Russian people support operation against NATO banderites

Careful bringing God into it, as you could be struck by lighting. Can't say much for your version of "truth" either.

You are y slave of ZOG and support all its dishonest wars.
Did you never think why more as 20m peoples must die in destroyed countries?

Nope. I take it one war at a time. Try to stay on topic. This time, we are talking about the blood thirsty communist born and bread, autocrat Putin's desire to take over Ukraine, that broke away from the control of Soviet union 2 generations ago, got a taste of freedom and have no intention of giving up their country Russia's aggressive attempt at resurrecting the dead soviet empire.
Choice isn't hard. You either support freedom or you don't. I always do. It's a policy thing.
Nope. I take it one war at a time. Try to stay on topic. This time, we are talking about the blood thirsty communist born and bread, autocrat Putin's desire to take over Ukraine, that broke away from the control of Soviet union 2 generations ago, got a taste of freedom and have no intention of giving up their country Russia's aggressive attempt at resurrecting the dead soviet empire.
Choice isn't hard. You either support freedom or you don't. I always do. It's a policy thing.

For your better understanding i try to explain the situation in another terms

So, 30 years ago Ukraine divorced her husband (Russia). The children from that marriage went to her. Her ex was generous and left her a lot of money, property, and then paid off all of her debts to the tune of 200 billion! After separating from her husband, the wife immediately started flirting with the village bully (USA) and a gang of thugs (West). Anyway, she began to listen only to their opinions and together with them began to provoke her ex-husband and threaten him. The ex became angry and took one of the children, Crimea, by force. Then the ex-wife became angry and dreamed of marrying to be close to the NATO clan, so she could use their power to pressure her ex-husband. But the village bully American did not plan to marry her, expecting only to humiliate her former husband, Russia, with her help. She did not care about her other children and treated them cruelly. At times she kicked and slapped the children, Luhansk and Donetsk, at the drop of a hat. The children were crying, looking for their father and asking for help. At the same time, the main bully kept stirring up the quarrel of the exes and little by little planted expired goods (military equipment) on his girlfriend-Ukraine. The woman decided that she had someone who would support her in the conflict and began to provoke her ex-husband very brazenly, mocking what was sacred to him, his children and the memory of his ancestors. His patience broke down. Taking his in-laws, he went to his ex to protect his two little ones. And then she, along with the bullies, chickened out: the ex threw away his pity and started banging on her door!"

If Putin wouldn't support Russians in Ukraine he could gonna be kicked out from the office by military and people.
It's not Putin's war, it's the war of Russians against NATO and Bandera murders.
Anyone in former USSR lost his relatives due to the Bandera gang.

Don't forget!
More as 50% Russians are ready to die in a nuclear war due to humiliations of NATO through the last 30 years.
It's the people's war, a war of Russian World against Hitler aka Bandera and NATO
If Putin refuses to fight for Russians he will be forced to resign

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For your better understanding i try to explain the situation in another terms

So, 30 years ago Ukraine divorced her husband (Russia). The children from that marriage went to her. Her ex was generous and left her a lot of money, property, and then paid off all of her debts to the tune of 200 billion! After separating from her husband, the wife immediately started flirting with the village bully (USA) and a gang of thugs (West). Anyway, she began to listen only to their opinions and together with them began to provoke her ex-husband and threaten him. The ex became angry and took one of the children, Crimea, by force. Then the ex-wife became angry and dreamed of marrying to be close to the NATO clan, so she could use their power to pressure her ex-husband. But the village bully American did not plan to marry her, expecting only to humiliate her former husband, Russia, with her help. She did not care about her other children and treated them cruelly. At times she kicked and slapped the children, Luhansk and Donetsk, at the drop of a hat. The children were crying, looking for their father and asking for help. At the same time, the main bully kept stirring up the quarrel of the exes and little by little planted expired goods (military equipment) on his girlfriend-Ukraine. The woman decided that she had someone who would support her in the conflict and began to provoke her ex-husband very brazenly, mocking what was sacred to him, his children and the memory of his ancestors. His patience broke down. Taking his in-laws, he went to his ex to protect his two little ones. And then she, along with the bullies, chickened out: the ex threw away his pity and started banging on her door!"

