RWs Hero Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

...Let me give you an advice; if you realize some thug looking guy like zimmerman is following you around, and you are somehow in an environment that is nothing like your safe neighborhood, please do yourself a favor and make sure to jump on him, before he jumps on you......
Nice backpedal. First you wish harm on me, then you try to act like you're giving good advice, which, in reality, is actually very bad advice. The type of advice one gangsta idiot gives another gangsta idiot and they both end up dead.

Martin had successfully evaded the idiot wannabe-cop Zimmerman. Instead of remaining in hiding and calling 911, he followed your idiotic gangsta advice and came out of hiding to confront Zimmerman and prove he was a bigger man than some "creepy ass cracker". He got shot for being a brutal, albeit stupid, attacker. Sadly, I suspect you'll end up that way one day too.

You dont know if the boy was able to get away or not.
All you know, is what your hero zimmerman told you... and you believed him...

My first post was the right one; I dont really care how you react to a situation like this boy was into. You can get yourself killed, or run home like that other boy suggested and risk your family on top. Life is an adventure, your adventure, manage your risks the way you like em...

Since you are living in your safe bubble and you dont have any risks like this boy had to manage in his short lifetime, should work out fine for you...

So in other words; it makes sense that you dont understand jack shit about this situation, therefore your words have no meaning whatsoever...

You can get yourself killed, or run home like that other boy suggested and risk your family on top.

So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
Hispanic is a culture, not a race, no matter who says differently. That said, the LWers play up "Hispanic" when it suits them, specially when attacking RWers as "racist" and plays up "white" when it suits them, such as accusing Zimmerman of being a racist who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black child.

You are missing the point here..

This topic here is not about that racist turd zimmerman at all...

This topic is all about you people, the racist turds of this beautiful board...

You people, who are flocking in here in the name of Right Winger ideology, to defend a fellow turd, that most of you would sacrifice an arm to be in his place while he shot a black unarmed kid to death, and walked away like nothing happened...

Who cares what zimmerman is or not...

You are the STAR of the show...

Please, keep defending an obviously racist turd who stalked and harassed a 17 years old kid for no reason, and shot and killed him at the end, with your lies...

Please keep defending your fellow right wingers when they post here how they want to piss on peoples graves and kill the rest of that family...

Please, keep going, even tho you are lousy miserable lawyer, you are doin a very good job at representing what you are...
Zimmerman got away with murder. Your life is obviously worth less.
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
Being 50% hispanic at least I learned from the media that my real designation is "white-hispanic". I guess I should be marching in the streets against Trump? Or would I need to be 100% hispanic? Can a liberal explain how the race card works?
Hispanic is a culture, not a race, no matter who says differently. That said, the LWers play up "Hispanic" when it suits them, specially when attacking RWers as "racist" and plays up "white" when it suits them, such as accusing Zimmerman of being a racist who hunted down and murdered an unarmed black child.

You are missing the point here..

This topic here is not about that racist turd zimmerman at all...

This topic is all about you people, the racist turds of this beautiful board...

You people, who are flocking in here in the name of Right Winger ideology, to defend a fellow turd, that most of you would sacrifice an arm to be in his place while he shot a black unarmed kid to death, and walked away like nothing happened...

Who cares what zimmerman is or not...

You are the STAR of the show...

Please, keep defending an obviously racist turd who stalked and harassed a 17 years old kid for no reason, and shot and killed him at the end, with your lies...

Please keep defending your fellow right wingers when they post here how they want to piss on peoples graves and kill the rest of that family...

Please, keep going, even tho you are lousy miserable lawyer, you are doin a very good job at representing what you are...
Zimmerman got away with murder. Your life is obviously worth less.

He sure did...
Just as worthless as yours...
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....

Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...

You're the one defending Trayvon...dead racist thug.
....Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war, claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust, that he never signed such an order...But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...
LOL Man, you are desperate.

So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...
Why is this EVEN an issue? Who the hell cares?
The same people rioting because they can't handle something not going their way. That's really the bottom line here. They desperately want the Zimmerman case to fit the narrative they have so carefully constructed of evil white people out to kill innocent black people, and when an incident doesn't fit that narrative, they simply rewrite it to make it fit.
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

As I said before, law may have a reasoning, but you people, have no reasoning other than that yourselves are racists in the first place...

You have been having a racist orgy here for pages;
from threatening to kill more of "us" and threatening the family,
to pissing on the kids grave,
all the way from trying to lie about the evidence,
to trying to give your shitty advice about a situation you have never been through in your safe bubbles you are pursuing your miserable lives...

