'S.C. Republican: Aid like feeding strays'


to bad you were not in that program Dean....

Merely another example of what Republicans truly think of this country. They always talk about being the party of Jesus and anti gay and pro morals. Then they refer to human beings as "stray animals" and say "Stop feeding them and they will stop breeding". That party is just odious.

When Republicans fail, they fail big. Two wars, not getting Bin Laden, the economy. Now they've opened our political process to foreign corporations giving them the same status as "American Born Citizens".

To an outsider, their goal would seem to be "destroy America".
Can you link us to his statement saying that, please, or are you purposely lying to try and bolster your point?
Read what he said. If parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off.

What does that mean to you?

It means that if parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off. Now please do what I asked and show me the quote where he said he wants kids to starve to death.
If kids don't eat they starve to death.
Ah, the delicious irony. What an a-hole hypocrite.

A child of divorce who benefited from free lunches himself, Bauer insisted he wasn't bad-mouthing people laid off from work in the recession or advocating taking food from children, but rather emphasizing the need to break the cycle of dependency.

SC politician's welfare comments called `immoral' - Yahoo! News

Wow, that makes this pitiful story even worse.

I read a bit through the thread and I can't believe how many people are defending a man who compares feeding stray animals with feeding poor children and thinks we should stop feeding poor children so they don't breed?!?!! wtf?

Yet ANOTHER instance of Right Wing = love the fetus / hate the baby.

There are SOOOOO many.
Read what he said. If parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off.

What does that mean to you?

It means that if parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off. Now please do what I asked and show me the quote where he said he wants kids to starve to death.
If kids don't eat they starve to death.

If they die, they won't breed, then there will be less of them.

This is right wing logic.

And let's not pretend there aren't MANY right wing nutjobs on this board, actually defending this asshole.

The posts are all conveniently right here, in this thread.
Can you link us to his statement saying that, please, or are you purposely lying to try and bolster your point?
Read what he said. If parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off.

What does that mean to you?

It means that if parents don't attend PTA meetings, the free lunch should be cut off. Now please do what I asked and show me the quote where he said he wants kids to starve to death.

Why do you agree that the children should be punished with hunger because his parent doesn't go to a PTA meeting?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.
Why do you assume the parents would not comply?

Why would you think that any parent would not give up 2 hours of their precious time to see that their 'CHILDREN DON'T STARVE TO DEATH"?

Why would anyone object to drug testing of parents who don't feed their kids?

The contempt that the left has for the poor never ceases to amaze me. Why does the left hate children?
Why do you assume the parents would not comply?

Why would you think that any parent would not give up 2 hours of their precious time to see that their 'CHILDREN DON'T STARVE TO DEATH"?

Why would anyone object to drug testing of parents who don't feed their kids?

The contempt that the left has for the poor never ceases to amaze me. Why does the left hate children?
Chanel, can I be on the panel that decides if you are a good enough parent?

Listen - I do not agree with punishing children for the "sins of their fathers". But I do believe in punishing the sinners themselves. Every time someone comes up with an idea to get parents more involved in their children's lives, the lefties say 'BUT THEY DON'T CARE". Guess what? Maybe no one has ever asked them to. I believe many of them do care. And for those that don't - they should lose their kids. Pretty simple.

Listen - I do not agree with punishing children for the "sins of their fathers". But I do believe in punishing the sinners themselves. Every time someone comes up with an idea to get parents more involved in their children's lives, the lefties say 'BUT THEY DON'T CARE". Guess what? Maybe no one has ever asked them to. I believe many of them do care. And for those that don't - they should lose their kids. Pretty simple.
Again, can I be on the panel that decides if you are a good enough parent?

I'd also like to know what you plan on doing with these children that you take away from their parents.

If you can't see that not feeding kids or taking them away from their parents, is punishment for the children, you're mighty confused.

to bad you were not in that program Dean....

Merely another example of what Republicans truly think of this country. They always talk about being the party of Jesus and anti gay and pro morals. Then they refer to human beings as "stray animals" and say "Stop feeding them and they will stop breeding". That party is just odious.

When Republicans fail, they fail big. Two wars, not getting Bin Laden, the economy. Now they've opened our political process to foreign corporations giving them the same status as "American Born Citizens".

To an outsider, their goal would seem to be "destroy America".

if i was new to the political world i would think you are trying to destroy America with your very slanted biased rhetoric,and would seek the other side...it shows you Dean why one party should not rule....now you are seeing the other side fuck us up.....this country has always worked better when things are more equal....but you would not know that....coming from left field bleachers and all...assholes like you and your twin cant see past the bullpen....
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If they die, they won't breed, then there will be less of them.

This is right wing logic.

And let's not pretend there aren't MANY right wing nutjobs on this board, actually defending this asshole.

The posts are all conveniently right here, in this thread.

there are a lot of leftwing nuts on this board to ma'am....
Are you kids failing Ravi? If they were failing would you attend a conference? If your kid's free lunch was contingent upon that conference, would you find the time? I would hope so. And to expect less from people who happen tp have less money, is insulting to the poor.

I am sick and tired of OTHER people making excuses for bad behavior. Let them come up with their own damn excuses.

A kick in the ass and twisting of arms can be very effective in changing any behavior. We ALL need it sometime.
Are you kids failing Ravi? If they were failing would you attend a conference? If your kid's free lunch was contingent upon that conference, would you find the time? I would hope so. And to expect less from people who happen tp have less money, is insulting to the poor.

I am sick and tired of OTHER people making excuses for bad behavior. Let them come up with their own damn excuses.

A kick in the ass and twisting of arms can be very effective in changing any behavior. We ALL need it sometime.
So now you've changed the goalposts. It is okay not to attend PTA meetings.

Good. I was worried about you there for a minute.

Punishing kids because their parents are idiots is wrong. And no matter how much you explain it away and try to say that you are punishing the parents...in reality you are punishing the kids.
Listen - I do not agree with punishing children for the "sins of their fathers". But I do believe in punishing the sinners themselves.

Wow, so now being poor is a sin? I was poor growing up due to a divorce from an abusive, deadbeat dad... but my mom, brother and sister and I are the sinners? Because we were poor? Gotcha. I guess the beatitudes don't mean what I thought they did...


"Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are they who mourn,
for they shall be comforted.

Blessed are the meek,
for they shall inherit the earth.

Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.

Blessed are the pure of heart,
for they shall see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

Gospel of St. Matthew 5:3-10

Actually, none of those sound like a description of "conservative" values. Nevermind.

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