Russians: “Look at what Russians can do!Only 90 people with $2million made American scared!"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
We are soft ash faque if we can't handle this low level conunter intelligence from the fucking RUSSIANS...

A 37-page indictment issued by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team on Friday brings fresh American attention to one of the strangest elements of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election: The Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-sponsored “troll factory” in St. Petersburg.

But much of the information Mueller published on Friday about the agency’s efforts to influence the election had already been published last October — in an article by a Russian business magazine, RBC.

In a 4,500-word report titled “How the 'troll factory' worked the U.S. elections,” journalists Polina Rusyaeva and Andrey Zakharov offered the fullest picture yet of how the “American department” of the IRA used Facebook, Twitter and other tactics to inflame tensions ahead of the 2016 vote. The article also looked at the staffing structure of the organization and revealed details about its budget and salaries.
We are soft ash faque if we can't handle this low level conunter intelligence from the fucking RUSSIANS...

A 37-page indictment issued by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team on Friday brings fresh American attention to one of the strangest elements of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election: The Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-sponsored “troll factory” in St. Petersburg.

But much of the information Mueller published on Friday about the agency’s efforts to influence the election had already been published last October — in an article by a Russian business magazine, RBC.

In a 4,500-word report titled “How the 'troll factory' worked the U.S. elections,” journalists Polina Rusyaeva and Andrey Zakharov offered the fullest picture yet of how the “American department” of the IRA used Facebook, Twitter and other tactics to inflame tensions ahead of the 2016 vote. The article also looked at the staffing structure of the organization and revealed details about its budget and salaries.
Yes, but the indictments clearly state they used HASHTAGS!

We are soft ash faque if we can't handle this low level conunter intelligence from the fucking RUSSIANS...

A 37-page indictment issued by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team on Friday brings fresh American attention to one of the strangest elements of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election: The Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-sponsored “troll factory” in St. Petersburg.

But much of the information Mueller published on Friday about the agency’s efforts to influence the election had already been published last October — in an article by a Russian business magazine, RBC.

In a 4,500-word report titled “How the 'troll factory' worked the U.S. elections,” journalists Polina Rusyaeva and Andrey Zakharov offered the fullest picture yet of how the “American department” of the IRA used Facebook, Twitter and other tactics to inflame tensions ahead of the 2016 vote. The article also looked at the staffing structure of the organization and revealed details about its budget and salaries.

Hillary and the DNC should have hired those Russians. Might have saved them 1.2 billion.
Wasn't it TRUMP and PUTIN who colluded to rig the election?

Now we see it was a few people on FACEBOOK?

JESUS about shitting the bed over NOTHING......fucking PROGS pissed themselves for nothing.
We are soft ash faque if we can't handle this low level conunter intelligence from the fucking RUSSIANS...

A 37-page indictment issued by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s team on Friday brings fresh American attention to one of the strangest elements of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election: The Internet Research Agency (IRA), a state-sponsored “troll factory” in St. Petersburg.

But much of the information Mueller published on Friday about the agency’s efforts to influence the election had already been published last October — in an article by a Russian business magazine, RBC.

In a 4,500-word report titled “How the 'troll factory' worked the U.S. elections,” journalists Polina Rusyaeva and Andrey Zakharov offered the fullest picture yet of how the “American department” of the IRA used Facebook, Twitter and other tactics to inflame tensions ahead of the 2016 vote. The article also looked at the staffing structure of the organization and revealed details about its budget and salaries.

Hillary and the DNC should have hired those Russians. Might have saved them 1.2 billion.
Yep, Clinton paid the wrong Russians.

From the Vanity article....

"How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.”"

So Hillary purchased info from source A and B. Well done dems. Well done. You should be saying, Bad Hillary. Bad! You paid the wrong commies.
Thank you Uncle Putin for causing 61,781,982 voting Democrats to vindicate Senator Joe McCarthy. I know it's 62 years late but it's been well worth the wait. :biggrin:
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This happened under OBAMA'S WATCH.

Obama's admin were such a bunch of faggot pansy asses that less than 100 russians with $2 million USURPED OUR DEMOCRACY?

jesus, what a POS leader.....but now we have 7 year old boys freely identifying as the SJWs are thrilled.

Fuckiong INSANE.
This happened under OBAMA'S WATCH.

Obama's admin were such a bunch of faggot pansy asses that less than 100 russians with $2 million USURPED OUR DEMOCRACY?

jesus, what a POS leader.....but now we have 7 year old boys freely identifying as the SJWs are thrilled.

Fuckiong INSANE.
Lots of corruption by Obama and our crappy law enforcement.

How about the $1 billion in CASH that Obama flew to IRAN....then claimed it was an old debt to the FUCKING SHAH????



It's a FUCKING LIE/BULLSHIT/COVER STORY. We had no obligation to give Iran $1 billion in CASH.


Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Holder, Lynch........have damaged this nation immensely....

...yet the OBAMONKEYS will come in here and defend him because they are REALLY REALLY FUCKING STUPID.
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This happened under OBAMA'S WATCH.

Obama's admin were such a bunch of faggot pansy asses that less than 100 russians with $2 million USURPED OUR DEMOCRACY?

jesus, what a POS leader.....but now we have 7 year old boys freely identifying as the SJWs are thrilled.

Fuckiong INSANE.
Lots of corruption by Obama and our crappy law enforcement.

How about the $1 billion in CASH that Obama flew to IRAN....then claimed it was an old debt to the FUCKING SHAH????



It's a FUCKING LIE/BULLSHIT/COVER STORY. We had no obligation to give Iran $1 billion in BCASH?