If Putin wouldn't support Russians in Ukraine he could gonna be kicked out from the office by military and people.
It's not Putin's war, it's the war of Russians against NATO and Bandera murders.
Anyone in former USSR lost his relatives due to the Bandera gang.

Don't forget!
More as 50% Russians are ready to die in a nuclear war due to humiliations of NATO through the last 30 years.
It's the people's war, a war of Russian World against Hitler aka Bandera and NATO
If Putin refuses to fight for Russians he will be forced to resign

Nice story. I'll wait to see the movie. Support Freedom for Ukraine and the downfall of Putin, today, more than ever before.
Nice story. I'll wait to see the movie. Support Freedom for Ukraine and the downfall of Putin, today, more than ever before.

One of the probable reasons for the beginning of a special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces on the territory of Ukraine is called a nuclear threat, which was voiced on February 19 at the 58th Munich International Security Conference by the still acting head of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who said that the official Kiev could give up the non-nuclear status of the country it governs.

It is worth mentioning that before that U.S. President Joe Biden categorically recommended him not to visit the capital of the German state of Bavaria and such statements were not expected at all because a month and a half before that the leaders of five nuclear powers had signed a joint declaration on prevention of nuclear war and armament race. One of its most important points was the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Suddenly there was a new contender for possession of this type of WMD. In theory, Western countries and the United States were obliged in the first place to reassure their "lost security coast" client, but it didn't happen, which once again confirmed that in today's "global alliance of democracies" the tail wags easily, but the tail wags with great difficulty, that is, the official political leadership of collective Western countries makes no real decisions and bears no responsibility for them. In other words, it is incapable of making decisions. This led to a chain of subsequent events, including Russia's recognition of the independence of the People's Republics of Donbas on February 22 and the start of a special military operation on February 24. We note that the first of the goals of this operation, as set by the highest political leadership of the Russian Federation, was the demilitarization of Ukraine, while denazification was only the second. The priorities are clear.

If I right understand you advise me to support a nuclear war between Ukraine and Russia.
By the way, only few Russian patriots would prefer Putin to Strelkov ( btw he's Jewish ).
You shall understand the war against Bandera Nazis is a Russian war, not Putin's one.

If NATO will murder all Banderites ( Bandera Nazis ) and let Russians have equal to Ukrainians rights the war can be stop.
But at first, all Bandera Nazis must die.
All of them.
They are the most hated peoples in former USSR, no one forget their numerous crimes in WWII





It is....wonder how many are Russian trolls.

The Russian World is attacked by NATO now.
Today any Russian in any country becomes a 'Russian Troll'
It's not a Putin war, it's the Russian war against SS Hitler Bandera Nazis and for Human Rights of Russians in any country
If Putin gonna be too weak he will gotta kick in his ass.
Russians want all Bandera Nazis will die!
Russians will demand from Putin to launch nukes against NATO because no one is allowed to insult Russians without to be punished
The approval rating of Putin is higher as 85% now, almost any Russian worldwide ( even emigrants in fourth generation ) support him.
No chance for SS Hitler banderites and their NATO supporters.
There is no Russian city or village which doesn't support anti - Hitler 'Z' Action in Ukraine

Of course USA benefits of the war and EU is the biggest looser.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada comes from Russia to EU soon.
No one cent, no one pound of any Russian commodity crosses the EU border in the near future.
Anything comes to China, Asia, Africa, Latin America but not to insane satanic EU morons

We reported a few days ago up from 60% to 70%, now it's 85%.
One of the probable reasons for the beginning of a special military operation of the Russian Armed Forces on the territory of Ukraine is called a nuclear threat, which was voiced on February 19 at the 58th Munich International Security Conference by the still acting head of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, who said that the official Kiev could give up the non-nuclear status of the country it governs.

