RWs: let's pretend that republicans had control of all 3 branches of government...

I know exactly what to do to change the fortunes of this country and it has no political affiliation's fucking SIMPLE....but you want to play partisan politics because being the little man that you are that waves his rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if in defiance? The only opinion that matters is yours. You are totally fucking CLUELESS and you are fast earning the reputation of being nothing but a troll that lives to swing his little cyber purse because you can't win converts to your side....maybe it's because you have nothing worth buying?...just a thought but I know more than you because you are so dialed in on the left versus right paradigm......because it's all about being on some side that you hope will win. It hasn't worked out all that well for those in need..... "Hope, change....YES WE CAN" and I bet you ate it up like manna from heaven and now you are pissed off because the new boss was the same as the old boss. STFU and open up your mind instead of being a useful idiot. I should be charging you for the heavy lifting I have done...but yet I am willing to share because we are all in this together. I know more than you because I have dedicated my life to this for 4 years 16 to 18 hours a day 365 days a year and I stopped watching the propaganda tube. I have clarity of thought because I disconnected myself from the grid.. What was the last book that you read? When was the last time that you took notes about a corporate news controlled issue and vetted the information??? That's what I STFU, turn around and pay attention to the blackboard....learn, GROW....evolve.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Nope. Not at all.

What they need more than anything is jobs and a break on the cost of living, and Democrats only offer welfare and more jobs either leaving the US or going to illegals and or refugees.
I know exactly what to do to change the fortunes of this country and it has no political affiliation's fucking SIMPLE....but you want to play partisan politics because being the little man that you are that waves his rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if in defiance? The only opinion that matters is yours. You are totally fucking CLUELESS and you are fast earning the reputation of being nothing but a troll that lives to swing his little cyber purse because you can't win converts to your side....maybe it's because you have nothing worth buying?...just a thought but I know more than you because you are so dialed in on the left versus right paradigm......because it's all about being on some side that you hope will win. It hasn't worked out all that well for those in need..... "Hope, change....YES WE CAN" and I bet you ate it up like manna from heaven and now you are pissed off because the new boss was the same as the old boss. STFU and open up your mind instead of being a useful idiot. I should be charging you for the heavy lifting I have done...but yet I am willing to share because we are all in this together. I know more than you because I have dedicated my life to this for 4 years 16 to 18 hours a day 365 days a year and I stopped watching the propaganda tube. I have clarity of thought because I disconnected myself from the grid.. What was the last book that you read? When was the last time that you took notes about a corporate news controlled issue and vetted the information??? That's what I STFU, turn around and pay attention to the blackboard....learn, GROW....evolve.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable
Tax breaks for the middle - class?

You have to be pulling my root, cuz you assholes have been hammering the middle- class with higher taxes since the day Big Ears took office. Obamacare, basically a massive tax increase. Increases in taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fast food, sugary drinks, and 8 other products. Huge energy costs. Massive increases in health care costs. The list goes on.

Bush's tax cut was across the board but you fuckers called it a "Tax-cut for the rich".

If you ain't lying you be dying.
RWs: let's pretend that republicans had control of all 3 branches of government...

You don't have to pretend the GOP controls all three branches and imagine what they would do. It actually happened, and it was a disaster.

And while they controlled all the branches of government, they spent like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, squandering the surplus and skyrocketing the federal debt; started three wars; lost guns in Mexico; tortured people; spied on tens of millions of Americans; created a massive trillion dollar government healthcare program without providing a means to pay for it; locked up American citizens without habeas corpus; drone bombed people in other countries; had several diplomatic missions attacked and one diplomat killed; expanded every federal agency except two (the SEC and the EPA); created a massive Cabinet level department with totalitarian police powers; and allowed our banks and the Fed to run the economy off a cliff.

