Russian offensive in Bakhmut stalled. Russian casualties sky high


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2019
Multiple reports of Russian casualties being extremely high in number. Russian bloggers are criticizing the failures. Previously media reports signaled a Russian advantage but the latest few days report that the tide has turned due to these Russian casualties and failures:

What an amazing super power Russia is!

Their Shock and Awe military doctrine is in full swing!

Hell, France could have beaten Ukraine by now and done it more efficiently.
Multiple reports of Russian casualties being extremely high in number. Russian bloggers are criticizing the failures. Previously media reports signaled a Russian advantage but the latest few days report that the tide has turned due to these Russian casualties and failures:

Russia loses one million fighters for one single Ukrainian in Bakhmut, even though they are untrained kiddies and grannies without any outside support.
Oh, wait here is an update: two million Russians now for each Ukrainian.

People are dumb as shit, man. They will believe that. Each day Wagner doesn´t take over something in Bakhmut, we get "offensive stalled" news from idiots for idiots.
Russia loses one million fighters for one single Ukrainian in Bakhmut, even though they are untrained kiddies and grannies without any outside support.
Oh, wait here is an update: two million Russians now for each Ukrainian.

People are dumb as shit, man. They will believe that. Each day Wagner doesn´t take over something in Bakhmut, we get "offensive stalled" news from idiots for idiots.
Well, the offensive obviously IS stalled. It’s stalled a lot. It’s been over a year. What else would you call it?
Well, the offensive obviously IS stalled. It’s stalled a lot. It’s been over a year. What else would you call it?
It is since december. Wagner recently made gains, controls 70 % of the city. Now you have several possible reasons for why the "offensive" is "stalled".

- Wagner is taking a rest after gains
- Wagner has reached a natural obstacle
- Wagner fears counter offensive (80000 troops present according to Wagner) and considers even withdrawal.

But not: Wagner suffers incredible losses, sky high, moon high or whatever. Listen to Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut, then you can´t believe such superlatives anymore:
Meh, the Russians can replace their losses, the Ukes not so much so it does not really matter where the Ukes feed-in their troops. The whole point is to keep draining Uke strength.
Meh, the Russians can replace their losses, the Ukes not so much so it does not really matter where the Ukes feed-in their troops. The whole point is to keep draining Uke strength.
Ukraine can also replace their fallen, with unlawful methods. Russia wants to hire 400.000 contract soldiers this year, instead.
.....What else would you call it?
How about regrouping?

So far neither side has succeeded since Feb. 2022 in any encircling maneuver. Interestingly it is the RF operational field command, that has now got to the point of successfully executing flanking maneuvers - e,g, at Bahkmut and Avdiivka - however still lacking the strength and tactical ability towards encirclement.
Unless the RF can encircle and as such prevent the UAF from reinforcing it's extensive and since 8 years prepared positions in e.g. Bahkmut - it would be stupid to continue the ground offensive towards Bahkmut itself. The RF should have called it off already a week ago, when the progress in the flanks started to halt.

It will be interesting however to observe further progress in the RF towards enhancing tactical abilities in ground offensives.
How about regrouping?

So far neither side has succeeded since Feb. 2022 in any encircling maneuver. Interestingly it is the RF operational field command, that has now got to the point of successfully executing flanking maneuvers - e,g, at Bahkmut and Avdiivka - however still lacking the strength and tactical ability towards encirclement.
Unless the RF can encircle and as such prevent the UAF from reinforcing it's extensive and since 8 years prepared positions in e.g. Bahkmut - it would be stupid to continue the ground offensive towards Bahkmut itself. The RF should have called it off already a week ago, when the progress in the flanks started to halt.

