Russian Connections to That FBI Informant

Yes, for public consumption and so there's at least a chance of a show trial.

....Grand Jury who recommended indictments against Smirnov IS the public, just like citizen jurors who will convict him during trial will be.

Take your ignorant made-up nutbag bullshit and shove it up your ass already. You obviously don't know anything about the American justice system.
....Grand Jury who recommended indictments against Smirnov IS the public, just like citizen jurors who will convict him during trial will be. Take your ignorant made-up nutbag bullshit and shove it up your ass already. You obviously don't know anything about the American justice system.
What we do know about the "US Justice System" is that DC Grand Juries are democrat "kangaroo courts".
What we do know about the "US Justice System" is that DC Grand Juries are democrat "kangaroo courts".


No other word comes to mind more readily when reading such shitting on American justice system by so called "patriots" that degenerate into braindead partisan tools like you.

Smirnov provably lied to investigators and would be convicted for it no matter where he is tried in America.
Y'know, this could not have gone any worse for the orange cult. Not only is the "highly credible" (so said Fox) FBI "informant" a fucking liar, but he has close ties to -- wait for it -- the Russians, which directly means Putin.

That's pretty much the worst fucking news they could have gotten. Lies, Putin and their media.

And how do they react? Any admissions? Any contrition? Any humility? I know the Office of the Presidency no longer holds any decency or dignity for them, but have they acted human at all about this?

No. Of course not. They can't just be decent, honest adults. They just keep attacking and accusing. I guess this should be funny, but it isn't.
Your side are Lying Fucks. Why would we listen to you.

You ever verified Steele. NOPE

Just another Gas Lighting thread.
Imagine a Soviet plant giving false information about Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neal trying to impeach him over it.

The Republican Party has gone Full Retard. Why? Because the MAGA base is full on 100% retarded.
Tell us about Steele
No other word comes to mind more readily when reading such shitting on American justice system by so called "patriots" that degenerate into braindead partisan tools like you.Smirnov provably lied to investigators and would be convicted for it no matter where he is tried in America.
The truth is the truth.
The Lawfare system is a democrat standard, i.e. "double standard"
NY passed a Bill just to get Trump (extending expired statute of limitations)

Smirnov was a highly rated FBI source for 14 years, but now democrats say he's a liar, because he told the truth about Biden.
p.s. the "lie" is not proven yet.
From JVL’s newsletter yesterday

We now have testimony from Alexander Smirnov that he was in regular contact with Russian intelligence and that Russian assets provided him with the (bogus) material on Joe and Hunter Biden that he passed on to the FBI.​

The Russian intelligence service’s ongoing Trump operations are the most successful campaign in the history of spycraft.​

Consider three aspects of these operations:​

(1) In 2016, they helped elect Trump, a pliant, pro-Russian president, and in the process transformed the official position of the Republican party from hostility to Russian interests to friendly indifference.​

(2) In 2020 they planted disinformation that would eventually lead the House of Representatives to attempt an impeachment of President Biden.​

But here’s the part that really impresses:​

(3) These operations were conceived and executed in such a manner that it did not matter—at all—if they were exposed.​

Think about it: We now know a great deal about what Russia did in these incidents. What price has Putin paid for the operations? None.​

Even more importantly: What has been the practical impact on the operations themselvesfollowing their exposure? Again, none.​

Has the exposure of the operations turned the Republican party against Russia? No.​

Has the exposure of the operations hampered the attempt to weaken President Biden politically? No.​

Has the exposure of the operations decreased the odds that Trump—Russia’s preferred candidate—will return to the presidency? Absolutely not.​
Source was not "one of their agents" it was an informant named Alexander Smirnov, who was now criminally charged for lying to FBI investigators.
After years of being the bestest FBI source they ever had..........the premier law enforcement agency in the world has egg on their faces once again, but it's the republicans fault.
After years of being the bestest FBI source they ever had..........the premier law enforcement agency in the world has egg on their faces once again, but it's the republicans fault.

"bestest"? Where do you get nonsense like this?

Republicans knew he was a sketchball and they knew that in no way has FBI corroborated his claims.

Republicans took it on themselves to publicize raw notes from his interview with FBI and base their impeachment effort on it. The eggs are on their face obviously.
Here is the Grand Jury indictment brought against Smirnov on Feb 15th, read it and stop posting bs
Kinda funny, for about two decades the guy was an impeccable source of info for FBI, suddenly, has poop on Biden, he's arrested.

He going to go the Epstein/Navalny route next?
Kinda funny, for about two decades the guy was an impeccable source of info for FBI, suddenly, has poop on Biden, he's arrested.

He going to go the Epstein/Navalny route next?

Umm yea, you don't get indicted untill you break the law.

Crazy concept, I know.
Umm yea, you don't get indicted untill you break the law.

Most, if not all the indictment is based on is conflicting dates of his reports to his handler. Questionable statements too.

During this call, there was a brief, non-relevant discussion
about [Public Official 1]'s son, [Businessperson 1], who is
currently on the Board of Directors for Burisma Holdings [No
Further Information].

That's the part of the call where he said Hunter was dumber than his dog....

Then there's this to get around:

Notably, the Defendant did not report in 2017 that
in the preceding two years, Burisma Official 1 admitted to the Defendant
that he had paid Public Official 1 $5 million when Public Official 1
was still in office, as the Defendant later claimed.

Not much mention of the payment other than US claims it was false with no supporting findings.

All these things are on tapes. This will be interesting. Especially if Comer and Jordan have wire transfers through the shell companies.

Federal prosecutors are usually pretty damn sure they can get a conviction for them to be bringing a case, thats why they have 90+% conviction rates.
The reason Feds have a high conviction rate is they go after one with mind boggling charges and sentences only to reduce them drastically if you take their plea deal.....even knowing you are innocent but don't have the resources to defend yourself against them.
Most, if not all the indictment is based on is conflicting dates of his reports to his handler. Questionable statements too.

During this call, there was a brief, non-relevant discussion
about [Public Official 1]'s son, [Businessperson 1], who is
currently on the Board of Directors for Burisma Holdings [No
Further Information].

That's the part of the call where he said Hunter was dumber than his dog....

Then there's this to get around:

Notably, the Defendant did not report in 2017 that
in the preceding two years, Burisma Official 1 admitted to the Defendant
that he had paid Public Official 1 $5 million when Public Official 1
was still in office, as the Defendant later claimed.

Not much mention of the payment other than US claims it was false with no supporting findings.

All these things are on tapes. This will be interesting. Especially if Comer and Jordan have wire transfers through the shell companies.

The reason Feds have a high conviction rate is they go after one with mind boggling charges and sentences only to reduce them drastically if you take their plea deal.....even knowing you are innocent but don't have the resources to defend yourself against them.

I’m not even going to waste my time with your half baked bs.

When he gets convicted or pleads guilty you’ll know you are wrong.
I’m not even going to waste my time with your half baked bs.

When he gets convicted or pleads guilty you’ll know you are wrong.
Like I said, nothing much about the 5mil payments other than they were false. Looking just like a process crime all over again. Go read the indictment, it's only 37 pages....with pictures too.

Fed specialty.

You do know there are tapes of his conversations, don't you?

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