I understand some people have to imagine what it would be like. Those people were in a coma from January 2001 until January 2009. They must have been, because they behave as if they have NO IDEA these things happened during that time.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss..."
And Barrypuppet not only continued those policies but put them on steroids, "Fast And Furious"...indefinite detention via the NDAA? False flag events like Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, Charleston, etc, have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not see right through this bullshit. DHS putting out a list of "potential extremists" like gun owners, returning Vets, pro life, pro-constitution, a supporter of third party candidates and anti central banking? These are the people that Barrypuppet and friends saw as a danger to this corporate entity trying to pass it's self of as a legitimate governmental body. Bush was a POS and I would love to see his whole family swing from the end of a rope.....but throw in the Clintons and Barrypuppet...frre popcorn for one an all.....
I know exactly what to do to change the fortunes of this country and it has no political affiliation's fucking SIMPLE....but you want to play partisan politics because being the little man that you are that waves his rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if in defiance? The only opinion that matters is yours. You are totally fucking CLUELESS and you are fast earning the reputation of being nothing but a troll that lives to swing his little cyber purse because you can't win converts to your side....maybe it's because you have nothing worth buying?...just a thought but I know more than you because you are so dialed in on the left versus right paradigm......because it's all about being on some side that you hope will win. It hasn't worked out all that well for those in need..... "Hope, change....YES WE CAN" and I bet you ate it up like manna from heaven and now you are pissed off because the new boss was the same as the old boss. STFU and open up your mind instead of being a useful idiot. I should be charging you for the heavy lifting I have done...but yet I am willing to share because we are all in this together. I know more than you because I have dedicated my life to this for 4 years 16 to 18 hours a day 365 days a year and I stopped watching the propaganda tube. I have clarity of thought because I disconnected myself from the grid.. What was the last book that you read? When was the last time that you took notes about a corporate news controlled issue and vetted the information??? That's what I STFU, turn around and pay attention to the blackboard....learn, GROW....evolve.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable
Tax breaks for the middle - class?

You have to be pulling my root, cuz you assholes have been hammering the middle- class with higher taxes since the day Big Ears took office. Obamacare, basically a massive tax increase. Increases in taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fast food, sugary drinks, and 8 other products. Huge energy costs. Massive increases in health care costs. The list goes on.

Bush's tax cut was across the board but you fuckers called it a "Tax-cut for the rich".

If you ain't lying you be dying.
The biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan was part of Obama's stimulus package. Look it up.
I know exactly what to do to change the fortunes of this country and it has no political affiliation's fucking SIMPLE....but you want to play partisan politics because being the little man that you are that waves his rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if in defiance? The only opinion that matters is yours. You are totally fucking CLUELESS and you are fast earning the reputation of being nothing but a troll that lives to swing his little cyber purse because you can't win converts to your side....maybe it's because you have nothing worth buying?...just a thought but I know more than you because you are so dialed in on the left versus right paradigm......because it's all about being on some side that you hope will win. It hasn't worked out all that well for those in need..... "Hope, change....YES WE CAN" and I bet you ate it up like manna from heaven and now you are pissed off because the new boss was the same as the old boss. STFU and open up your mind instead of being a useful idiot. I should be charging you for the heavy lifting I have done...but yet I am willing to share because we are all in this together. I know more than you because I have dedicated my life to this for 4 years 16 to 18 hours a day 365 days a year and I stopped watching the propaganda tube. I have clarity of thought because I disconnected myself from the grid.. What was the last book that you read? When was the last time that you took notes about a corporate news controlled issue and vetted the information??? That's what I STFU, turn around and pay attention to the blackboard....learn, GROW....evolve.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable

