Russian Connections to That FBI Informant

Not so......

Former Attorney General William Barr had tasked Pittsburgh with screening information related to Ukraine, which agents did with the FD-1023. Among other things, the Pennsylvania-based office obtained travel records of the confidential human source (CHS) and communicated with the CHS’s handler, with the information obtained consistent with Smirnov’s representations in the FD-1023. In screening the material, the U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh, Scott Brady, also vetted the FD-1023 “against known sources of Russian disinformation,” and found no connection. Accordingly, Pittsburgh closed out its screening process and forwarded the material to Delaware, recommending that Weiss’s team investigate the allegations.

I noticed neither was yours which you posted.

Like you said....had nothing to do with Weiss.
So are you saying Brady is incompetent or is Weiss?
There was no link in that paragraph.
There are links in several places in the article....that's why words are red. They will take you to other articles she has do some reading of several articles and you can figure it out for yourself.

So are you saying Brady is incompetent or is Weiss?
Looks like the whole friggin' gov't system is.
He lied to the FBI about the $5m Biden got from Burisma.
HOW do they know he lied??

And does anybody think the FBI would open an investigation into the President's son based only on the word of a paid snitch??

The (soon to be gone) FBI is trying to de-rail the investigation in to the Biden Crime Family. Because, quite simply, they're in on it.

That should be apparent to anybody that pays attention. dimocrap scumbag or otherwise, it's as obvious as can be that the FBI has become the Stasi of the the DNC. They no lnger represent the American People, they work for the DNC.
He likely got information from the Russians but it's still a stretch to say it was lies.

Such is the power of government and agencies to be able to spin information to make if favourable to a president.
It was lies.

Lies that contradicted facts, lies that the source could not back up in any way, lies that he eventually ADMITTED to be sourced from Russian intelligence officers.

Not a single Republican involved in their impeachment effort is now trying to refute that it was lies.

So at what point do you stop grasping at straws and admit that it was lies?
There are links in several places in the article....that's why words are red. They will take you to other articles she has do some reading of several articles and you can figure it out for yourself.

Looks like the whole friggin' gov't system is.
Well certainly the current majority in the house is!
It was lies.

Lies that contradicted facts, lies that the source could not back up in any way, lies that he eventually ADMITTED were gotten directly from Russian intelligence officers.

Not a single Republican involved in their impeachment effort is trying to refute that it was lies.

Exactly, the vodka guy even said he was lying and MAGAGATARDS say "nah."

The fact is that Alexander Smirnov is completely discredited, his claims are devoid of merit.
That's an example of the power of government that is counter-spinning that truth on behalf of their president.

Smirinov doesn't stand a chance and neither did the Steele documents on the pissing hookers case
He’s useless as any sort of witness in any proceeding – he simply can’t be believed.
Even the written hard evidence against the Bidens is useless against the power of the state.
So it seems that the discredited”witness” that Comer was all excited about got his lies about the Biden’s and Burisma from

Yeah… the Russians

Sooner or later they’ll learn… I guess
The FBI had this Russian asset on their payroll for more than a decade? And they never figured it out? Doesn't give you much faith in the FBI, does it?
Now they're trying to keep him in jail so he doesn't tell his side of the story..

No it isn't. Smirnoff was only one small piece of the puzzle. The only reason they may not go the impeachment route is the number of GOP seats and getting them all to go for an impeachment vote.
Weeks of televised public hearings would be fine.
The FBI had this Russian asset on their payroll for more than a decade? And they never figured it out? Doesn't give you much faith in the FBI, does it?
Well that's the counterspun story from the FBI at least.
If I was an America I would have great faith in the FBI's ability to counterspin the truth on behalf of their president.

It's foolish of the R party to take on impeachment. It's a make-believe remedy that can't succeed against propaganda and the media's barrage to back it up, as we saw last night and will hear again tonight.
It was lies.

Lies that contradicted facts, lies that the source could not back up in any way, lies that he eventually ADMITTED to be sourced from Russian intelligence officers.

