Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

Oh, it's a racial slur, alright.

That's as obvious as the complete and total Russian lack of respect for Obama.

In the end, this isn't about racial slurs.

In the end, it's about Obama's weakness, both real and perceived.

And the adverse ways in which that impacts upon America's well-being and its place in the world.

Yes we get it. You miss the Cowboy bring-it-on mentality of Bush and the neocon warmongers,

because that worked out so well...

No... I don't think that you DO 'get it'.

What does any of that have to do with Obama's weakness - perceived and/or real - and Russia's lack of respect for a (perceived?) weak US President - and how that impacts upon our own well-being on the international scene, and our place in the world?

Stop deflecting.

Shrub was a clusterphukk in his own right.

He has also not been President for 5-1/2 years now.

Enough already.

We are now talking about Obumble, and his weakness, and the insults the Russians feel free to heap upon him.

Let's stay in the present, shall we, and deal with the Failed Messiah's sins, not those of a predecessor.

You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Okay, let's look at it rationally.

If comparing a black person to a chimpanzee or the like is NOT a racial slur, as most of you RWnuts are claiming, i.e., it's not racist...

what IS a racial slur?

Or are you implying there's no such thing?

Name some imagery or caricature that is in fact racist.

lol, see? These RWnuts can't even identify anything that is racist imagery or caricature.

So of course they don't think portraying the president as some sort of sub-human primate is a racial slur;

these people have simply rejected all racial slurs,

except those directed at conservatives.
Yes we get it. You miss the Cowboy bring-it-on mentality of Bush and the neocon warmongers,

because that worked out so well...

No... I don't think that you DO 'get it'.

What does any of that have to do with Obama's weakness - perceived and/or real - and Russia's lack of respect for a (perceived?) weak US President - and how that impacts upon our own well-being on the international scene, and our place in the world?

Stop deflecting.

Shrub was a clusterphukk in his own right.

He has also not been President for 5-1/2 years now.

Enough already.

We are now talking about Obumble, and his weakness, and the insults the Russians feel free to heap upon him.

Let's stay in the present, shall we, and deal with the Failed Messiah's sins, not those of a predecessor.

You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Where-in-the-hell did is say, or even imply in any way, shape, or form, that I want a war with Russia? Are you delusional?

Now... are you ready to focus upon Obama's perceived weakness, as the most likely underlying cause for this sort of insult, or do you need to exhaust your deflect-and-distract bag of tricks, first?
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No... I don't think that you DO 'get it'.

What does any of that have to do with Obama's weakness - perceived and/or real - and Russia's lack of respect for a (perceived?) weak US President - and how that impacts upon our own well-being on the international scene, and our place in the world?

Stop deflecting.

Shrub was a clusterphukk in his own right.

He has also not been President for 5-1/2 years now.

Enough already.

We are now talking about Obumble, and his weakness, and the insults the Russians feel free to heap upon him.

Let's stay in the present, shall we, and deal with the Failed Messiah's sins, not those of a predecessor.

You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Where-in-the-hell did is say, or even imply in any way, shape, or form, that I want a war with Russia? Are you delusional?

Now... are you ready to focus upon Obama's perceived weakness, as the most likely underlying cause for this sort of insult, or do you need to exhaust your deflect-and-distract bag of tricks, first?

Well you must want war, because the other interpretation doesn't make you look much better:

You think that Russia has done what it's done in Crimea/Ukraine because Obama has some sort of 'perceived weakness'.

That means you must believe, honestly, that if Obama put on some sort of airs that made him look tougher that it would have deterred Russia from doing what they've done.

That is textbook stupidity.

aka Obama Derangement Syndrome.
You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Where-in-the-hell did is say, or even imply in any way, shape, or form, that I want a war with Russia? Are you delusional?

Now... are you ready to focus upon Obama's perceived weakness, as the most likely underlying cause for this sort of insult, or do you need to exhaust your deflect-and-distract bag of tricks, first?

