Russia's winning, not Trump, the U.S.A, or Republicans.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
How about stop trying to win but start trying to be partners. Both countries will gain a lot and defeat Deep State a lot quicker together. Russia is your one and only reliably ally if you really want to stop playing geopolitical games and to get rid of Deep State which dividing and dumbing down your population.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
How about stop trying to win but start trying to be partners. Both countries will gain a lot and defeat Deep State a lot quicker together.

That's what Zbigniew Brzezinski thought in the end.

But, I'm not so sure Putin can be trusted.

For example, Putin still holds onto Russian colonies, including Chechnya.

Why? Not sure, as now Chechens are colonizing Russia a bit, because they have more births, and roam around Russia proper.
Russia had a lot of unfavorable views in polls against America back in the mid 2000's, long before Crimea invasion, the Sanctions, and other stuff since then.

I'd imagine a massive majority of Russian's now-a-days are very anti-American, due to the sanctions, and saber rattling by America against Russia.

I simply can't see how this "So called" alliance could possibly be salvaged.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
if you really want to stop playing geopolitical games and to get rid of Deep State which dividing and dumbing down your population.

Deep state, if by you mean Globalists / New World Order etc.?

I tend to think Hungary, and Poland tend to be better choices than Putin's Russia, or Trump's America.
What is it with guys with little wee-wees following around their leaders like they were Gods?'

We saw that with Japan, and China, of course, as well as North Korea.

Now as for Russia, they did so under Soviets, and now-again with Putin.

Same with the U.S.A now with Trump.

Keep in mind Russia, and the U.S.A are the 2 major White countries with the smallest wee-wees according to the data, only small White countries like Ireland, or Romania are smaller.

Romanians followed around Vlad Dracula the same way too.

As for Asians, it's already a known fact of being small little guys.
Deep state, if by you mean Globalists / New World Order etc.?

I mean that small but very powerful group of people who has been ruling your country for decades, who choose presidents, have their people in Congress and Intel, own your Media, start wars, divide the countries, dumb down population to make it easy to manipulate, etc. Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of them.


Isn't that ^ what we are witnessing now?
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.
if you really want to stop playing geopolitical games and to get rid of Deep State which dividing and dumbing down your population.

Deep state, if by you mean Globalists / New World Order etc.?

I tend to think Hungary, and Poland tend to be better choices than Putin's Russia, or Trump's America.
I mean that small but very powerful group of people who has been ruling your country for decades, who choose presidents, have their people in Congress and Intel, etc. Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of them.

View attachment 219195

I don't really think so, Brzezinski was A Catholic Jesuit, who collapsed the Soviet Commies in Afghanistan, and had been against Israel, not to mention he ended up being more favorable to Putin, and Russia than Israel when all is said, and done.

Zbigniew Brzezinski was the best U.S.A politician by far.

He nailed it twice better than anybody in U.S.A politics.

A.) When Brzezinski said the U.S.A was following Israel like a dumb Mule.

B.) When Brzezinski said the U.S.A Zionist lobby, was akin to McCarthyism, where anyone not pro-Israel enough, ends up being ridiculed as an anti-Israeli, anti-Semite.
Deep state, if by you mean Globalists / New World Order etc.?

I mean that small but very powerful group of people who has been ruling your country for decades, who choose presidents, have their people in Congress and Intel, own your Media, start wars, divide the countries, dumb down population to make it easy to manipulate, etc. Zbigniew Brzezinski was one of them.

View attachment 219195

Isn't that ^ what we are witnessing now?

