Russian warship steams towards ship that attacked Syria!


Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.

What the hell is a Ziocon?

Do we have to Google for you, too? Are you able to use the bathroom without assistance?

Ziocon by El Oaxuco August 08, 2007
Conflation of Zionist and Neocon. Many of these individuals are responsible pushing the US & Britain to invade Iraq. They do the bidding of AIPAC and hence Israel.
A partial list of Ziocons includes: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, Doulas Feith, David Wurmser, Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, David Frum, Charles Krauthammer, Norman Podhoretz, Irving Kristoll, Midge Decter, Dov Zakheim, Robert B. Zoellick, Eliot Cohen, William Kristoll, Robert Kagan, Joshua Muravchik, Meyrav Wurmser, Irwin Stelzer, Michael Ledeen, Daniel Pipes, Lawrence Kaplan, Marty Peretz, David Brooks, John Podhoretz, Neal Kozodoy, Jonah Goldberg
#zionist #neocon #ziocon #wolfowitz #perle
Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!
Treasonous sentiments there....
Says a ZioCon whose first loyalty is to a foreign people and country. mmk!


Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.

Y'all keep making up these new words. Get it out in the open now...define the term 'zio-conservative'.

Note: taking an old term and just giving it a new name counts as being lazy.
I explained it quite well I think. You SCUM put ISRAEL first and foremost and YOU and President Hypocrite and 99% of the traitors in congress are ZIONIST PUPPETS. You CONservatives are nothing more than zionistconservative puppets.

So, it is the same thing as neoconservative, except a Bush is not president.

That is pretty lazy.
Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!
Treasonous sentiments there....
Odium is just a leftard hiding in his mommy's basement.

Keep dreaming cupcake. Go spout some more religions GARBAGE maybe your god will speak to you.

You literally started this thread calling for Russians to attack the united states. How is that America first? And you are going to lecture others? Nonsense
Breaking Now:

Now the Pentagon is saying Russia may be behind the nerve gas attack as new evidence is uncovered.
Are you serious? How much longer do the ziotards here take this BULLSHIT seriously?
Yep! Zionist Agent Wolf Blitzer is orgasmically reporting it now warning the situation could escalate. Nikki Haley is scolding the Russian ambassador to the UN right now.
I hope the Russian Ambassador tells that nonwhite zionist BITCH to go fuck herself. I am only glad President Hypocrite got that bitch out of the south!
If you are living in America, then you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum, kid.
Breaking Now:

Now the Pentagon is saying Russia may be behind the nerve gas attack as new evidence is uncovered.
Are you serious? How much longer do the ziotards here take this BULLSHIT seriously?
Yep! Zionist Agent Wolf Blitzer is orgasmically reporting it now warning the situation could escalate. Nikki Haley is scolding the Russian ambassador to the UN right now.
I hope the Russian Ambassador tells that nonwhite zionist BITCH to go fuck herself. I am only glad President Hypocrite got that bitch out of the south!
If you are living in America, then you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum, kid.
He says he lives in his moms garage.
Breaking Now:

Now the Pentagon is saying Russia may be behind the nerve gas attack as new evidence is uncovered.
Are you serious? How much longer do the ziotards here take this BULLSHIT seriously?
Yep! Zionist Agent Wolf Blitzer is orgasmically reporting it now warning the situation could escalate. Nikki Haley is scolding the Russian ambassador to the UN right now.
I hope the Russian Ambassador tells that nonwhite zionist BITCH to go fuck herself. I am only glad President Hypocrite got that bitch out of the south!
If you are living in America, then you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum, kid.
He says he lives in his moms garage.
If that's a US garage, then he's a double hypocrite.

Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.

What the hell is a Ziocon?

Kinda like a Jewish bit coin
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Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!

Well look what the cat dragged in....another pissant Sorosbot no doubt.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

Yes, I can't wait until Syria and the rest of the Arab world takes over Israel.

That's all the world needs.
Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!

Well look what the cat dragged in....another pissant Sorosbot no doubt.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

Yes, I can't wait until Syria and the rest of the Arab world takes over Israel.

That's all the world needs.
It would quickly become apocalyptic in Biblical proportions.
Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!

Well look what the cat dragged in....another pissant Sorosbot no doubt.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

Yes, I can't wait until Syria and the rest of the Arab world takes over Israel.

That's all the world needs.
It would quickly become apocalyptic in Biblical proportions.

And then God would just have to pull the plug as we all swirl down the drain.

Curses, I was hoping to get a few more rounds of golf in.

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