has been left with D* *K in his hands. All his star witnesses a either an arms dealer with ties to the Communist Chinese Ministary for State Security OR man who has ties to the Russian FSB. Not to mention H.B.'s business partner who tesified that H.B. never took a bribe for BURISMA or used his father name to generate businees.

There was no bribe from BURISMA.

H.B.'s laptop was a bust.

No one to blow the off of the H.B. scandle.

Thank You For Playing Grasping For Straws.
No he hasn't. I don't think anyone even knew his name before he was arrested. Republicans never asked him to testify, they never subpoenaed him. Their interest was in the FD-1023 that the Biden administration hid from Congress for more than a years and and took months and the threat of legal action to get them to release it.
From the OP linked article:
Smirnov’s claims have been central to the Republican effort in Congress to investigate the president and his family,
From the OP linked article:
Smirnov’s claims have been central to the Republican effort in Congress to investigate the president and his family,
LOL The Guardian. I'm sure Rawstory has confirmed he's Putin's son-in-law and Trump's Godchild.

You clearly have not been following the Biden investigations in Congress if you are parroting these particularly absurd Dem talking points.
So it seems that the discredited”witness” that Comer was all excited about got his lies about the Biden’s and Burisma from

Yeah… the Russians

Sooner or later they’ll learn… I guess

Expect to see much more of this as Biden's poll numbers worsen.

In the meantime...

LOL The Guardian. I'm sure Rawstory has confirmed he's Putin's son-in-law and Trump's Godchild.

You clearly have not been following the Biden investigations in Congress if you are parroting these particularly absurd Dem talking points.

He is a Democrat talking point.
So what ever happened to Mr. Steele and the Russians who made up the Steele Dossier?
Are they still in prison somewhere?
Lets see, that's a tough one......oh yeah, nothing happened....

"After about nine hours of deliberations, a federal jury acquitted Russian policy researcher Igor Danchenko on Tuesday on four felony false-statement charges brought as part of Durham's probe of misinformation that triggered the FBI probe of former President Donald Trump's 2016 campaign."
Their conspiracy theories just keep getting knocked down and debunked, and they just don't care.

They're so damn weak.
LOL First he was a "star" witness. They he has a "key" witness. Now he's just a witness. I do love when DEmocrat propaganda implodes of it's own weight.
Here's a question.....

How does the FBI know Smirnov lied? How?

What sources, what evidence?

Why aren't they disclosing the evidence?

Why did the FBI take four fucking years to go after him? What were his motives to lie?

Why did it take four fucking years to charge him?

Did he make a profit for lying?

Why did it take four fucking years to charge him?

Was he a Russian asset all along?

Why did it take four fucking years to charge him?

Was Smirnov being paid by the Russians?

Why did it take four fucking years to get him?

Is it because Vlad is just oh-so scared of Sponge Brains Shits Pants?

Why did it take four fucking years?

This thing stinks.

dimocraps are scum, and the FBI is finished. They will be displaced. At the very least, I see a top to bottom shake up. Not just senior management, all through the entire ranks of the FBI, heads are gonna roll. I believe the whole, entire way the FBI recruits and operates will change dramatically once the criminals and dimocraps are removed from power.
You really have some of the stupidest fucking opinions on here..
Why? The russians just killed another Russian, just last week and have assasinate Russians others in several foreign countries including the US.


If you are a rogue, communist, and then capitalist hard-line nation and terrorist state, willing to blatantly use your intelligence services in this manner, it is and has always been policy to silence anybody, anywhere that speaks or acts contrary to what the Russian government approves of.

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