Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

Exactly, you threw it in the mix just to deflect. We are talking about racism and you bring up anything and throw it in once you're called on your faggotry.

Which is it, Is it racist or not? Saying "the left did the same thing" implies racism but you said it wasnt racist. Like I said stop Equivocating it makes you look stupid

Dug what up? Racism against Bush that you said didnt happen?

When I said you guys did the same thing for 8 years, I was talking simply about the use of the chimp, not that it was used in the same manner than it is now.

You keep saying the same thing over and over. Maybe you want to tell yourself that you just said the left wasnt racist to Bush then you can argue with yourself about how thats not the "same thing".

No faggot, its making fun of one based on intellect and making fun of the other because of race just like you said before you reverse it in the very next sentence

Using it against Bush, it was fair game. Using it against Obama, you guys want it to be a hate crime. Again, the root though, is still a swipe at intelligence.

For me I find it amusing. Not amusing making fun of Obama, amusing in how you guys on the left react to it.

You posted the OP for laughs before anyone reacted to you are trying to pull that reverse timeline bull like people were offended by it before you posted it.

As one of your weapons, you guys chose to throw garlic at Bush for 8 years. Now you want to whine when it's picked up and thrown back, that now that a vampire is in the white house, it's not fair. Too funny.

Garlic is not racism and as you already said its not the same because no one was being racist to Bush you double talking shithead.

I'm done arguing with, you need to have that comprehension thing looked at though.
Okay, let's look at it rationally.

If comparing a black person to a chimpanzee or the like is NOT a racial slur, as most of you RWnuts are claiming, i.e., it's not racist...

what IS a racial slur?

Or are you implying there's no such thing?

Name some imagery or caricature that is in fact racist.

lol, see? These RWnuts can't even identify anything that is racist imagery or caricature.

So of course they don't think portraying the president as some sort of sub-human primate is a racial slur;

these people have simply rejected all racial slurs,

except those directed at conservatives.

But when LWnuts portray Bush as a sub-human primate, it was fair game. Both times it all comes down to a slam at the persons intelligence.

Now come on. It wasn't a subhuman primate. IT WAS THE CURIOUS GEORGE MONKEY IN THE KIDS BOOK, and he did look like the cartoon. And he was constantly getting into trouble and needing the man in the big hat to bail him out.

Mock Obama all you want. Oliphant's got a great characture of him. Doonesbury has nailed him time and again as the out of touch elitist he is. But, we got the steve mcgarrets and whoever that idiot is with the hard on for Michelle, who are racists and offensive.
Seems the Russians enjoy mocking Obama more and more now.

President Barack Obama received birthday greetings from around the world when he turned 53 years old on Monday, but some of those wishes weren't exactly well.

In Russia, protesters used lasers to beam a crude, racist image of Obama onto the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The image showed the president in a birthday hat with a banana going in and out of his mouth followed by projections of the words "Obama" and "happy birthday" in English.

The Moscow Student Initiative took responsibility for the stunt on VK, a social network popular in Russia.

Racially-charged messages aimed at Obama have been cropping up with alarming regularity in Russia. Also on the president's birthday, a banner depicting Obama as the "Three Wise Monkeys" -- see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil -- was unfurled near the U.S. Consular Section in Moscow, The Washington Post reported.

Images of the banner made the rounds on Twitter:

Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

Ha ha...good on you Pooty. (Putin) Video returned an error, so I couldn't enjoy it.
I love it when Conservatives take the side of racists in Russia over their own country

All because of Obama hatred

I'm not taking anyone's side. I do indeed hate Obama though, that's for sure.

Anyway, just remember all those "Chimp" references. It's come back to bite you in the ass ! :lol:

Referring to President Bush as a chimp was offensive but not racist
Referring to a black US President is racist
Do you take a pill to lower your IQ?
I'm not taking anyone's side. I do indeed hate Obama though, that's for sure.

Anyway, just remember all those "Chimp" references. It's come back to bite you in the ass ! :lol:

Referring to President Bush as a chimp was offensive but not racist
Referring to a black US President is racist

Not only that but referring to Bush as a chimp was horribly insulting to the chimps of America.

I'm not taking anyone's side. I do indeed hate Obama though, that's for sure.

