Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead

I wonder if all the conspiracy theorists who thought she's been dead for months now will come out, and admit that they're retards. Nah. They just pretend they never said anything any time one of their retarded theories doesn't pan out. :dunno:
I wonder if all the people who took the RUSSIA bait...

I'm guessing you're one of the people I meant?
I'm guessing you are too.

One of the people you meant.

And no I never believed she passed away til tonight.

Stop picking fights.
Just reporting. No link as of yet.

Update: Borrowed Will's link...

People need to be honest about her. She did a lot of damage to this country. Instead of being a trailblazer and someone to admire, instead she ignored the constitution, legislated from the bench, push a leftist ideology that border-lined on communism and outright ignored the law to push her agenda. She did a lot of harm and changed the country for the worst. She was easily the worst SCJ in modern history. Not to mention she did not have the mental capacity to make some of the most important decisions in the country for at least a decade now.

People don't want to admit it, but the country became a better place.

Senator Tom Cotton would be a great choice. He is pro-America and is not afraid to express common sense opinions in today's censored, politically correct, Fake News environment.
Anyone who claims they will leave the country because they didn't like how an election turned out but didn't resign their office isn't anybody to admire or mourn, they're enemies of the people. We should deport her body and exorcise it to keep it from coming back. She loved murdering helpless babies, so instead of paying bucks for a state funeral we can just toss her body into a dumpster behind an abortion clinic so she can be interred her proudest achievements.
Basically every decision Ginsburg had influence on or commented on was an attack on the USA and the citizens of the USA. Totally unqualified to be a judge at any level.
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Senator Tom Cotton would be a great choice. He is pro-America and is not afraid to express common sense opinions in today's censored, politically correct, Fake News environment.
Yes, but it's got to be a soccer-mom type cuz of the election and suburban women. Plus, it'll be harder to parade a bunch of skanks claiming to have been sexually assaulted.
It’s really RBG’s fault. She should had stepped down long ago. I stated so long ago.
No one knows when death will come for them. This was her time, to still be in office was her choice. Perhaps this is all as it should be.




Antifa is more of an ideology than an organization — though basically, it’s the ideology of the contemporary Democratic Party. Much as the Confederacy was.

They should just relax. Trump is gonna do exactly what Schumer and Obama would have done in this situation.
Senator Tom Cotton would be a great choice. He is pro-America and is not afraid to express common sense opinions in today's censored, politically correct, Fake News environment.
Yes, but it's got to be a soccer-mom type cuz of the election and suburban women. Plus, it'll be harder to parade a bunch of skanks claiming to have been sexually assaulted.

COCAINE MITCH PLAYS FOR KEEPS: McConnell: Trump’s Supreme Court nominee ‘will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.’

When will Romney drive the knife into the GOP's back?
RBG should have resigned 7 or 8 years ago. Her failure to do so will now have severe ramifucations.
It'll be fine. Trump will appoint a fine upstanding Constitutionalist.




And the press would explain that politics ain’t beanbag, and say that anyone who is upset hates the Constitution.


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Just reporting. No link as of yet.

Update: Borrowed Will's link...

People need to be honest about her. She did a lot of damage to this country. Instead of being a trailblazer and someone to admire, instead she ignored the constitution, legislated from the bench, push a leftist ideology that border-lined on communism and outright ignored the law to push her agenda. She did a lot of harm and changed the country for the worst. She was easily the worst SCJ in modern history. Not to mention she did not have the mental capacity to make some of the most important decisions in the country for at least a decade now.

People don't want to admit it, but the country became a better place.
Yes, but she was so self centered enough---that she wouldn't give up her power as a SC judge which just cost the libs a seat on the court. She could have retired under Obama, and let Obama chose her replacement--but nope she didn't.
In this time of divisiveness, we could all learn from RBG and Scalia’s friendship

T H I S ^^^

Those two knew how to put their political differences aside and also how to value their friendship more.

Why can't some of you do that?


Because they have been such assholes for so long.

That doesn't mean we should repay it in kind.
no we should do it 20 fold

I will not take part in this savagery.

Then take a nap.

Do what you want. But neither side can claim moral superiority over the other. Never again. The moral high ground is gone. Nothing but a crater in the ground.
The only high ground I want is the Art of War high have issues bro.........this isn't about ginsburg here...........this is over a party who HIRES people to protest.......ignores our laws.......and sits back as the people they swore and oath to protect get robbed.,.,.,.,beaten ........and even killed........They have an obligation to UPHOLD THE LAWS.......not pick and choose which ones suit their fancy.

I don't care if they want a solar panel........if it were cost efficient and worth the money then I'd put some in myself........It's Far different WHEN THEY ORDER YOU TOO...........That has NOTHING to do with Freedom.......nor the corrupt politicians who have served themselves far too long.

That video explains what should be clearly........and hits the nail right on the head.......from 1948 when the people hadn't forgotten what it means yet.

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