Look, you stupid fuck, the demcrats as well as pubs are well aware of the CAFRs and what wealth is being stored in offshore accounts like the Cayman Islands and they are paid handsomely...why else would a millionaire spend tons of his own money to take a 6 figured are so fucking innocent and your faith in your beloved "gubermint" only tells me that you are absolutely clueless. All that shit that you propose that could be done could be done by the Barypuppet because he has a pen and a phone. You are an indentured debt slave and political parties controlled by the banking oligarchs will never let you rise above it....WTF up.
I know exactly what to do to change the fortunes of this country and it has no political affiliation's fucking SIMPLE....but you want to play partisan politics because being the little man that you are that waves his rainbow colored "demcrat" banner as if in defiance? The only opinion that matters is yours. You are totally fucking CLUELESS and you are fast earning the reputation of being nothing but a troll that lives to swing his little cyber purse because you can't win converts to your side....maybe it's because you have nothing worth buying?...just a thought but I know more than you because you are so dialed in on the left versus right paradigm......because it's all about being on some side that you hope will win. It hasn't worked out all that well for those in need..... "Hope, change....YES WE CAN" and I bet you ate it up like manna from heaven and now you are pissed off because the new boss was the same as the old boss. STFU and open up your mind instead of being a useful idiot. I should be charging you for the heavy lifting I have done...but yet I am willing to share because we are all in this together. I know more than you because I have dedicated my life to this for 4 years 16 to 18 hours a day 365 days a year and I stopped watching the propaganda tube. I have clarity of thought because I disconnected myself from the grid.. What was the last book that you read? When was the last time that you took notes about a corporate news controlled issue and vetted the information??? That's what I STFU, turn around and pay attention to the blackboard....learn, GROW....evolve.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable
Tax breaks for the middle - class?

You have to be pulling my root, cuz you assholes have been hammering the middle- class with higher taxes since the day Big Ears took office. Obamacare, basically a massive tax increase. Increases in taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fast food, sugary drinks, and 8 other products. Huge energy costs. Massive increases in health care costs. The list goes on.

Bush's tax cut was across the board but you fuckers called it a "Tax-cut for the rich".

If you ain't lying you be dying.
The biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan was part of Obama's stimulus package. Look it up.
So in other words you are admitting the Republican Party does nothing for the poor and middle class?
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable
Tax breaks for the middle - class?

You have to be pulling my root, cuz you assholes have been hammering the middle- class with higher taxes since the day Big Ears took office. Obamacare, basically a massive tax increase. Increases in taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fast food, sugary drinks, and 8 other products. Huge energy costs. Massive increases in health care costs. The list goes on.

Bush's tax cut was across the board but you fuckers called it a "Tax-cut for the rich".

If you ain't lying you be dying.
The biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan was part of Obama's stimulus package. Look it up.
Denial really is common place with you people.
Lol how typical that no con here can answer those questions.

You glossed right over my post....being that you see yourself as a pseudo intellectual ? What do all the countries that are the verge of collapse have in common....come on douchebag....impress us all. I know and allegedly you believe that you are smarter than me......prove it.
What post?

The ranting one that goes on far too long but adds nothing to the discussion at hand.
Neither has the demcrats....don't you fucking get it? Neither party works on your you want to know on how to turn this all around? Aren't you even curious? I will tell you but you need to publicly apologize for being an insufferable prick and be sincere about it...otherwise I will just continue to bust on you to the amusement of others that don't like you either. Humble yourself and be sincere and I will share.I will acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you were man enough to do so. It's your call.
Democrats have many proposals to help the poor and middle class:

Expanding earned income tax credit

Investing infrastructure to create jobs

Raising the minimum wage

Expanding eligibility of over time pay for middle class workers

Paid medical leave

Assistance with tuition costs

Tax breaks for the middle class

Temporary Unemployment insurance to those who lost their jobs against their will

Food assistance for poor children and veterans

Making healthcare more affordable
Tax breaks for the middle - class?

You have to be pulling my root, cuz you assholes have been hammering the middle- class with higher taxes since the day Big Ears took office. Obamacare, basically a massive tax increase. Increases in taxes on cigarettes, liquor, fast food, sugary drinks, and 8 other products. Huge energy costs. Massive increases in health care costs. The list goes on.

Bush's tax cut was across the board but you fuckers called it a "Tax-cut for the rich".

If you ain't lying you be dying.
The biggest middle class tax cut since Reagan was part of Obama's stimulus package. Look it up.
Denial really is common place with you people.
You've been visiting ThinkProgress too much.
Republicans really don't have answers to these questions.

