Russian TV Host: Russia Only Country able to turn USA into Radioactive Dust!

I quoted the news article. They said it. Not me.

Russia has returned to its old Soviet ways and its planned are spawned from hell itself. Do not tell me about Russia. That devil Putin is plotting the destruction of my country. You think I do not see what this scoundrel is up to?

Yes, Putin wants us gone. It's planning to economically destroy the dollar, as with muslim's and the subversive left here, they bid their time until they feel it's right to strike, B. Insane did it, and now has FLEXABILITY to deal with Putin. He even said so!

Putin most definitely wants us gone and when America falls there goes the dollar. It may even go before. Still do you really believe that Obama was responding to Mednedev about a nuclear attack? I have a hard time imagining Obama being on the inside plans of a nuclear attack on America, Vigilante.

Bluster works on most of the world, that is all Russia is doing. They can't use a nuke, as we still have enough to make the world glow green! BUT, Putin can absolutely do what he wants with former Russian states, and reform Russia's former glory... who's to stop him, especially as he has China running on the same page. China also wants the dollar gone, as they have recently been able to deal with other countries using their yuan as the payment of choice.
It appears that Russia has more Limbaughs than the U.S. LOL

Has Rush threatened to have America nuke Russia....Please post that link!:cuckoo:

No problem. Got it right here...

Vigilante, I didn't vote for Obama. I don't trust Obama or anyone else in government. I believe the situation is serious enough with Russia that we won't even have another election here. I disagree with Obama's politics completely but I do not believe he was the reason behind this sudden change in Russia. I believe they have been planning this for decades.

Only since Putin came into power... a much smarter man than B.Insane, and dangerous. He's old line KGB, and THAT is ingrained in his actions.

Throw this in a search engine and be prepared to be surprised!

"Gorbachev warns about Putin"

Then it clearly would not matter who was in the White House! We could have Mickey Mouse as president and Ukraine invasion would still be happening like clockwork! Russian bear is awake. Let's focus in here.
Vigilante, I didn't vote for Obama. I don't trust Obama or anyone else in government. I believe the situation is serious enough with Russia that we won't even have another election here. I disagree with Obama's politics completely but I do not believe he was the reason behind this sudden change in Russia. I believe they have been planning this for decades.

Only since Putin came into power... a much smarter man than B.Insane, and dangerous. He's old line KGB, and THAT is ingrained in his actions.

Throw this in a search engine and be prepared to be surprised!

"Gorbachev warns about Putin"

Then it clearly would not matter who was in the White House! We could have Mickey Mouse as president and Ukraine invasion would still be happening like clockwork! Russian bear is awake. Let's focus in here.

Get it straight, for a change. IF we had a strong president, and McLame was NOT him, nor McRomney, Putin would have thought twice about doing anything. Syria was the TEST which B. Insane failed miserably, giving Putin the wedge & CONFIDENCE he needed to start his reconquest.

You don't make stupid statement like drawing a red line, have them not only cross it, but incinerate it, and then BACK DOWN.
Mr. H. is very intelligent and he has quick wit and a great sense of humor.

Damn, he fooled me! But then, I wouldn't have looked like Harry High School, and displayed a lack of intelligence when debating.
Russia has returned to its old Soviet ways and its planned are spawned from hell itself. Do not tell me about Russia. That devil Putin is plotting the destruction of my country. You think I do not see what this scoundrel is up to?

Russia has returned to what?
It's authorities are not agree to US dominating in the world? Yes. Why we shouldn't?
Of course USA would like to do whatever wants but that f*cking Russia interfers...

Why Putin is devil? Tell me please as I cannot notice his devilistic being. From here, from Russia's inside it is not seen and not felt. Please explain me what I'm suffering from?

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