RWs Hero Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
I think I know how it works. If a Hispanic kills a black person, he is a white Hispanic. If a black man kills a white Hispanic, it turns out that he was just Hispanic.
Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
Hispanic is a culture, not a race, no matter who says differently. That said, the LWers play up "Hispanic" when it suits them, specially when attacking RWers as "racist" and plays up "white" when it suits them, such as accusing Zimmerman of being a racist who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black child.
Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
I think I know how it works. If a Hispanic kills a black person, he is a white Hispanic. If a black man kills a white Hispanic, it turns out that he was just Hispanic.

Sorry to say but I think you're right.
Liberals just cannot let go of the Zimmerman Case because it made them look like fools....they seem to think if they keep lying about it long enough that folks will buy their fallacious narrative....meanwhile the idjit in charge in Washington has no doubt been flabbergasted by his drop in popularity...which no doubt was as phoney as the polls....after reality has checked in....his popularity is down in the 30% range....most of us knew that already...and much if not most of his un-popularity is due to his constant playing of the race card and people are tired of the b.s.---one thing most Americans insist on is fairness...if they perceive someone being unfair he is toast like obama and hillarys v.p. choice....aka his constant interruptions of Mike Pence during the debate...that turned off a lot of folks....which gets me back to the Zimmerman was easy to see the Federal Government(Obama and eric holder)were trying to railroad an innocent man...George Zimmerman...thanks to a honest jury it did not work and the Feds came out looking like fools.....Thus Zimmermans hero status today....which galls the libtarded no end. hehheh
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...
This is the sort of dishonesty I've come to expect from the left. If someone is shot while they're black, but also beating the sard out of someone, they weren't shot because they were black, they were shot in self defense. If someone turned a man's internal organs into jacks and started playing with them, and someone shot that someone, and he happened to be black, he was not shot for being black, he was shot for murder. Personally, I don't see what race has to do with any of it. Zimmerman, against orders, followed someone. That someone assaulted him. He shot that someone. What was Zimmerman supposed to do about the time he was being assaulted? Try to reason with him as his head was being banged against the concrete? Or are people not allowed to defend themselves?
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

You are so wrong.

First of all, quite calling the Trayvon Martin thug a kid. When I was a week younger than he was I was doing pushups at Parris Island. The fact the thug was unarmed is meaningless. He was a fully grown male capable of seriously injuring or even killing a man with his bare hands. Many men have been killed by a single blow to the head. Apparently you have never heard of the “knockout games” where Blacks try to knock out victims (mostly Whites) with a single surprise blow to the head. A number of these cases resulted in death. In one case, a 14-year old boy killed a man with a single punch to the head. I don't know where you get your news but you need to find a better source. Try the Drudge Report. Those of us who get our news from Drudge are aware of people being killed in the “knockout game.”

The law provides that deadly force can be used if one has a reasonable belief that such force is necessary to prevent death or serous bodily injury. The evidence showed that Zimmerman was defenseless against Martin's attack. At least one eye witness testified that Zimmerman was yelling for help as Martin was sitting on top of him hitting in the face and head. The police report showed that prior to the shooting there was injury to Zimmerman but none to Martin except for his knuckles (from striking Zimmerman). The question for the jury was this: Did Zimmerman have a reasonable belief that if the attack continued he would suffer death or serious bodily injury? The jury determined that was the case.

No, Zimmerman was not a tough guy that night. Zimmerman had been knocked to the ground and was being pummeled by Martin. He was injured, frightened and defenseless against a much younger and stronger man. The danger of serous bodily injury or death was very real. He did what he had to do to survive. You make Martin out to be the victim. He was not.

It is good to know you fellas are willing to shoot and kill an unarmed kid, after you start and lose a fight against...

Shows what you are made of, clearly...

How many times did you fight in your life son?
On what planet is a fight started by someone who HAD ALL OF THE INJURIES? Trayvonne had NO injuries, it's pretty clear he started the fight.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

You are so wrong.

First of all, quite calling the Trayvon Martin thug a kid. When I was a week younger than he was I was doing pushups at Parris Island. The fact the thug was unarmed is meaningless. He was a fully grown male capable of seriously injuring or even killing a man with his bare hands. Many men have been killed by a single blow to the head. Apparently you have never heard of the “knockout games” where Blacks try to knock out victims (mostly Whites) with a single surprise blow to the head. A number of these cases resulted in death. In one case, a 14-year old boy killed a man with a single punch to the head. I don't know where you get your news but you need to find a better source. Try the Drudge Report. Those of us who get our news from Drudge are aware of people being killed in the “knockout game.”