The only ‘answers’ they have is to violate the civil rights of Muslim Americans by having law enforcement patrol Muslim neighborhoods.
That's not a violation of their civil rights, you fucking tool.
Law enforcement has the right to patrol any neighborhood that is considered a high-crime area. It's called "Probable Cause" or "Reasonable Suspicion."

According to the Supreme Court, probable cause to make an arrest exists when an officer has knowledge of such facts as would lead a reasonable person to believe that a particular individual is committing, has committed or is about to commit a criminal act. The officer must be able to articulate the facts and circumstances forming the basis for probable cause.

Reasonable suspicion is a standard established by the Supreme Court in a 1968 case in which it ruled that police officers should be allowed stop and briefly detain a person if, based upon the officer’s training and experience, there is reason to believe that the individual is engaging in criminal activity. The officer is given the opportunity to freeze the action by stepping in to investigate. Unlike probable cause that uses a reasonable person standard, reasonable suspicion is based upon the standard of a reasonable police officer.

Definitions Of Probable Cause Vs. Reasonable Suspicion
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?
Does your pussy hurt?
Just admit you can't address my thread with factual information.
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?
Does your pussy hurt?
Just admit you can't address my thread with factual information.
It's because he never had pussy. Just dog.
"let's pretend..."

Two extremely dangerous words to offer liberals...because you KNOW some made-up, 'Armageddon-like', apocalyptic shite is coming when the subject has anything to do with Conservatives or the Republican Party.....

And you KNOW when the OP starts out with the words 'Right-Winger' (RW) instead of respectfully saying 'Republican', 'Conservative', or 'GOP' it's MEANT to be all negative.

We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?

You don't have the slightest clue on why things are....not only here but pretty much everywhere else and they all have one thing in common that is sucking the life out of them but you will never figured it.Your cure for what ails us is more leftard gubermint, more taxes, more fees, more entitlements and subsidies. How do we rid ourselves of the low skilled, poorly educated illegals and make them self-deport? Cut off the welfare spigot and stop treating them for free in emergency rooms. They have more than taken advantage of our generosity. It's time for Mexico to address their own problems instead of pawning them off on us.
Poorly educated "illegals"? It's not the illegals who are uneducated, it's these guys:

99.9 percent of illegals are very poorly educated and the only thing they can do is menial labor on the cheap because they will live with 9 other people in an apartment or house meant for two. Mexico is not that poor of a's full of billionaires that live there. Mexico never has to address their very poor because they pawn them off on us. They insist that we don't secure our border while treating illegals from South America like shit. When one of these illegals commits capital murder, the Mexican government tries to interfere with our legal system if he gets the death penalty. This is insane and it is killing this country.
We already know cutting taxes for top earners and corporations does not do jack shit to help the economy. Bush's tax cuts prove that. The Great Recession happened anyway and job growth under Bush was pathetic.

Deregulation has been proven to be an insignificant boost to the economy.

Even if deporting all illegals would help the economy, it would cost trillions to implement and would take decades to achieve. Net illegal immigration from Mexico is at zero anyway. More illegals are fleeing the US than are entering.

What else do republicans have to offer?

How would they fix our healthcare system which - in terms of affordability for the majority of citizens - is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they address childhood poverty which is one of the worst rates on the developed world?

How would they fix our infrastructure system which is one of the worst in the developed world?

How would they fix the wide income disparity between the wealthy and the poor? its the widest in the world.

How would they help the middle class?

How would they raise wages for the poor?

Would they even attempt to end gerrymandering?
Does your pussy hurt?
Just admit you can't address my thread with factual information.

Under the current monetary system and unfair trade agreements and practices, none of your issues can be resolved without causing a shitload of other problems and "No", leftards don't have the answers because they will not acknowledge the root cause.
H e y dale, what year did you first read "Non Dare Call It Conspiracy"?

I came across this book around 1978.

Took me three years to realize that while it all may be true, there aint jack shit to be done about it.

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