Well you must want war, because the other interpretation doesn't make you look much better: ...
That is the worst example of Logic Failure that I've seen in many a day around here.

...You think that Russia has done what it's done in Crimea/Ukraine because Obama has some sort of 'perceived weakness'...
Nope. Although I would not be surprised to learn that that was a fairly sizable contributing factor in Russian calculations, in connection with their prospects of pulling it off.

...That means you must believe, honestly, that if Obama put on some sort of airs that made him look tougher that it would have deterred Russia from doing what they've done...
Nope. That means that if Obumble had spent the past 5-1/2 years manifesting a stronger persona and range of policy in his international dealings - other nations would be more respectful of both our nation and its leadership and we would quite probably not be witnessing such insults.

...That is textbook stupidity...
I agree. Public manifestations of Epic Logic Failure and name-calling and trying (and failing, and publicly being called on trying) to put words into other people's mouths, when those words are so easily refuted and set aside, is, indeed, a classic example of textbook stupidity.

...aka Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Is that the Descriptor they've hung off of the ICD9 (and 10) Code for a clinical diagnosis of the few surviving Orgasmic ObamaBots?
Bush let Putin take Georgia while he was kissing his King. Its been hands off Russia ever since KGB Vlad suddenly remembered he was a Christian, after decades within the Soviet heirarchy.
Seems the Russians enjoy mocking Obama more and more now.

President Barack Obama received birthday greetings from around the world when he turned 53 years old on Monday, but some of those wishes weren't exactly well.

In Russia, protesters used lasers to beam a crude, racist image of Obama onto the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The image showed the president in a birthday hat with a banana going in and out of his mouth followed by projections of the words "Obama" and "happy birthday" in English.

The Moscow Student Initiative took responsibility for the stunt on VK, a social network popular in Russia.

Racially-charged messages aimed at Obama have been cropping up with alarming regularity in Russia. Also on the president's birthday, a banner depicting Obama as the "Three Wise Monkeys" -- see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil -- was unfurled near the U.S. Consular Section in Moscow, The Washington Post reported.

Images of the banner made the rounds on Twitter:

Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

I cannot stand Obama. That's a policy issue.
This is just low.
I'd like to know who is responsible.
If this was a prank pulled off by a few individuals, so be it.
If this was sanctioned by the Kremlin, that is completely fucked up.
Why doesn't that offend you?

I was offended when you guys referred to Bush as the "Chimp" for 8 years, so it's a bit hard for me to get too riled up about this.

I guess you could call it karma.

I love it when Conservatives take the side of racists in Russia over their own country

All because of Obama hatred

You're not going to get away with going down this road..
Consider yourself so advised
You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Where-in-the-hell did is say, or even imply in any way, shape, or form, that I want a war with Russia? Are you delusional?

Now... are you ready to focus upon Obama's perceived weakness, as the most likely underlying cause for this sort of insult, or do you need to exhaust your deflect-and-distract bag of tricks, first?

Well you must want war, because the other interpretation doesn't make you look much better:

You think that Russia has done what it's done in Crimea/Ukraine because Obama has some sort of 'perceived weakness'.

That means you must believe, honestly, that if Obama put on some sort of airs that made him look tougher that it would have deterred Russia from doing what they've done.

That is textbook stupidity.

aka Obama Derangement Syndrome.
I doubt Putin does much without weighing consequences. He clearly sized up Obama and went on to do as he pleased. I don't think he finds community organizers very intimidating.
It looks like Obama is gobbling up a dildo.

Just sayin'.
Leaving aside the absurdity, but does it strike anyone that information and media in Russia is returning to the scary farce that Orwell outed so plainly? Scares the crap out of me. Putin and crew could sell a nuclear exchange as necessary.
You want a war with Russia to prove Obama is not 'weak'? Are you insane?
Where-in-the-hell did is say, or even imply in any way, shape, or form, that I want a war with Russia? Are you delusional?

