Russian fake news helped elect Donnie

Wake up and realize why Trump was elected. Lol. You insult the American people endlessly.
And in other news the sun is bright.

It is clear for anyone with a brain that the Russians meddled in this election.

So and those that voted for Clinton believe that fake news cost Clinton the election?

I mean you believe the fact she was tainted by the Primary or the many years of investigation or the fact she was duped into voting for the Iraq Resolution ( because according to your side the idiot Bush lied to her ) and Patriot act had nothing to do with it but fake news was the real culprit behind her failing to win...

Hate to tell you she lost the electoral college because of her, the fact she was riding President Obama coattails and many see Clinton for what she really is and that is a political whore of a twat and fake news had very little to do with it but keep on telling yourself that is the reason while you live in denial!
It is clear for anyone with a brain that the Russians meddled in this election.

On both sides, then....

Putin on Trump's side and the philosophies of Marx and Stalin as the basis for everything Hillary believes in. :)
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Yes keep insulting the voting public that will get you the White House back in 2020.
2020 is already lost to democrats. They don't have a candidate. The entire democrat leadership is ancient and tired. They had a chance to dump 76 year old Nancy Pelosi and passed.
Damn dudes
Russia cant hack hillarys private server but they can hack 1000s of electoral voting machines?
Why did Putin want the Orange Clown in the White House? Simple answer. Putee now has an agent in the Oval Office.
If one is,to accept these things as fake news, why wasn't the Clinton campaign able to easily and quickly debunk these stories?

Hard to debunk something when the entire GOP is claiming it is true. Trump claimed the birth certificate was a fake for almost 8 years, and that was obviously bullshit.

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