It will be interesting however to observe further progress in the RF towards enhancing tactical abilities in ground offensives.
The bottom line is that for eight months the Russian military has thrown the very best it has against the Ukrainians at Bakhmut and has failed to capture it. This failure, the latest in a long list of failures dating from day one of the invasion, has caused the world to reevaluate the Russian military downward so that Ukrainian allies who would not even discuss the liberation of occupied Crimea a few months ago and now talking about it being feasible. Clearly, Putin has lost the PR war and the Russian military will be unable to prevail on the battlefield, so the only real question is, how much more damage to Russia will the Russian people and leaders allow Putin to do before acknowledging defeat and withdrawing from Ukraine to save what is left of Russia?
The simple fact is that Russia is being supplied with droves of Nazi supporters daily who are mown to shreds with little effort .

The nominal Ukey forces try to advance and the artillery blows them into little pieces . Day in and day out . Same routine .

Casualty ratio as high as 1 Russian to 15 Nazis.

The Nazis ran out of a real presence some time ago and now it is mercenaries who are being ground up by the Russian mince machine .
The bottom line is that for eight months the Russian military has thrown the very best it has against the Ukrainians at Bakhmut and has failed to capture it.
8 month? you might just as well ignorantly claim 8 years since 2014.

The actual ground attack onto Bahkmut-West itself, just got started barley 6 weeks ago. Before that was the approach towards Bahkmut crossing the M-03 and occupying it's areas East of the Bahkmut river, plus the successful taking of the flanks incl. Soledar, Krashna Hora and e.g. Klishiivka starting December 2022 and the RF is still holding these flanks - where is the successful UAF counter attack or a UAF victory in all this? The UAF has been constantly beaten and in retreat since December 2022 - non stop. Just because the UAF is still clinging on to what? 30-50% of Bahkmut you propagate all this western Media bull... ?

The very best? the Wagner Force is dispensable - no one in Russia or any common family in Russia cares as to how many of them die - that is why the RF is deploying them in every major assault.
You don't seem to know - what RF forces the RF is actually deploying at e.g. Bahkmut, do you? - only what the Western Media tells you.
This failure, the latest in a long list of failures dating from day one of the invasion, has caused the world to reevaluate the Russian military downward so that Ukrainian allies who would not even discuss the liberation of occupied Crimea a few months ago and now talking about it being feasible.
You like so many other people are continuously confusing Western Media nonsense with the opinions and assessments by actual military experts within NATO and other countries. These people do not agree at all with the Western Media bulls…
Any military related person will testify to you, that the inefficiency of the Russian military was known since the early 70’ies and was again displayed as latest as during the Caucasus interventions.

The BTG concept introduced from 2005 onward even worsened the Russian situation since it is totally inadequate towards a war such as in Ukraine. NATO is also now due to this war, aware of its own inappropriate BTG concept. But they have and are still training the UAF according to that concept. This explains as to why the UAF got nothing to show for since Feb. 2022, aside from occupying territories that the RF had abandoned – mostly without even putting up a fight during their retreat.
Clearly, Putin has lost the PR war and the Russian military will be unable to prevail on the battlefield, so the only real question is, how much more damage to Russia will the Russian people and leaders allow Putin to do before acknowledging defeat and withdrawing from Ukraine to save what is left of Russia?
Keep dreaming, or rather keep listening to the Western Media.
Multiple reports of Russian casualties being extremely high in number. Russian bloggers are criticizing the failures. Previously media reports signaled a Russian advantage but the latest few days report that the tide has turned due to these Russian casualties and failures:

This thread was useful in discovering a Russian troll who has shown extreme interest in Russian affairs. Welcome Kruska:
8 month? you might just as well ignorantly claim 8 years since 2014.

The actual ground attack onto Bahkmut-West itself, just got started barley 6 weeks ago. Before that was the approach towards Bahkmut crossing the M-03 and occupying it's areas East of the Bahkmut river, plus the successful taking of the flanks incl. Soledar, Krashna Hora and e.g. Klishiivka starting December 2022 and the RF is still holding these flanks - where is the successful UAF counter attack or a UAF victory in all this? The UAF has been constantly beaten and in retreat since December 2022 - non stop. Just because the UAF is still clinging on to what? 30-50% of Bahkmut you propagate all this western Media bull... ?

