Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
is released today. I wonder if Trump is trying to take attention away from it, by firing Tillerson. Maybe he just wants war with Iran which would make SA and Israel very happy, and Trump as well.
Trump wants war with Iran in order to make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy" ?. Why would USA war with Iran make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy"? Actually such a war is more likely to make just about all "arabs" happy-----and even non
arab muslim countries. Erdogan would probably CELEBRATE
Trump wants war with Iran in order to make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy" ?. Why would USA war with Iran make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy"? Actually such a war is more likely to make just about all "arabs" happy-----and even non
arab muslim countries. Erdogan would probably CELEBRATE

Yes really. Same reason we had war with Iraq and Syria, don't fake ignorance.
Trump wants war with Iran in order to make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy" ?. Why would USA war with Iran make Israel and Saudi Arabia "happy"? Actually such a war is more likely to make just about all "arabs" happy-----and even non
arab muslim countries. Erdogan would probably CELEBRATE

Yes really. Same reason we had war with Iraq and Syria, don't fake ignorance.

really terrific answer------"same reason......" ----- I have to remember that answer might work for history tests. \
Question: "what caused the inception of world
war II ? Penny answer "to make the jooos happy"
Question: "what caused the inception of the war in Viet Nam"? Penny answer "same thing..."
is released today. I wonder if Trump is trying to take attention away from it, by firing Tillerson. Maybe he just wants war with Iran which would make SA and Israel very happy, and Trump as well.

He doesn't need to do anything. The investigation concluded THERE WAS NO COLLUSION. Now, let's investigate how Russia walked away from the Obama admin with our uranium mines...
Do you know what the sad part is, he does even need to be under the influence of a drug or alcohol to be a gross man.

"Russia morphed into an equal opportunity meddler that seeks to inflame everyone from Bernie bros to Trump deplorables."

"As Watts explained in testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, the goal of Putin’s fake-news operation is clear: to tarnish democratically elected leaders, deepen preexisting divisions, incite social unrest, and conjure up a world on the brink of annihilation. In short, Russia wants to create chaos."

Russia Has Weaponized Fake News to Sow Chaos

They weren't on any political side in the US other than their own....Surely you know this by now.
I wonder why Russia is not allowed to interfere US elections?
I am absolutely sure Russia has such right but still I haven’t seen a single prove of that.
is released today. I wonder if Trump is trying to take attention away from it, by firing Tillerson. Maybe he just wants war with Iran which would make SA and Israel very happy, and Trump as well.

He doesn't need to do anything. The investigation concluded THERE WAS NO COLLUSION. Now, let's investigate how Russia walked away from the Obama admin with our uranium mines...

Wow, now its our uranium mines.
I wonder why Russia is not allowed to interfere US elections?
I am absolutely sure Russia has such right but still I haven’t seen a single prove of that.

I don't know, maybe we should ask those OFA members that set up tents in the ME to take donations for the Obama campaign....

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