Anyways, wouldn't Trump say something similar about FAKE NEWS?
You would know; between Russia and Germany you Polish failures are one of the most defeated countries in Europe. And Europigs like you have ZERO personal responsibility for your own mistakes so you always have to blame either Americans and/or Jews for the fact that you are a dying, cowardly, child-molesting, lazy, self-righteous, pompous failure of a continent and failure of humanity. JESUS CHRIST, you Euro sniveling crybabies are PATHETIC! There is absolutely not ONE quality of your spoiled brat, reprobate continent that is honorable or respectable in any way, shape or form; Europe is the utter scum of Caucasia.
My fellow Americans, I can logically prove that Europeans violently hate Americans and Jews for the exact same reason: they have a psychotic paranoia of anyone they perceive as "wealthier" than them. And the Freudian proof is that every time Zeropeans spew their dehumanizing hatred at either us yanks or Jews, they also immediately rave about how much they hate capitalism and the idea of "wealth." Come on, if that's not a monetary jealousy, what is?
You would know; between Russia and Germany you Polish failures are one of the most defeated countries in Europe. And Europigs like you have ZERO personal responsibility for your own mistakes so you always have to blame either Americans and/or Jews for the fact that you are a dying, cowardly, child-molesting, lazy, self-righteous, pompous failure of a continent and failure of humanity. JESUS CHRIST, you Euro sniveling crybabies are PATHETIC! There is absolutely not ONE quality of your spoiled brat, reprobate continent that is honorable or respectable in any way, shape or form; Europe is the utter scum of Caucasia.

Such a small mind, and such a big mouth. (Typical West-European scum)

It would be a bit more shocking, if Poland could beat a 3 front attack when so outnumbered.

Germany had about 90 million ethnic Germans under it's command in 1939, and the Soviet Union had a population of about 160 million, Poland only had about 25 million ethnic Poles, although officially Poland's population was a bit higher, it was largely unreliable, or hostile Jews, Germans, Ukrainians, Belarussians, and Lithuanians.

Then there's Slovakia, despite being smalled had about 3 million, or so people.

it all adds up, and Poland was merely outmuscled.
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My fellow Americans, I can logically prove that Europeans violently hate Americans and Jews for the exact same reason: they have a psychotic paranoia of anyone they perceive as "wealthier" than them. And the Freudian proof is that every time Zeropeans spew their dehumanizing hatred at either us yanks or Jews, they also immediately rave about how much they hate capitalism and the idea of "wealth." Come on, if that's not a monetary jealousy, what is?

You put Jews first, like most dopey Americans.

Just like Trump's admin, who is pushing for Poland to pay Jews compensations.

With Friends like that, you don't need enemies.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)
I don't know how it couldn't be more obvious?

Russia's more unified, organized, and apparently now has more allies than the U.S.A.

Putin's clearly intellectually superior over any U.S.A politician, ONLY Zbigniew Brzezinski an Eastern Pole from Ukrainian territories was superior over Putin.
Brzezinski had admited that Putin is an excellent strategist.

The U.S.A is also following Israel like a dumb mule, as Pole Zbigniew Brzezinski also stated before.

The truth is the U.S.A has not only isolated a ton of people over supporting Israel, but now over Iran it's losing the EU, and destroying relations with Russia, and China.

The U.S.A also goofed up in Mid-East affairs, especially with Saddam Hussein, who would've been preferrable right-about now.

Also by Trump fighting ISIS, I hate to say it, but Trump helped Iran + Russia.

The end result is the Idlib assault, with Russia, and Iran encroaching on Israel.

Now Neocons are going nuts, and they can blame their own stupidity, and barbarity.

Ultimately Trump, and also Obama have both played big roles in dividing a wedge between the populations of America, as fifth columns.

I can't see how the U.S.A can win against Russia, at this point.

There is not real conflict between Russia and the US. Both our problems are something else.

Has Putin managed to reverse Russia's population crash?

Then everything else is meaningless. They are a declining nation as least as bad as we are.

I'll tell you why Russia is in fact a threat.

Most of that is this.
A.) Zionism alienating the U.S.A from the World, and provoking the U.S.A to attack Russia if they attack, or fight Israel.
B.) Russia has more Nukes.
C.) Modern Weaponry. (Russia's actually pretty close in tech to us)
D.) More Unified. (Most Russians are in step politiically, in the U.S.A it's diversity is killing it from within too)

1. The world is "alienated" from US, for many other reasons than "zionism". Mostly having to do with them being ungrateful children. (not counting poland in there as they are one of the few nato nations meeting their agreed upon spending)

2. Nukes are next to useless in the context of the US/Russian tension. Modern Weapons? Unified? Would only come up, if we are stupid enough to get into a land war against Russia on their border. Which I hope we don't.

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