"Russian" Olympian team meldonium- adventures in South Korea /pictures , cartoons, funny stories

Losers cheat, exceptionally huge losers whine about it afterward. Its like the whole country went gay at once.
All accusations and blaming of Russia are basing on lies of one of the bests representatives of Gusski Fifth Column - Rodchenkow
A dual citizen of Russia and Israel received for his lies $50m from Deep State and hiding somewhere in CA by using of witness protecting program.
He possess huge real estate properties in Israel and shares on a company in Irland.

"A dual citizen of Russia and Israel" in your head ? do you have any link?
"A dual citizen of Russia and Israel" in your head ? do you have any link?

По неподтвержденной информации, по национальности Родченков - еврей, но в официальных источниках русский.

Григорий Родченков

Just google 'Родченков еврей'

Any Jew receives Israel's citizenship automatically by birth, most of Russian Jews posses second Israel's passport

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