Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's | General Headlines | Comcast

Paul Ryan delivered a scathing criticism of President Barack Obama's stewardship of the nation's economy Monday, arguing that even conservative punching bag Jimmy Carter's presidency was better as Democrats streamed to North Carolina to nominate Obama for a second term.

"The president can say a lot of things and he will," the Republican vice presidential candidate told more than 2,000 supporters in East Carolina University's student recreation center, about 230 miles east of the Democratic National Convention site in Charlotte. "But he can't tell you that you're better off. Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now."

Sad but true, obama has done nothing in 4 years except create hardship on millions, Ryan was was right on to kick his dick int the dirt and step on it.....:eusa_clap:
I agree. Carter was bad, but didn't permanently damage the country. At least he showed some respect for our constitution. Obama's policies have all gone against the constitution. His czars have unlimited power and usurp congress at every turn.

Undoing the damage from Obamacare will be difficult, but can be and will be done eventually.

The thing that will be the most difficult is getting more people off the doles and into a life of independence since too many know no other way of life.
It's true in some respects. Then again, the Carter era was better than Reagan and both Bushs in those same respects.
It's true in some respects. Then again, the Carter era was better than Reagan and both Bushs in those same respects.

Based on what? Unemployment Bush didn't have a single above 7% month until the last few. Most of his term was between 4.5-6%. Some area's I'll agree.

I was referring to median income, which increased while Carter was in office, but has been on constant decline since (except for a couple of years in the late 90s).
I lived through the Carter years and had voted for him. I voted for Reagan the next time. Those years were very bad. Interests rates (inflation) so high no one could buy a home or much of anything and the Iran hostage crisis consumed most of Carter's energy. He gave back the Panama canal which was a mistake and many other disastrous things. He boycotted the US summer olympics also.
2,000? I read that there were "hundreds" at this rally, but read that a rally about 3,000 for Biden was "thousands". Ha.. Funny how the media plays things.
It's true in some respects. Then again, the Carter era was better than Reagan and both Bushs in those same respects.

Based on what? Unemployment Bush didn't have a single above 7% month until the last few. Most of his term was between 4.5-6%. Some area's I'll agree.

For one thing..we didn't have a President that made a deal with terrorists just to become President.

Reagan was a treasonous bastard.
Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's | General Headlines | Comcast

Paul Ryan delivered a scathing criticism of President Barack Obama's stewardship of the nation's economy Monday, arguing that even conservative punching bag Jimmy Carter's presidency was better as Democrats streamed to North Carolina to nominate Obama for a second term.

"The president can say a lot of things and he will," the Republican vice presidential candidate told more than 2,000 supporters in East Carolina University's student recreation center, about 230 miles east of the Democratic National Convention site in Charlotte. "But he can't tell you that you're better off. Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now."

Sad but true, obama has done nothing in 4 years except create hardship on millions, Ryan was was right on to kick his dick int the dirt and step on it.....:eusa_clap:

Well, failure is certainly how traditional conservative Americans would label Obama's first term. However, to statists such as Pelosi, Reid, Ted Kennedy (and most of that clan) and Obama that want to "fundamentally transform America" by increasing individual Americans' dependence on the state, Obama has been quite successful. In his Obamacare he has passed the biggest tax increase in the history of the world while forcing more Americans into dependency via what will ultimately become national healthcare. In Dodd-Frank he has gained an enormous amount of government control over the banking system while codifying 'Too Big to Fail' financial institutions. For socialists, gaining the means of production through the banking system is as close to the Holy Grail as they can get sans direct nationalization of specific industries, maybe even better.

But there is more. Through bogus recess appointments, presidential diktats, and administrative regulations (with the force of law) he has moved regulating boards to the left, altered immigration policy, and repealed acts of congress (welfare waivers to states). Not a bad start for a relatively unknown U.S. Senator from Illinois.