Now... are you ready to focus upon Obama's perceived weakness, as the most likely underlying cause for this sort of insult, or do you need to exhaust your deflect-and-distract bag of tricks, first?

Well you must want war, because the other interpretation doesn't make you look much better:

You think that Russia has done what it's done in Crimea/Ukraine because Obama has some sort of 'perceived weakness'.

That means you must believe, honestly, that if Obama put on some sort of airs that made him look tougher that it would have deterred Russia from doing what they've done.

That is textbook stupidity.

aka Obama Derangement Syndrome.

They seem to forget that:

A. Putin joined France and other nations in protest of the US unilaterally attacking Iraq. He pointed out that their sovereignty should be respected.

B. After Iraq, China started sending troops into places like Xinjiang and Tibet, while Russia began cracking down on places like Chechya. Eventually? Russia invaded Georgia.

C. "The Bush Doctrine" set a precedent for the Super Power club. It was no longer a shame to get aggressive against other nations so long as you could conceivably destroy the world.

Nicely done.
See the deflection? Starts a racist thread then tries to talk about something completely different. Did you notice every response starts with "I'm not taking sides" Like who do you think you are fooling? :eusa_shhh:

No you careless about racism and instead post it as "funny". Showing what side you are on.

Libs were racist against Bush. Not only do you post racist shit thinking its funny, but you acknowledge it IS racist the start equivocating why this isnt bad after you said it was by throwing Bush into it because...Bush is black...??!?


You're right, I don't care if the Russians put up a racist display. I acknowledge that it is, or at least in our culture it is, but I don't care.

Next, I never made the claim the chimp issue against Bush was racist. It wasn't, obviously.

Exactly, you threw it in the mix just to deflect. We are talking about racism and you bring up anything and throw it in once you're called on your faggotry.

I merely point out that you guys did the same thing for eight years, which is why this is now so hilarious because of the irony.

Which is it, Is it racist or not? Saying "the left did the same thing" implies racism but you said it wasnt racist. Like I said stop Equivocating it makes you look stupid

It's as if you've waved kryptonite around for years, and directed it at someone who could not be affected by it.
Then, you go out and elect someone that IS affected by it, and now you're whining when it's brought out, when it was you who dug it up in the first place !

Fucking hilarious ! :lol:

Dug what up? Racism against Bush that you said didnt happen?

When I said you guys did the same thing for 8 years, I was talking simply about the use of the chimp, not that it was used in the same manner than it is now.
Now obviously, with Bush it was meant to make fun of his intelligence, with Obama it is meant to make fun of his race. The bottom line however, in both cases, at the root, it still comes down to making fun of the others intelligence. Using it against Bush, it was fair game. Using it against Obama, you guys want it to be a hate crime. Again, the root though, is still a swipe at intelligence.

For me I find it amusing. Not amusing making fun of Obama, amusing in how you guys on the left react to it.

As one of your weapons, you guys chose to throw garlic at Bush for 8 years. Now you want to whine when it's picked up and thrown back, that now that a vampire is in the white house, it's not fair. Too funny.
You're not going to get away with going down this road..
Consider yourself so advised

RightWinger is a sociopath. He has not a shred of integrity or ethics. He will post anything that promotes the democrats, or slanders the Republicans. He doesn't give a shit if what he posts are absurd lies - he doesn't care if it was refuted in the prior post. RW serves the party - it is all he does.

So what would you do to keep him from getting away with his behavior?
You're not going to get away with going down this road..
Consider yourself so advised

RightWinger is a sociopath. He has not a shred of integrity or ethics. He will post anything that promotes the democrats, or slanders the Republicans. He doesn't give a shit if what he posts are absurd lies - he doesn't care if it was refuted in the prior post. RW serves the party - it is all he does.

So what would you do to keep him from getting away with his behavior?

Indeed... he goosesteps in time with his Nazi puppet- masters.

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