Russian UN Ambassador, "Western Liberalism Is a Scam to Maintain American Supremacy"


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
And he is correct. The Baizous do not realize that when you become the hub of cultural poison, you poison your own more than anyone else.

Russia at U.N.: Western Liberalism Is a Scam to Maintain U.S. Supremacy

Lavrov suggested the promise of the United Nations’ founding was undermined and delayed by the long years of the Cold War — he was enough of a good sport to portray the fall of the Berlin Wall as a positive development — and now the U.N. finds itself confronting a world with more conflicts and intractable problems than ever, just as the sun sets on Western diplomatic, economic, and military dominance.

“It is hard for the West to accept seeing its centuries-long dominance in world affairs diminishing,” he said. “New centers of economic growth and political influence have emerged and are developing without them.”..

“Leading Western countries are trying to impede the development of a polycentric world to recover their privileged positions, to impose standards of conduct based on the narrow Western interpretation of liberalism on others,” he charged.

Lavrov portrayed the West’s insistence upon the principles of classical liberalism and a rules-based international order as a scam in which firm international laws which “no longer suit the West” are replaced by “rules adapted to its self-serving schemes, which are elaborated depending upon political expediency.”

“In order to justify the revisionist rules, the West resorts to manipulation of public opinion, dissemination of false information, double standards on human rights, suppression of undesirable media, and bans on journalists doing their job,” Lavrov thundered, dropping a string of accusations that might seem difficult for a Russian to make with a straight face until one recalls the Kremlin’s seething anger at Western efforts to rein in Russian propaganda operations.

Lavrov sneered at the “teacher’s pets” among former Soviet territories favored by the West and complained about “multilateral agreements” reached behind doors that were closed to the Russians.

“This is accompanied by attempts to privatize the secretariats of international organizations and use them to advance non-consensual ideas in circumvention of unilateral mechanisms,” Lavrov said, a relatively cryptic complaint he refined into an attack on the United States for withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal or JCPOA, as it is formally known.​
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