Obama, Hillary, Kerry, Holder, Lynch........have damaged this nation immensely....

...yet the OBAMONKEYS will come in here and defend him because they are REALL REALLY FUCKING STUPID.
Obama gave over $12 billion to the terror regime and ignored their drug running in the US. All because he needed to satisfy his massive ego. He is a piece of shit.

Iran may have collected as much as $33.6 BILLION from nuclear deal | Daily Mail Online
A handful of Russians and $2 million trolled THE FUCK OUT OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION???....holy shit.

That's is fucking patthetic.

If tax rates or school financing or closing the borders, the best way would be to seek unity, compromise where we can, and emphasize civility where we can't.

We are now in times perilous. The Alt Right and the skippy hard left skew what is important and lie to get their ways. Not all they propose are worthy or equal: some should be confined then excluded. I thought as late as 2012 that white supremacy was gone from America forever. The last election and activities since then has proven me wrong.

Imagine if GWB had denied 9/ll happened, then attacked the integrity of the Intel Agencies and the FBI?

How do we handle the birthers? I think they should be pointed out as the racist shits they are.

Trump has made the George Wallace type pukes emboldened. Are they proud of their stupidity? They spew vileness and hatred, and then say when they are opposed that others are name calling blah blah blah.

We can debate about Russian meddling. To deny it happened and then somehow blame Obama for it happening is insane.

We can debate in good faith about the Russians and their attacks on our system. But the Trump and Russian defenders, too many of them, are operating in a confined echo chamber that prevents them from learning.

They are trolls, willing and voluntarily and knowingly, operating on their own free will to line up and defend the Russians and must be opposed by every legal means.

They are beyond contempt.
Even the fucking progs are fucking humiliated.

They won't come in here and defend Hillary and Obama for their corrupition and how OBAMA'S DEMOCRACY was crushed by a handful of Russians on laptops and a couple million dollars in fucking FACEBOOK ADS.


No wonder Obama couldn't deal with Iran, Syria, ISIS, NOKO......

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Had she spent $2million and advertised on Facebook, Hillary might have won.

Thanks, Mueller for pointing that out
If tax rates or school financing or closing the borders, the best way would be to seek unity, compromise where we can, and emphasize civility where we can't.

We are now in times perilous. The Alt Right and the skippy hard left skew what is important and lie to get their ways. Not all they propose are worthy or equal: some should be confined then excluded. I thought as late as 2012 that white supremacy was gone from America forever. The last election and activities since then has proven me wrong.

Imagine if GWB had denied 9/ll happened, then attacked the integrity of the Intel Agencies and the FBI?

How do we handle the birthers? I think they should be pointed out as the racist shits they are.

Trump has made the George Wallace type pukes emboldened. Are they proud of their stupidity? They spew vileness and hatred, and then say when they are opposed that others are name calling blah blah blah.

We can debate about Russian meddling. To deny it happened and then somehow blame Obama for it happening is insane.

We can debate in good faith about the Russians and their attacks on our system. But the Trump and Russian defenders, too many of them, are operating in a confined echo chamber that prevents them from learning.

They are trolls, willing and voluntarily and knowingly, operating on their own free will to line up and defend the Russians and must be opposed by every legal means.

They are beyond contempt.
Obama told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"
If tax rates or school financing or closing the borders, the best way would be to seek unity, compromise where we can, and emphasize civility where we can't.

We are now in times perilous. The Alt Right and the skippy hard left skew what is important and lie to get their ways. Not all they propose are worthy or equal: some should be confined then excluded. I thought as late as 2012 that white supremacy was gone from America forever. The last election and activities since then has proven me wrong.

Imagine if GWB had denied 9/ll happened, then attacked the integrity of the Intel Agencies and the FBI?

How do we handle the birthers? I think they should be pointed out as the racist shits they are.

Trump has made the George Wallace type pukes emboldened. Are they proud of their stupidity? They spew vileness and hatred, and then say when they are opposed that others are name calling blah blah blah.

We can debate about Russian meddling. To deny it happened and then somehow blame Obama for it happening is insane.

We can debate in good faith about the Russians and their attacks on our system. But the Trump and Russian defenders, too many of them, are operating in a confined echo chamber that prevents them from learning.

They are trolls, willing and voluntarily and knowingly, operating on their own free will to line up and defend the Russians and must be opposed by every legal means.

They are beyond contempt.
Obama told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

That is accurate,,,,

If tax rates or school financing or closing the borders, the best way would be to seek unity, compromise where we can, and emphasize civility where we can't.

We are now in times perilous. The Alt Right and the skippy hard left skew what is important and lie to get their ways. Not all they propose are worthy or equal: some should be confined then excluded. I thought as late as 2012 that white supremacy was gone from America forever. The last election and activities since then has proven me wrong.

Imagine if GWB had denied 9/ll happened, then attacked the integrity of the Intel Agencies and the FBI?

How do we handle the birthers? I think they should be pointed out as the racist shits they are.

Trump has made the George Wallace type pukes emboldened. Are they proud of their stupidity? They spew vileness and hatred, and then say when they are opposed that others are name calling blah blah blah.

We can debate about Russian meddling. To deny it happened and then somehow blame Obama for it happening is insane.

We can debate in good faith about the Russians and their attacks on our system. But the Trump and Russian defenders, too many of them, are operating in a confined echo chamber that prevents them from learning.

They are trolls, willing and voluntarily and knowingly, operating on their own free will to line up and defend the Russians and must be opposed by every legal means.

They are beyond contempt.
Obama told his publisher that he was "born in Kenya"

That is accurate,,,,


Barack "I'm the first Birther" Obama

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