Not a single Republican involved in their impeachment effort is now trying to refute that it was lies.

So at what point do you stop grasping at straws and admit that it was lies?
Ya'all are being pranked by the FBI and government Anton.
But the R party had it coming for challenging government and the president. That a fight that can't be won. Some more subtle means must be employed.

It could be that the only possibility of defeating the propaganda, turns out to be something similar to Trump's Jan. 6 attempt. There are few remedies left after the FBI/government play the spy card.

Don't be biased in your thinking. The system is set up to save Trump too by delaying.
That situation is now limited to government's use of violent measures, most likely.
Well that's the counterspun story from the FBI at least.
If I was an America I would have great faith in the FBI's ability to counterspin the truth on behalf of their president.

It's foolish of the R party to take on impeachment. It's a make-believe remedy that can't succeed against propaganda and the media's barrage to back it up, as we saw last night and will hear again tonight.
Weeks of public hearings, ala Nancy and Liz's January 6th Lallapalooza. MSNBC and CNN can refuse to cover them, but they will be ceding all their ratings to Fox
Sure sure nutbag, it's all a big bad conspiracy, not obvious facts.

Whatever you say.
I'm not really up on the details enough to know whether or not the FBI has devised a plan to deal with him? They have one of their agents incriminated now but the ultimate punishment of long prison time can't be appropriate.

I prisoner swap with Russia would work, but that needs Russia to go along with it.

My best guess is that the FBI will propose a swap publicly and then blame Russia for not being interested. Perhaps for Whelan?
I'm not really up on the details enough to know whether or not the FBI has devised a plan to deal with him? They have one of their agents incriminated now but the ultimate punishment of long prison time can't be appropriate.

Then how about you get up on the details instead of posting ignorant conspiratorial garbage?

Source was not "one of their agents" it was an informant named Alexander Smirnov, who was now criminally charged for lying to FBI investigators.
Then how about you get up on the details instead posting ignorant garbage?

Source was not "one of their agents" it was an informant named Alexander Smirnov, who was now criminally charged for lying to FBI investigators.
Well that was the question wasn't it!
Whether or not he was an FBI agent, an FBI asset, or an asset who was turned?

And to the point, or more to your point, he's charged but not convicted.

At least not 'actually' convicted but to your point, as good as convicted!

This is the way it works Anton, but it's good to be able to discuss it, because Americans are very interested now in hearing an alternative POV to dispute the government and their spooks.
Well that was the question wasn't it!
Whether or not he was an FBI agent, an FBI asset, or an asset who was turned?

And to the point, or more to your point, he's charged but not convicted.

At least not 'actually' convicted but to your point, as good as convicted!

This is the way it works Anton, but it's good to be able to discuss it, because Americans are very interested now in hearing an alternative POV to dispute the government and their spooks.

Criminal charges don't brought nilly-willy.

Federal prosecutors are usually pretty damn sure they can get a conviction for them to be bringing a case, thats why they have 90+% conviction rates.

Here is the Grand Jury indictment brought against Smirnov on Feb 15th, read it and stop posting bs:

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Dummy, criminal charges don't brought nilly-willy.
Federal prosecutors are usually pretty damn sure they can get a conviction for them to be bringing a case, thats why they have 90+% conviction rates.
The power of the establishment and the defense of a president would likely make it closer to 100. I would make it 100 if it's pursued publicly, but I won't make it 100 on account of it being lost under some carpet.
Here is the Grand Jury indictment brought against Smirnov on Feb 15th, read it and stop posting bs:
Yes, for public consumption and so there's at least a chance of a show trial. And him being locked up and serving time is probably at least 5 years off.
Get back to me then with your proof.
I think you know how the system works as well as I.

At least Whelan will come home when America ups the ante of spy for spy. America doesn't get Whelan for some American tourist of basketball player!

Which makes this one of interest! America could keep this hot in the news by offering him for Whelan.

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