The law provides that deadly force can be used if one has a reasonable belief that such force is necessary to prevent death or serous bodily injury. The evidence showed that Zimmerman was defenseless against Martin's attack. At least one eye witness testified that Zimmerman was yelling for help as Martin was sitting on top of him hitting in the face and head. The police report showed that prior to the shooting there was injury to Zimmerman but none to Martin except for his knuckles (from striking Zimmerman). The question for the jury was this: Did Zimmerman have a reasonable belief that if the attack continued he would suffer death or serious bodily injury? The jury determined that was the case.

No, Zimmerman was not a tough guy that night. Zimmerman had been knocked to the ground and was being pummeled by Martin. He was injured, frightened and defenseless against a much younger and stronger man. The danger of serous bodily injury or death was very real. He did what he had to do to survive. You make Martin out to be the victim. He was not.

It is good to know you fellas are willing to shoot and kill an unarmed kid, after you start and lose a fight against...

Shows what you are made of, clearly...

How many times did you fight in your life son?

Zimmerman started the fight, and Martin didn't have a mark on him?

You're still going with this “unarmed kid” bullshit aren't you. Amazing.

There is no evidence that Zimmerman started the fight. The evidence showed that except for the gunshot wound Martin didn't have a mark on him. The jury found Martin's attack on Zimmerman to be unprovoked. That's why Zimmerman was acquitted. But don't let the facts get in your way.

I wonder what you would do in the same situation. No, I really don't wonder. I know exactly what you would do. You would reach for your weapon. You are not going to take blow after blow, afraid of being killed when you have a way of defending yourself. I know that and so does everyone else.

You can have the last word. I am done with you Zimmerman-hating thug worshipers.

Thats why I was asking you; how many fights you have been into...

Clearly none... because you dont shoot the person you are fighting just because you are losing...

Not to mention it was zimmerman following and harrassing the boy with a gun in his pocket ...

Grow up son, grow up...
Did you SEE his injuries? That's not "losing a fight", that's being beaten to death.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...
This is the sort of dishonesty I've come to expect from the left. If someone is shot while they're black, but also beating the sard out of someone, they weren't shot because they were black, they were shot in self defense. If someone turned a man's internal organs into jacks and started playing with them, and someone shot that someone, and he happened to be black, he was not shot for being black, he was shot for murder. Personally, I don't see what race has to do with any of it. Zimmerman, against orders, followed someone. That someone assaulted him. He shot that someone. What was Zimmerman supposed to do about the time he was being assaulted? Try to reason with him as his head was being banged against the concrete? Or are people not allowed to defend themselves?

The case had nothing to do with race in reality....but in truth the Feds motivated by the liberal media which was stirred up by Al Sharpton who thought Zimmerman was Jewish tried to turn it into a race case aka white boy kills 'unarmed' negro child and that narrative was propped up by the fraudulent posting of a picture of trayvon when he was like l2 yrs. old which prompted a deluded and dummy president to stupidly proclaim...'if i had a son he would look like trayvon'....thus inserting himself in a prejudicial manner into a judicial proceeding for which he should have been at least censured .
Somebody could always grab him, put a hood over his head and drop him off in South Chicago.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...
This is the sort of dishonesty I've come to expect from the left. If someone is shot while they're black, but also beating the sard out of someone, they weren't shot because they were black, they were shot in self defense. If someone turned a man's internal organs into jacks and started playing with them, and someone shot that someone, and he happened to be black, he was not shot for being black, he was shot for murder. Personally, I don't see what race has to do with any of it. Zimmerman, against orders, followed someone. That someone assaulted him. He shot that someone. What was Zimmerman supposed to do about the time he was being assaulted? Try to reason with him as his head was being banged against the concrete? Or are people not allowed to defend themselves?

"Law & Order" is just a phrase you punks throw around.
You don't care about neither law, nor order, unless of course...
Zimmerman was against the law and order,
the boy did nothing wrong other than defending himself against a suspicious guy stalking, which mean harassing, him around.

Next time you are in a dark alley and someone following you from behind, follow your own advice, and wait till he shot you dead... Would be making both of us a favor...
Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
Hispanic is a culture, not a race, no matter who says differently. That said, the LWers play up "Hispanic" when it suits them, specially when attacking RWers as "racist" and plays up "white" when it suits them, such as accusing Zimmerman of being a racist who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black child.

You are missing the point here..

This topic here is not about that racist turd zimmerman at all...

This topic is all about you people, the racist turds of this beautiful board...

You people, who are flocking in here in the name of Right Winger ideology, to defend a fellow turd, that most of you would sacrifice an arm to be in his place while he shot a black unarmed kid to death, and walked away like nothing happened...

Who cares what zimmerman is or not...

You are the STAR of the show...

