Rutgers professor says white people deserve low birth rates

Not only is this 'professor' racist trash, she's guilty of cultural appropriation. That ain't her natural hair color, you can see her roots. Perhaps some snowflake cracker should sue the college for psychological trauma. Isn't that what woke victimhood is all about, getting paid?
Healing in Biden’s America.

Yeah, it just and only happened while Biden is president, no other human(s) have ever said anything close to this, ever, right? Do you attribute every human and their actions to a guy that is in the White House or is it more logical to attribute the individual and their actions alone?
New Jersey professor Brittney Cooper (pictured) said: 'We got to take these motherf*****s out' when discussing white people and Critical Race Theory (CRT) during an online conference with The Root Institute on September 21

Thats pretty bad

I suspect even Mac1958 would excuse trump voters for getting angry at this sort of black hate speech

But that would imply some common ground between the left and right so who knows?
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New Jersey professor Brittney Cooper (pictured) said: 'We got to take these motherf*****s out' when discussing white people and Critical Race Theory (CRT) during an online conference with The Root Institute on September 21

Thats pretty bad

I suspect even Mac1958 would excuse trump voters for getting angry at this dort of black hate speech

But you never know
He’d justify it.
Which is what made white people do what they did while in control of their black slaves.
Hey, Bart, not sure if I hang with the same white crowd as you do, but I don't know any
white people who own slaves these days. And I'm willing to bet that the 'professor' doesn't
know of any slaves these days. get where I'm going, slick?
Healing in Biden’s America.

"When do we get to use the guns? When do we get to kill these people?" (Audience applauds)

meaning the democrats, white or black or asian, they have to go.
These monkeys sure are good at flappin' those blue gums but, when it comes time to actually get busy, they run off like the pack o' pussies we've always known them to be.

You wanna' know "When do we get to use the guns?"

Come down my street, motherfucker, and find out...
Healing in Biden’s America.

Does not sound as if Rutgers is what it used to be, especially in hiring and tenure. I don't remember the term "motherfucker" being used by any of the professors, but I went to a religion sponsored university. Probably going to be an addition to academic writing soon.
Yeah, it just and only happened while Biden is president, no other human(s) have ever said anything close to this, ever, right? Do you attribute every human and their actions to a guy that is in the White House or is it more logical to attribute the individual and their actions alone?

^^^Told ya. White leftists want to be killed.

Do your part, Moonglow.
Healing in Biden’s America.


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