Anyway, just remember all those "Chimp" references. It's come back to bite you in the ass ! :lol:

Referring to President Bush as a chimp was offensive but not racist
Referring to a black US President is racist


I don't see it as racist. I see it as a foreign group saying our nation is run by a monkey. Just as many said about our nation when Bush was President. It is saying a chimp can do the same job as the current president.

I see the "monkey"/President part as the insult.

Liberals see a black man being referred to as a monkey.

And you call ME racist?
no Russian ever owned a black American slave. So what Pootin did cannot be racist.
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American influence is on the decline throughout the world and Hussein defenders would rather whine about racism. It ain't about racism, it's about lack of respect for the US policies since Barry has been in office.
OMG. Russia mocked our president. This must be a first.
Get a clue and find something interesting rather than something that shows your unadulterated hatred and whatever else you try to hide .

Why doesn't that offend you?

I was offended when you guys referred to Bush as the "Chimp" for 8 years, so it's a bit hard for me to get too riled up about this.

I guess you could call it karma.
American influence is on the decline throughout the world and Hussein defenders would rather whine about racism. It ain't about racism, it's about lack of respect for the US policies since Barry has been in office.

9/11/01 was a display of RESPECT?
Seems the Russians enjoy mocking Obama more and more now.

President Barack Obama received birthday greetings from around the world when he turned 53 years old on Monday, but some of those wishes weren't exactly well.

In Russia, protesters used lasers to beam a crude, racist image of Obama onto the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The image showed the president in a birthday hat with a banana going in and out of his mouth followed by projections of the words "Obama" and "happy birthday" in English.

The Moscow Student Initiative took responsibility for the stunt on VK, a social network popular in Russia.

Racially-charged messages aimed at Obama have been cropping up with alarming regularity in Russia. Also on the president's birthday, a banner depicting Obama as the "Three Wise Monkeys" -- see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil -- was unfurled near the U.S. Consular Section in Moscow, The Washington Post reported.

Images of the banner made the rounds on Twitter:

Russians Mock Obama With Racist Laser Projection On U.S. Embassy In Moscow

What's the old saying, you teach people how to treat ya. When you show yourself to be a week kneed, spineless woos, that how you can expect to be treated.
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?

Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?

Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.

Who gives a rat's ass about pissants like Omar?

Gotta think bigger than that.

At the time,it was far more important that Leonid and Yuri and Konstantin and Mikhail respected him enough not to tangle with him-and-his.
Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.

Since the truth doesn't suite you, I see you turn to absurd lies. Obama Akbar indeed.
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?

Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.

May be so, but Russia never mocked Ronald Reagan the way they mock Hussein Obama nowadays.

In fact.... Mr. Gorvachev .... teared downs walls in the name of their friendship and mutual respect!

There you have it!
Omar! The was Gaddafi and Reagan took his son out in response.

Democrats can drag up the whole of history to hide obama and it still won't work. obama is a monkey. The world knows it. Nothing can change it.
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?

Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.

May be so, but Russia never mocked Ronald Reagan the way they mock Hussein Obama nowadays.

In fact.... Mr. Gorvachev .... teared downs walls in the name of their friendship and mutual respect!

There you have it!

While that is true...those were different times...much different times.

The truth is, Putin is playing to the teapers and they are too stupid to realize it. A little anti-Obama propaganda to gain some sympathizers and help the teaper movement to rip America apart.

Teapers are stupidly disgusting. Traitors who are aiding Russia and Putin in an effort against the United States.
Obama is getting the respect that he deserves!

and in neon lights!!!!!!!! :lmao:

He is being treated as the joke of the century .... can you imagine any other President tolerating such nonsense?

Reagan was disrespected far more. No one was afraid of Reagan. That is why the terrorist had a run on killing Americans whenever they felt like it the entire time he was in office. Omar K sent out his henchmen and gave him a combined Christmas present and going away gift by knocking a passenger jet out of the sky over Lockerbie for the holidays.

May be so, but Russia never mocked Ronald Reagan the way they mock Hussein Obama nowadays.

In fact.... Mr. Gorvachev .... teared downs walls in the name of their friendship and mutual respect!

There you have it!

Was the question about which President was disrespected by Russia more than Obama or was it which which President was disrespected overall on a global level? Reagan wins the global contest easy. Reagan was visibly and tangibly disrespected continuously by multiple entities. Each time he was disrespected the nation was disrespected and weakened.

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