The very best? the Wagner Force is dispensable - no one in Russia or any common family in Russia cares as to how many of them die - that is why the RF is deploying them in every major assault.
You don't seem to know - what RF forces the RF is actually deploying at e.g. Bahkmut, do you? - only what the Western Media tells you.

You like so many other people are continuously confusing Western Media nonsense with the opinions and assessments by actual military experts within NATO and other countries. These people do not agree at all with the Western Media bulls…
Any military related person will testify to you, that the inefficiency of the Russian military was known since the early 70’ies and was again displayed as latest as during the Caucasus interventions.

The BTG concept introduced from 2005 onward even worsened the Russian situation since it is totally inadequate towards a war such as in Ukraine. NATO is also now due to this war, aware of its own inappropriate BTG concept. But they have and are still training the UAF according to that concept. This explains as to why the UAF got nothing to show for since Feb. 2022, aside from occupying territories that the RF had abandoned – mostly without even putting up a fight during their retreat.

Keep dreaming, or rather keep listening to the Western Media.
Hey Kruska. Your archive shows a very interesting obsession with Russia, for some strange reason.
How's the weather in Saint Petesburg? Watch out, Putin might draft you soon.
Here's just so you know that I found you pretending Russia "won" Bakhmut while the battle had just begun:
May we know how many Rubles they pay you?
Multiple reports of Russian casualties being extremely high in number. Russian bloggers are criticizing the failures. Previously media reports signaled a Russian advantage but the latest few days report that the tide has turned due to these Russian casualties and failures:

How can this be? We have been assured that the Russians already won there.
Compare and contrast this thread headline with this one’s headline:

8 month? you might just as well ignorantly claim 8 years since 2014.

The actual ground attack onto Bahkmut-West itself, just got started barley 6 weeks ago. Before that was the approach towards Bahkmut crossing the M-03 and occupying it's areas East of the Bahkmut river, plus the successful taking of the flanks incl. Soledar, Krashna Hora and e.g. Klishiivka starting December 2022 and the RF is still holding these flanks - where is the successful UAF counter attack or a UAF victory in all this? The UAF has been constantly beaten and in retreat since December 2022 - non stop. Just because the UAF is still clinging on to what? 30-50% of Bahkmut you propagate all this western Media bull... ?

The very best? the Wagner Force is dispensable - no one in Russia or any common family in Russia cares as to how many of them die - that is why the RF is deploying them in every major assault.
You don't seem to know - what RF forces the RF is actually deploying at e.g. Bahkmut, do you? - only what the Western Media tells you.

You like so many other people are continuously confusing Western Media nonsense with the opinions and assessments by actual military experts within NATO and other countries. These people do not agree at all with the Western Media bulls…
Any military related person will testify to you, that the inefficiency of the Russian military was known since the early 70’ies and was again displayed as latest as during the Caucasus interventions.

The BTG concept introduced from 2005 onward even worsened the Russian situation since it is totally inadequate towards a war such as in Ukraine. NATO is also now due to this war, aware of its own inappropriate BTG concept. But they have and are still training the UAF according to that concept. This explains as to why the UAF got nothing to show for since Feb. 2022, aside from occupying territories that the RF had abandoned – mostly without even putting up a fight during their retreat.

Keep dreaming, or rather keep listening to the Western Media.
You can try to put lipstick on a pig, but it still smells like a pig. For eight months Bakhmut has been the goal and for eight months Russia has failed to capture it, and now Russia's spring offensive has come and gone and still no Bakhmut.

No military experts are calling Russia's failed efforts to capture Bakhmut a success, but some are now so impressed with Ukraine's ability to stop the Russians that they now doubt Russia's ability to hold on to Crimea when the AFU goes after it. When Russian soldiers discuss this campaign, they don't crow about very tiny and very bloody victories like you; they talk about the tens of thousands of Russian soldiers who have died in this campaign to capture Bakhmut and the hundreds of destroyed Russian tanks that lie scattered about the battlefield and how unlikely it is they will survive this battle.

Only an ignorant bigot talks about western media as if it had only one voice.

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