Please, keep defending an obviously racist turd who stalked and harassed a 17 years old kid for no reason, and shot and killed him at the end, with your lies...

Please keep defending your fellow right wingers when they post here how they want to piss on peoples graves and kill the rest of that family...

Please, keep going, even tho you are lousy miserable lawyer, you are doin a very good job at representing what you are...
You are missing the point here....This topic is all about you people, the racist turds of this beautiful board.........You are the STAR of the show.........
Awesome. My respect for you has diminished due to your obvious racism, prejudice and refusal to accept public records of the trial.

Add to this the fact the only thing I've defended was everyone's right of self-defense. I, along with others you've labeled "racist turds", have freely admitted that Zimmerman is a fucking idiot and probably racist....which people with low IQs and/or low self-esteem are wont to do. People like you.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...
This is the sort of dishonesty I've come to expect from the left. If someone is shot while they're black, but also beating the sard out of someone, they weren't shot because they were black, they were shot in self defense. If someone turned a man's internal organs into jacks and started playing with them, and someone shot that someone, and he happened to be black, he was not shot for being black, he was shot for murder. Personally, I don't see what race has to do with any of it. Zimmerman, against orders, followed someone. That someone assaulted him. He shot that someone. What was Zimmerman supposed to do about the time he was being assaulted? Try to reason with him as his head was being banged against the concrete? Or are people not allowed to defend themselves?

"Law & Order" is just a phrase you punks throw around.
You don't care about neither law, nor order, unless of course...
Zimmerman was against the law and order,
the boy did nothing wrong other than defending himself against a suspicious guy stalking, which mean harassing, him around.

Next time you are in a dark alley and someone following you from behind, follow your own advice, and wait till he shot you dead... Would be making both of us a favor...
Says the one ignoring laws to support his false narrative, unironically.

Again, the courts found that Treyvonne threw the first punch. In order to make your assertion, you ignore that key factor, because it destroys your entire argument. He was beating up a random overweight latino, and wasn't prepared for him to have a weapon on him. If he was beating your head against the pavement, you'd have shot him, too.
RWs Hero Zimmerman

People continue to make this claim, I have yet to see any evidence that he is anyone's hero. He's an enormous douche to be sure, but I have never heard anyone call him a hero, well, except for people an the left claiming he is a hero to the right...

I have said that I would love the opportunity to buy him a beer or two. The reason is that he exposed the left and the media as the hate filled racists and liars that we all know they are, and in the end he embarrassed them. They are still butthurt over it. That's worth a few beers in my book.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Just because he legally defended himself and killed a thug in the process doesn't make him a hero.

There you go... jackpot...
Could you please keep going and enlighten us?
He is somewhat of a icon to you, not?
Or you wish you were in his place so you could shot and kill a teenage boy in his early life because, well, he was black... not?

Keep goin please...
This is the sort of dishonesty I've come to expect from the left. If someone is shot while they're black, but also beating the sard out of someone, they weren't shot because they were black, they were shot in self defense. If someone turned a man's internal organs into jacks and started playing with them, and someone shot that someone, and he happened to be black, he was not shot for being black, he was shot for murder. Personally, I don't see what race has to do with any of it. Zimmerman, against orders, followed someone. That someone assaulted him. He shot that someone. What was Zimmerman supposed to do about the time he was being assaulted? Try to reason with him as his head was being banged against the concrete? Or are people not allowed to defend themselves?

"Law & Order" is just a phrase you punks throw around.
You don't care about neither law, nor order, unless of course...
Zimmerman was against the law and order,
the boy did nothing wrong other than defending himself against a suspicious guy stalking, which mean harassing, him around.

Next time you are in a dark alley and someone following you from behind, follow your own advice, and wait till he shot you dead... Would be making both of us a favor...
Says the one ignoring laws to support his false narrative, unironically.

Again, the courts found that Treyvonne threw the first punch. In order to make your assertion, you ignore that key factor, because it destroys your entire argument. He was beating up a random overweight latino, and wasn't prepared for him to have a weapon on him. If he was beating your head against the pavement, you'd have shot him, too.
Alpine has proven himself to be too dishonest to admit it, but I agree with you; he'd have shot in self-defense if able.
RWs Hero Zimmerman

People continue to make this claim, I have yet to see any evidence that he is anyone's hero. He's an enormous douche to be sure, but I have never heard anyone call him a hero, well, except for people an the left claiming he is a hero to the right...

I have said that I would love the opportunity to buy him a beer or two. The reason is that he exposed the left and the media as the hate filled racists and liars that we all know they are, and in the end he embarrassed them. They are still butthurt over it. That's worth a few beers in my book.

But would you consider him a hero of yours?

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