All of this, are a result of your choices in life...

So; next time you complain about how bad it smells,
remember it is coming from you...
In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those....
Correct. Being a lying racist pig is one of those life choices.

Are you religious?

Do you know people have become significant at 60? Even 70? All they have to do is stop caring about themselves and honestly start caring about others. Do you think people can do this? Can they let go of their hate and start loving others regardless of race or ideology?
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

As I said before, law may have a reasoning, but you people, have no reasoning other than that yourselves are racists in the first place...

You have been having a racist orgy here for pages;
from threatening to kill more of "us" and threatening the family,
to pissing on the kids grave,
all the way from trying to lie about the evidence,
to trying to give your shitty advice about a situation you have never been through in your safe bubbles you are pursuing your miserable lives...

All of this, are a result of your choices in life...

So; next time you complain about how bad it smells,
remember it is coming from you...

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

Why bring Obama into the discussion?
George Zimmerman was kicked out of a Florida cigar bar after using racial slurs and yelling at a waitress, police said.

After Zimmerman was taken out of the cigar bar, he said that he had been assaulted by a black man inside.

Video of the incident showed the man saying hello and trying to shake his fellow bargoer’s hand before tapping Zimmerman on the shoulder twice when he refused, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

George Zimmerman kicked out of bar after using racial slurs

Seems like he is only tough when it is a black unarmed kid he is against.

He is just a pussy screaming and yelling when it is an adult man standing in front of him...

Oh My ALLAH, kicked out of a bar? That's WAY worse that losing the presidential election in a landslide....
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

As I said before, law may have a reasoning, but you people, have no reasoning other than that yourselves are racists in the first place...

You have been having a racist orgy here for pages;
from threatening to kill more of "us" and threatening the family,
to pissing on the kids grave,
all the way from trying to lie about the evidence,
to trying to give your shitty advice about a situation you have never been through in your safe bubbles you are pursuing your miserable lives...

All of this, are a result of your choices in life...

So; next time you complain about how bad it smells,
remember it is coming from you...
Replacing an actual debate with calling people racist. Solid Liberal tactics.

I see you're creating imaginary posts.

To be fair, he wouldn't be dead if he hadn't made obvious bad decisions. Assaulting someone instead of calling the police being one of those decisions. Are you going to go ahead and tell me that starting and escalating a fight instead of going home or calling the police is a solid life decision? Hmm? Why don't you just address my post instead of calling people racist? Why don't you argue against my points? Is it because you know you can't?
RWs Hero Zimmerman

People continue to make this claim, I have yet to see any evidence that he is anyone's hero. He's an enormous douche to be sure, but I have never heard anyone call him a hero, well, except for people an the left claiming he is a hero to the right...

I have said that I would love the opportunity to buy him a beer or two. The reason is that he exposed the left and the media as the hate filled racists and liars that we all know they are, and in the end he embarrassed them. They are still butthurt over it. That's worth a few beers in my book.

But would you consider him a hero of yours?

Depends upon the definition. I don't really have any Heros.
RWs Hero Zimmerman

People continue to make this claim, I have yet to see any evidence that he is anyone's hero. He's an enormous douche to be sure, but I have never heard anyone call him a hero, well, except for people an the left claiming he is a hero to the right...

I have said that I would love the opportunity to buy him a beer or two. The reason is that he exposed the left and the media as the hate filled racists and liars that we all know they are, and in the end he embarrassed them. They are still butthurt over it. That's worth a few beers in my book.

But would you consider him a hero of yours?

Of course he does...

After all; zimmerman did harass a 17 year old unarmed kid with a pistol in his pocket,
confronted him against the instructions of the cops,
and shot him dead when he lost the fight...

What is not to be proud of in this for a right winger?

Am I right, or am I right............

You of course are wrong on everything.
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa even if it was true which it is not ..... has what to do with anything? BTW according to sworn testimony he was lollygagging about the complex on a dark and rainy night....very likely casing homes to break into....looking in windows etc. thus he was suspicious thus the watchman reported him to the police for suspicious activity....also we should remember innocent little trayvon had been caught with stolen property and burglary tools before.

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

As I said before, law may have a reasoning, but you people, have no reasoning other than that yourselves are racists in the first place...

You have been having a racist orgy here for pages;
from threatening to kill more of "us" and threatening the family,
to pissing on the kids grave,
all the way from trying to lie about the evidence,
to trying to give your shitty advice about a situation you have never been through in your safe bubbles you are pursuing your miserable lives...

