Russian nuclear warships within a skipping stone's throw of the US

What's the use of those in this day and age? One Zircon up and a carrier down. They are not drowned yet so long as there's no all out war. As soon as it breaks they'll be sleeping with fishes.
What they are good at is siphoning money from your military budget and making someone rich.
LOL... its a pretty silly thought but its what passes for Russian “pride” these days. Empty threats and ridiculous promises.
Exactly. It is a carbon copy of what happended in 1962. American missiles in Turkey ..... so Soviet missiles were placed in Cuba. The US backed down that time.We'll see what happens this time.

I think it's obvious now.

Could be they believe it, yes.

He can't afford to even if he wanted to. In any case, Putin is going to repond in a way that no one ever dreamed. Of all the world leaders he is the smartest. He'll have us looking in one direction then strike from the other. The collective West (by US orchestration) sees everything in two possibilities but Russians are masters of 3-D chess.
And yet the Ukrainian army is killing a great many of your soldiers....Ukraine. LOL
I thought the three of us were on the same non-WOKE side.
Alexander mocks women for being fat, and I don't mock people based on their looks.
For that reason I am "woke". I got other things to concentrate on then mocking fat women.
That's the way I see it.
You don't see anything your boss doesn't tell you Comrade.

Soviet ships in the Caribbean are routine. Your country calls them Russian now. OK.
Cuba was always a port for them.

Your sabre rattling is nothing. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are startign to hit your Russian airfields, Comrade.
LOL... its a pretty silly thought but its what passes for Russian “pride” these days. Empty threats and ridiculous promises.
I'm aware of your pride these days.
That's the only thing that's left of your army. You need men to fight, not the woke trash.
xactly. It is a carbon copy of what happended in 1962. American missiles in Turkey ..... so Soviet missiles were placed in Cuba. The US backed down that time.We'll see what happens this time
I also believe we should never confuse Joe Biden with JFK.

Kennedy had the Bay of Pigs fiasco as his backstory in 1962 while Biden has his role in the 2014 coup in Ukraine, and his dismal failure in Afghanistan in 2021.

Kennedy and his Soviet counterpart, Nikita Khrushchev, were communicating multiple times every day; Biden has not spoken to Putin for months.

I don't think Biden and his handlers believe he can afford to lose another war in an election year.

This year's October Surprise might be the biggest of all time? :Boom2:

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