Russian nuclear warships within a skipping stone's throw of the US

LOL they are international waters. We don't get to control them and it isn't like we don't do it to other nations too. If nothing else it gives our subtracker crews some real world experience finding and tracking them.
You'll excuse me if that's not exactly consoling Deks......~S~
You're probably right.
No he is not right. this was not a beauty pageant.
Other people agree. Frankeneinstein

this creep mocks people based on their looks. Simple as that. There were a mix of colors shapes and sizes.
It is not like a 400 pound female won the prize and the rest were all "10's".
Yup, permanent global war. That's how the Bidens and the Clintons and the Obamas and the Bushes stay rich.
yeah, they are part of the "War Machines", but don't be angry.. Same with the Bushes and Cheney. The are all in on it.
When elected, I said "pretty sure we are not going to start another war" I was tired of that shit.
You'll excuse me if that's not exactly consoling Deks......~S~

Reality rarely is. Although when I see stories like this I don't wonder what Russia is up to. I wonder what the US is up to by making a deal out out of something that shouldn't be a big deal. Anyway, a buddy of mine used to be in the Nightdippers in the Navy. They used to go out and sub hunt regularly when they weren't sent overseas.
Reality rarely is. Although when I see stories like this I don't wonder what Russia is up to. I wonder what the US is up to by making a deal out out of something that shouldn't be a big deal. Anyway, a buddy of mine used to be in the Nightdippers in the Navy. They used to go out and sub hunt regularly when they weren't sent overseas.
well i wish your nightidipper pal and all his mates the best Deks, they are our defenders.

Is this a 'big deal' , should we be counting the cans of beans in our basements?

I'd only say the world is turning quicker that i can possibly keep up with......

well i wish your nightidipper pal and all his mates the best Deks, they are our defenders.

Is this a 'big deal' , should we be counting the cans of beans in our basements?

I'd only say the world is turning quicker that i can possibly keep up with......


Live somewhere the Russians won't care to waste a nuke on and you can go back to sleeping better at night I guess. As for cans of beans, I would rather go in the first volley if there ever is one, but I am a resourceful one if not. I would rather not have to go all Daniel Boone but I could keep us going awhile thanks to one half of my family tree being mountain people and the other half being just spendthrifts. Been working in gardens and on farms since in diapers and used to be a pretty crack shot though I haven't in a long time.
I also believe we should never confuse Joe Biden with JFK.
Well, the similarities are glaring. For example:
Kennedy had the Bay of Pigs fiasco as his backstory in 1962 while Biden has his role in the 2014 coup in Ukraine, and his dismal failure in Afghanistan in 2021.
That's one. But the dissimilarity is the fact that Biden is a rag doll in the hands of the Deep State while Kennedy still had a degree of stamina.
Kennedy and his Soviet counterpart, Nikita Khrushchev, were communicating multiple times every day; Biden has not spoken to Putin for months.
Biden can’t. He is illiterate by way of senility.
I don't think Biden and his handlers believe he can afford to lose another war in an election year.
His "handlers" may eventually off him anyway. There are plenty of scapegoats to pin it on and that would count as another similarity that offers an acceptable retreat.
This year's October Surprise might be the biggest of all time? :Boom2:
I don't think it will happen. Committing themselves to an all out war against Russia is something few NATO nations are prepared to do and the likelihood of winning is slim. Macron is threatening Putin but he's standing behind Washington, shouting over its shoulder. The Deep State might want to deal the cards one more round, maybe even another but victory either way would cut the legs out from under the Military-Industrial Complex. Doing Biden in and/or suing for peace is probably the only option to keep them in business. Perpetual war is the name of their game and an all out brawl with Russia will put an end to it.
No he is not right. this was not a beauty pageant.
Other people agree. Frankeneinstein

this creep mocks people based on their looks. Simple as that. There were a mix of colors shapes and sizes.
It is not like a 400 pound female won the prize and the rest were all "10's".
You'll have to take the details up with him but I do agree with Alex's gripe about "inclusiveness" being more important than anything else on the board of qualifications. On the other hand I agree with you about mocking people's looks.
You'll have to take the details up with him but I do agree with Alex's gripe about "inclusiveness" being more important than anything else on the board of qualifications. On the other hand I agree with you about mocking people's looks.
These people are so ignorant, they don't know the difference.
Lying to Russia since the 90s and ignoring its demands - US Senator on the causes of the conflict in Ukraine
he Deep State might want to deal the cards one more round, maybe even another but victory either way would cut the legs out from under the Military-Industrial Complex. Doing Biden in and/or suing for peace is probably the only option to keep them in business. Perpetual war is the name of their game and an all out brawl with Russia will put an end to it.
Imho, the Deep State exists to preserve vast private fortunes (individual and corporate) which likely would not exist without eternal war and odious debt. For thousands of years wars have been waged for material gain (profit) for a few that comes from mass murder, maiming, and displacement of millions. Maybe it's time for a Death Tax on all war profits after the death of the first innocent civilian?
The Russians can do on the east coast what the Chinese do on the west coast. Have boats discharge their military on the beaches and call them migrants.
You provoked it, America, and Putin warned you time and time again. Russia has my support as it did in 1962. Moscow is no longer "the bad guy". America is.

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The Party of War, the Democrats owns this proliferation. They were all too happy to start shipping hundreds of billions in dollars and weaponry. Now Russia has their warships hanging out in Cuba. Whatcha gonna do now Biden?
It can. It's up to the US to pull out of Ukraine. It's that simple.

Y'all don't want to get into a naval war with the US. You've got one cold water port. Vladivostok. The US has literally dozens, spanning 3 coasts. That's not even counting our allies.

The US navy dwarfs yours. By an order of magnitude. You're outmatched technologically. For fuck's sake, Ukraine already sank your flagship using US technology. Its clearly not that hard. Worse, you're ludicrously far from your supply lines.

From top to bottom, its a bad idea.
Y'all don't want to get into a naval war with the US. You've got one cold water port. Vladivostok. The US has literally dozens, spanning 3 coasts. That's not even counting our allies.

The US navy dwarfs yours. By an order of magnitude. You're outmatched technologically. For fuck's sake, Ukraine already sank your flagship using US technology. Its clearly not that hard. Worse, you're ludicrously far from your supply lines.

From top to bottom, its a bad idea.
Do you see anyone standing behind me?

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