It is worth mentioning that before that U.S. President Joe Biden categorically recommended him not to visit the capital of the German state of Bavaria and such statements were not expected at all because a month and a half before that the leaders of five nuclear powers had signed a joint declaration on prevention of nuclear war and armament race. One of its most important points was the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

Suddenly there was a new contender for possession of this type of WMD. In theory, Western countries and the United States were obliged in the first place to reassure their "lost security coast" client, but it didn't happen, which once again confirmed that in today's "global alliance of democracies" the tail wags easily, but the tail wags with great difficulty, that is, the official political leadership of collective Western countries makes no real decisions and bears no responsibility for them. In other words, it is incapable of making decisions. This led to a chain of subsequent events, including Russia's recognition of the independence of the People's Republics of Donbas on February 22 and the start of a special military operation on February 24. We note that the first of the goals of this operation, as set by the highest political leadership of the Russian Federation, was the demilitarization of Ukraine, while denazification was only the second. The priorities are clear.

If I right understand you advise me to support a nuclear war between Ukraine and Russia.
By the way, only few Russian patriots would prefer Putin to Strelkov ( btw he's Jewish ).
You shall understand the war against Bandera Nazis is a Russian war, not Putin's one.

If NATO will murder all Banderites ( Bandera Nazis ) and let Russians have equal to Ukrainians rights the war can be stop.
But at first, all Bandera Nazis must die.
All of them.
They are the most hated peoples in former USSR, no one forget their numerous crimes in WWII





Let see now. Russia 6,000 nuclear weapons and an ongoing program with weapons of various type, size (physically) yield, delivery system and dedicated military trained nuclear forces... Versus Ukraine with Zero nuclear weapon, no program, no delivery systems, no trained nuclear forces. You are saying it was the Ukrainian nuclear threat? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::highfive::21::21::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301:
There is no god, but Putin's Chechens pray before going into battle, so there's still religious pathologies to deal with when Americans volunteer for Ukraine.
Let see now. Russia 6,000 nuclear weapons and an ongoing program with weapons of various type, size (physically) yield, delivery system and dedicated military trained nuclear forces... Versus Ukraine with Zero nuclear weapon, no program, no delivery systems, no trained nuclear forces. You are saying it was the Ukrainian nuclear threat? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::highfive::21::21::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Yes, the nuclear threat is named NATO.
Let see now. Russia 6,000 nuclear weapons and an ongoing program with weapons of various type, size (physically) yield, delivery system and dedicated military trained nuclear forces... Versus Ukraine with Zero nuclear weapon, no program, no delivery systems, no trained nuclear forces. You are saying it was the Ukrainian nuclear threat? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::highfive::21::21::laugh2::laugh2::laughing0301::laughing0301:

As I said, murder of all Bandera Nazis + equal rights for all Russians in Ukraine can probably stop the war.
Yes, the nuclear threat is named NATO.
That's tough. Been around since 1949, you would think the dumb ass Putin would be used to it by now, as NATO has been there, but never launched an attack, though Pooty knew Russia would never win if Russia decided to attack.
Ukraine is a drug-trafficking hub for Europe and the Albanian mafia. The Nigerian mafia baboons mule the drugs as well, bound for London. So when darkies have a funky time at the Polish border, it's ironic that Kawsnieski, ex-president of Poland, is in Soros's pocket, and Obama didn't want any investigations of certain people by the new Ukrainian prosecutor. Poppy straw extract is a Ukrainian favorite. Has Hunter also snorted poppy straw extract?

It's no longer simply a drug bust due to Zelenskiy's cocaine addiction. Now it's back to the Obama-Biden administration funding virus research as the Russians now find military biological weapons facilities at Poltava and Kharkiv.
That's tough. Been around since 1949, you would think the dumb ass Putin would be used to it by now, as NATO has been there, but never launched an attack, though Pooty knew Russia would never win if Russia decided to attack.
That's some intensive effeminate envy for NATO to travel all the way over to Korea to fuck with people.
The approval rating of Putin is higher as 85% now, almost any Russian worldwide ( even emigrants in fourth generation ) support him.
No chance for SS Hitler banderites and their NATO supporters.
There is no Russian city or village which doesn't support anti - Hitler 'Z' Action in Ukraine

Of course USA benefits of the war and EU is the biggest looser.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, zero, zip, nada comes from Russia to EU soon.
No one cent, no one pound of any Russian commodity crosses the EU border in the near future.
Anything comes to China, Asia, Africa, Latin America but not to insane satanic EU morons

That's because your Russian masters are lying, Russian troll.

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