The failure, to some degree, belongs to uninformed voters and, to a larger degree, a press steeped in the Marxist/Socialist progressive educational frappe that is the U.S. university system from which the traditional media draws its personnel who then proceed to tie themselves in rhetorical and logical knots cheerleading those such as Obama.

Even if we conservatives are able to slow the progressive doomsday machine by wining the 2012 general we have decades of work in re-educating most Americans as to the founding principles. Further, it is not at all clear how successful conservatives will be at doing so, especially given the headwinds presented by those establishment types in the GOP itself, but that is a topic for another day.

Be a happy conservative warrior!

Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's | General Headlines | Comcast

Paul Ryan delivered a scathing criticism of President Barack Obama's stewardship of the nation's economy Monday, arguing that even conservative punching bag Jimmy Carter's presidency was better as Democrats streamed to North Carolina to nominate Obama for a second term.

"The president can say a lot of things and he will," the Republican vice presidential candidate told more than 2,000 supporters in East Carolina University's student recreation center, about 230 miles east of the Democratic National Convention site in Charlotte. "But he can't tell you that you're better off. Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now."

Sad but true, obama has done nothing in 4 years except create hardship on millions, Ryan was was right on to kick his dick int the dirt and step on it.....:eusa_clap:

That's because Carter only inherited Nixon's failed policies. Obama inherited Nixon, Reagan and Bush's failed policies.
Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's | General Headlines | Comcast

Paul Ryan delivered a scathing criticism of President Barack Obama's stewardship of the nation's economy Monday, arguing that even conservative punching bag Jimmy Carter's presidency was better as Democrats streamed to North Carolina to nominate Obama for a second term.

"The president can say a lot of things and he will," the Republican vice presidential candidate told more than 2,000 supporters in East Carolina University's student recreation center, about 230 miles east of the Democratic National Convention site in Charlotte. "But he can't tell you that you're better off. Simply put, the Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now."

Sad but true, obama has done nothing in 4 years except create hardship on millions, Ryan was was right on to kick his dick int the dirt and step on it.....:eusa_clap:

That's because Carter only inherited Nixon's failed policies. Obama inherited Nixon, Reagan and Bush's failed policies.

Are these the same failed policies that countries like China(since 1990) and South Korea have been using?:eusa_boohoo:
Ryan says Jimmy Carter era was better than Obama's

Ryan also said that a GM plant closed on Obama's watch and that he ran a 26 mile marathon in under 3 hrs -- both lies; so, I think I'll take anything he says with a grain of salt.
For one thing..we didn't have a President that made a deal with terrorists just to become President.

Reagan was a treasonous bastard.

Well, as to the last statement, our constitution sets down that treason must be established by two witnesses to the act in a court of law (given the offender doesn't just confess). Perhaps you might supply us with such sworn testimony describing said "deal"? Of course, you might be using some other extra-constitutional definition of 'treason' which would render your accusation, well, irrelevant.

But said "deal" did have the the contrast, in sharp relief, of happy realeased hostages juxtaposed with that of hostages lanquishing in Tehran for more than a year under a flummoxed Carter administration. I would suggest Reagan merely proposed a deal to Tehran that it simply could not refuse. I'll bet every one of those hostages would testify in Reagan's behalf during his "treason" trial.

Don't be surprised if, after Romney becomes president, Tehran is the one suddenly asking for 'serious negotiations. Peace through strength. Not only is it "really that simple", it is basic. Change Tehran's Risk /Reward calculus and suddenly both the U.S. and Tehran interests meld into a happy outcome for all. Isn't that the "can't we all just get along" outcome that progressives yearn for?

It's true in some respects. Then again, the Carter era was better than Reagan and both Bushs in those same respects.

Based on what? Unemployment Bush didn't have a single above 7% month until the last few. Most of his term was between 4.5-6%. Some area's I'll agree.
Of course that is the U-3 unemployment which CON$ say is not the real unemployment rate, which for Bush was more like 20%.

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