RWs: let's pretend that republicans had control of all 3 branches of government...

H e y dale, what year did you first read "Non Dare Call It Conspiracy"?

I came across this book around 1978.

Took me three years to realize that while it all may be true, there aint jack shit to be done about it.
I read it 4 years ago. I haven't been awake that long but I have been making up for lost time. The Committee of 300 by Dr.John Coleman is really good. I think if enough people wake up that we can change things and I am jot about to stop trying.
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

We'd send update to you in Cuba.

We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

I do not own a te-lie-vision and haven't for four years. I download lectures and documentaries to my I-Pod when I am work and down load books to read on-line. My short term memory issues disappeared...I highly suggest for anyone to give it a try for even a month and see if you feel better mentally. The GOP business execs wants illegals here for cheap labor...the demcrats want them here so they have another underclass to cater to. Illegals come from a very controlling and over invasive system which makes them ripe for the picking to vote "demcrat". The string-pullers love illegal and legal immigration because it waters down nationalism and makes it easier for them to take away the sovereignty of nations. The CFR has wriiten in their papers that a full frontal assault on national sovereignty will never work so an "end run" whittleing away at it a piece at a time must be down in order to establish a one world governmental system. I have many quotes from globalists that sit on the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs and other "think tank" groups that want to destroy our borders. Leftards have been used as willing pawns to make this a reality.
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

I do not own a te-lie-vision and haven't for four years. I download lectures and documentaries to my I-Pod when I am work and down load books to read on-line. My short term memory issues disappeared...I highly suggest for anyone to give it a try for even a month and see if you feel better mentally. The GOP business execs wants illegals here for cheap labor...the demcrats want them here so they have another underclass to cater to. Illegals come from a very controlling and over invasive system which makes them ripe for the picking to vote "demcrat". The string-pullers love illegal and legal immigration because it waters down nationalism and makes it easier for them to take away the sovereignty of nations. The CFR has wriiten in their papers that a full frontal assault on national sovereignty will never work so an "end run" whittleing away at it a piece at a time must be down in order to establish a one world governmental system. I have many quotes from globalists that sit on the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs and other "think tank" groups that want to destroy our borders. Leftards have been used as willing pawns to make this a reality.
Today’s newly arrived immigrants are the best-educated ever


You need to wake up sweet heart. Stay away from TV. Fine, but don't stay away from FACTS.

People might think you are one of these guys:

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

I do not own a te-lie-vision and haven't for four years. I download lectures and documentaries to my I-Pod when I am work and down load books to read on-line. My short term memory issues disappeared...I highly suggest for anyone to give it a try for even a month and see if you feel better mentally. The GOP business execs wants illegals here for cheap labor...the demcrats want them here so they have another underclass to cater to. Illegals come from a very controlling and over invasive system which makes them ripe for the picking to vote "demcrat". The string-pullers love illegal and legal immigration because it waters down nationalism and makes it easier for them to take away the sovereignty of nations. The CFR has wriiten in their papers that a full frontal assault on national sovereignty will never work so an "end run" whittleing away at it a piece at a time must be down in order to establish a one world governmental system. I have many quotes from globalists that sit on the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs and other "think tank" groups that want to destroy our borders. Leftards have been used as willing pawns to make this a reality.
Today’s newly arrived immigrants are the best-educated ever


You need to wake up sweet heart. Stay away from TV. Fine, but don't stay away from FACTS.

People might think you are one of these guys:


Immigrants are not the same as's a monumental difference. I know more "facts" than you and I have a much better handle on what is really going on than you. Intellectual lightweights like you are a dime a dozen. You hang onto a failed ideology because you suffer from arrested development where emotions rule and common sense takes a back seat......hope this helps!
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

I do not own a te-lie-vision and haven't for four years. I download lectures and documentaries to my I-Pod when I am work and down load books to read on-line. My short term memory issues disappeared...I highly suggest for anyone to give it a try for even a month and see if you feel better mentally. The GOP business execs wants illegals here for cheap labor...the demcrats want them here so they have another underclass to cater to. Illegals come from a very controlling and over invasive system which makes them ripe for the picking to vote "demcrat". The string-pullers love illegal and legal immigration because it waters down nationalism and makes it easier for them to take away the sovereignty of nations. The CFR has wriiten in their papers that a full frontal assault on national sovereignty will never work so an "end run" whittleing away at it a piece at a time must be down in order to establish a one world governmental system. I have many quotes from globalists that sit on the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs and other "think tank" groups that want to destroy our borders. Leftards have been used as willing pawns to make this a reality.
Today’s newly arrived immigrants are the best-educated ever


You need to wake up sweet heart. Stay away from TV. Fine, but don't stay away from FACTS.

People might think you are one of these guys:


Immigrants are not the same as's a monumental difference. I know more "facts" than you and I have a much better handle on what is really going on than you. Intellectual lightweights like you are a dime a dozen. You hang onto a failed ideology because you suffer from arrested development where emotions rule and common sense takes a back seat......hope this helps!
Whether they are legal or became citizens, they are still immigrants. And I said business wants immigrants. While I never said business wants illegals over Rednecks, you know most probably do. The GOP base really is that dumb.
You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:
99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
Where do you get your facts from? Fox? Or you just imagine them.

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

I do not own a te-lie-vision and haven't for four years. I download lectures and documentaries to my I-Pod when I am work and down load books to read on-line. My short term memory issues disappeared...I highly suggest for anyone to give it a try for even a month and see if you feel better mentally. The GOP business execs wants illegals here for cheap labor...the demcrats want them here so they have another underclass to cater to. Illegals come from a very controlling and over invasive system which makes them ripe for the picking to vote "demcrat". The string-pullers love illegal and legal immigration because it waters down nationalism and makes it easier for them to take away the sovereignty of nations. The CFR has wriiten in their papers that a full frontal assault on national sovereignty will never work so an "end run" whittleing away at it a piece at a time must be down in order to establish a one world governmental system. I have many quotes from globalists that sit on the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute for International Affairs and other "think tank" groups that want to destroy our borders. Leftards have been used as willing pawns to make this a reality.
Today’s newly arrived immigrants are the best-educated ever


You need to wake up sweet heart. Stay away from TV. Fine, but don't stay away from FACTS.

People might think you are one of these guys:

What are the stats if you're only looking at Mexican immigrants?

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