Ryan says Republicans pushing Trump to work with Democrats


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
As we know it was the Freedom Caucus--aka Tea Party that trashed the new Health care bill put out by Republicans. The Freedom Caucus greeted Trump with a standing ovation when he walked into the room to discuss the health care bill, and then went back and voted against it. Now Trump stated they're no longer HIS friends, and he will work to replace them in 2018. I guess that means campaigning against them & possibly be in support the Democrat challenger.

"House Speaker Paul Ryan said he is worried that Republicans may push President Donald Trump right into the arms of Democrats on Capitol Hill if they are unable to come together on legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Since the collapse of Republicans' American Health Care Act last week in the House, Trump has expressed a willingness to work with Democrats on reforming the nation’s healthcare system if the Republican caucus is willing to unify behind him. Ryan (R-Wis.), in an interview with “CBS This Morning,” warned his GOP colleagues that the president is likely not bluffing." “What I worry about, Norah, is that if we don't do this, then he'll just go work with Democrats to try and change Obamacare and that's hardly a conservative thing,” Ryan told CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell. “This is a can-do president, he's a business guy who wants to get things done and I know that he wants to get things done with the Republican Congress, but if this Republican Congress allows the perfect to be the enemy of the good, I worry we'll push the president into working with Democrats.”
Ryan warns Republicans that Trump could turn to Democrats on health bill

"President Donald Trump on Thursday morning revived his feud with the House Freedom Caucus members who helped sink his attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare, threatening to “fight them” in the 2018 elections.
“The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don't get on the team, & fast. We must fight them, in 2018!” Trump tweeted.Trump has repeatedly gone after members of the ultra-conservative caucus since the collapse of the American Health Care Act last Friday. House Speaker Paul Ryan pulled the bill after it became clear that Republicans didn’t have the votes due to the resistance of both Freedom Caucus members and some moderates.
Trump threatens to 'fight' Freedom Caucus members in 2018


Not that Republicans ever had a plan that would pass anyway, but I find it very interesting that Trump is now willing to work with Democrats to improve on Obamacare and avoid House Republicans--LOL John Boehner laughed when Republicans were calling for Repeal & Replace citing that Republicans would NEVER agree on a health care bill, after Republican House Republicans continually stating for 7 long years that they would immediately repeal it.
Report: John Boehner says Obamacare won't be repealed and replaced

I just wonder what all these Trump supporters and voters think about Trump reversing course on "I will repeal Obamacare immediately-" "it's a disaster"-who is now indicating he'll work with Democrats to fix Obamacare--LOL
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Question to Trump supporters. Are you upset that Donald is talking about doing business with Democrats?
Question to Trump supporters. Are you upset that Donald is talking about doing business with Democrats?

Yeah that's the whole point--how do they feel about Trump moving over to what they "consider" the dark side--LOL

Clearly Republicans should have worked with Democrats from the get go to fix the problems with Obamacare--versus working on a bill that they knew had no chance of passing. Now they have egg all over their faces--and they have PISSED off their chosen leader at the same time.

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