All of this, are a result of your choices in life...

So; next time you complain about how bad it smells,
remember it is coming from you...
Replacing an actual debate with calling people racist. Solid Liberal tactics.

I see you're creating imaginary posts.

To be fair, he wouldn't be dead if he hadn't made obvious bad decisions. Assaulting someone instead of calling the police being one of those decisions. Are you going to go ahead and tell me that starting and escalating a fight instead of going home or calling the police is a solid life decision? Hmm? Why don't you just address my post instead of calling people racist? Why don't you argue against my points? Is it because you know you can't?
So he sacrificed himself to protect his family? Hilarious!
He should have walked home and called the police if he was scared.
Instead, the dumb thug is dead. So sad.
He had a cellphone. He could have called 911 from hiding and never gone home.

Boy was on his shortest route to his home...

Apart from all that tho;
Gotta be a bitch to try to defend a racist thug...
Cost you a lot of... character...

Just like the fascists still trying to defend their mighty fuhrer after the war,
claiming there was no evidence that he ordered the holocaust,
that he never signed such an order...

But we did take the word of the good people, rather than the biggest thugs of the world, nazis...

All you have, is a story, from a racist pig...

Law may have a reason, even tho a shitty one, still, a reason... to believe it...
But you dont...

In fact, you dont need one... because you are shit.... full of it indeed....
And chose to abandon that route home to confront an obese man that he could have easily outrun, given how fit he is and how unfit Zimmerman is. Not only that, given the difference in physique, and the fact that the court acknowledged he was hiding, he was clearly not trying to escape from him, but to ambush him. Let's go over his options.

1: Run home, because his pursuer is overweight and wouldn't be able to keep up, then call the police.
2: Stay in hiding to contact the police.
3: Contact the police while running.
4: Stay in hiding to wait for him to leave.
5: He he absolutely has to confront George, threaten to call the police. Shouldn't be a problem, if he hasn't done anything wrong.

You know, logic would dictate that one shouldn't make a confrontation violent, because someone could get hurt. Trayvonne learned that the hard way. In fact, one should avoid fighting at all costs. If you haven't done anything wrong and someone is scaring you, call the police or escape, otherwise you're just making the situation worse.

In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those...

As I said before, law may have a reasoning, but you people, have no reasoning other than that yourselves are racists in the first place...

You have been having a racist orgy here for pages;
from threatening to kill more of "us" and threatening the family,
to pissing on the kids grave,
all the way from trying to lie about the evidence,
to trying to give your shitty advice about a situation you have never been through in your safe bubbles you are pursuing your miserable lives...

All of this, are a result of your choices in life...

So; next time you complain about how bad it smells,
remember it is coming from you...
Replacing an actual debate with calling people racist. Solid Liberal tactics.

I see you're creating imaginary posts.

To be fair, he wouldn't be dead if he hadn't made obvious bad decisions. Assaulting someone instead of calling the police being one of those decisions. Are you going to go ahead and tell me that starting and escalating a fight instead of going home or calling the police is a solid life decision? Hmm? Why don't you just address my post instead of calling people racist? Why don't you argue against my points? Is it because you know you can't?

Libtards when all else fails invariably degenerate into calling folks racist....which does not help them at all. The term has been so over-used that everyone shrugs it off....but when you have nothing else to offer up I suppose you can name call if it makes you feel better...just do not labor under some thought you are helping your agenda.
In life, you have choices; believing in a lying racist pig is one of those....
Correct. Being a lying racist pig is one of those life choices.

Are you religious?

Do you know people have become significant at 60? Even 70? All they have to do is stop caring about themselves and honestly start caring about others. Do you think people can do this? Can they let go of their hate and start loving others regardless of race or ideology?

The libtards are coinfusing race with bad behavior, with criminal behavior and above all with stupid behavior. The Zimmeman case in truth had nothing whatsoever to do with race....the FBI issued a statement that George Zimmerman was not a racist...they conducted a thorough investigation with George, his computer, etc.etc. and could come up with nothing regarding racism....and they would have loved to have done fact they desperately tried to find some link with racism....but they were forced to admit no evidence whatsoever that George was a racist fact he had supported obama before this mess. They did find out that he was part of his grandfathers was a negro...his mother was peruvian and he identified as a hispanic.

None of which had anything to do with what happened....the facts of the case demonstrated quite clearly that it was just a case of self-defense which we all have a legal right to.....trayvon ambushed George...sucker punched George while he was on the phone and would up dead because George managed to get his weapon out and defend himself...nuff said. case closed.

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