'S.C. Republican: Aid like feeding strays'

If we were following the gentleman from South Carolina's suggestion when he was growing up, he may have starved to death. IMO, this is an example of pulling the ladder up after you've gotten out of the hole and to hell with the people in line for the ladder after you.
Pay attention Mr. Peepers. No one said that being poor is a sin. But not providing for the basic needs of your children is. We have a thing called "food stamps" for people on public assistance. We have a thing called "free public education". We are not talking about Zimbabwe here.

We know that parental participation increases educational achievement. That is common knowledge. And yes, food does too. Why can't we combine them? The free lunch ain't cuttin it alone.

This guy in SC has people talking. And even if his ideas don't fly, at least attention is being focused on a very very serious problem in this country. Who has a better idea? Please share. Even President Obama would like to know.
Some of you need to make up your minds as to what sort of country you want. Do you want a 'Nanny State'? Do you want freedom?
To an outsider, their goal would seem to be "destroy America".

That's totally okay with them as long as they make a buttload of money doing it (or at least their worshipped 1%). Basically the whole conservative, I mean corporatist doctrine boils down to just that.
Pay attention Mr. Peepers. No one said that being poor is a sin.

Actually, that's exactly what you said. That people should pay a price for the audacity of being poor.

Listen - I do not agree with punishing children for the "sins of their fathers". But I do believe in punishing the sinners themselves.

That is your quote, is it not?
Yes dear that is my quote.

Pay attention again - Neglecting your child's basic needs - food and education - is a sin. That goes for rich people too. Being poor does not mean you cannot love your kids. Many, many do. Feel better now?
To an "insider" working in public education, it would seem the liberal goal is to create an underclass. That's totally okay with them as long as make a buttload of future Democratic voters.

Then, as an insider working in public education, I think you're not seeing what is actually happening. It's not the liberals intent to create an underclass, but they are torn. Their loyalty to the NEA is the problem. You cannot allow a union to go beyond representing the workers and begin letting them make educational policy. Why? Because the union's foremost goal and number one responsibility is to get the best deal for their members as possible. And just like the Big 3 (GM, Ford, and Chrysler) when management doesn't hold up their end of the fight, the enterprise is doomed to failure.

When liberals are management, they give to much to the NEA and what are supposed to be labor contracts evolve into school management contracts. In the world of labor negotiations, there is a time when management should tell the unions to stuff it and let them go on strike, if not lock them out.

Conservatives, on the other hand, go to far in the other direction. They are so interested in disenfranchising the union that they pay no attention to their unintended consequences either.
Why do you agree that the children should be punished with hunger because his parent doesn't go to a PTA meeting?

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of.

Shouldn't you be directing that question to the parents of one of those kids?
Cute story -

Last year I had a Mexican student whose mother barely spoke a word of English. Conferences were held during a Nor-easter and attendance was low. This woman took public transportation and walked a half mile with four year old in tow, just to meet her daughter's teachers. That is a parent who loves her kid the right way. And there was not one teacher unwilling to bend over backwards to help that kid.

It seems many immigrants value education so much more than us spoiled Americans. Is it because they understand that it is the key to ending poverty? Or is it because Americans are not really "poor"?
Pay attention again - Neglecting your child's basic needs - food and education - is a sin.

You can't give your kids what you don't have. You need money to buy food, a job (or two or three) to make money. And no, being poor is not a sin. Poverty can be a vicious cycle. Truthfully, I think hoarding money and resources "just because you can" is more of a sin.
Pay attention again - Neglecting your child's basic needs - food and education - is a sin.

You can't give your kids what you don't have. You need money to buy food, a job (or two or three) to make money. And no, being poor is not a sin. Poverty can be a vicious cycle. Truthfully, I think hoarding money and resources "just because you can" is more of a sin.

Better stated as you can't give your kids what you won't provide for them....

if you are able bodied and/or minded and already work, you should be able to work more or t advance in the job you are doing to negotiate more pay and benefits

Being poor is not a sin.... not doing whatever you can to provide what is needed is indeed a sin

I was poor growing up, and lord knows I did not make a ton of money as a soldier.... but the key word is WAS.... I worked my ass off, advanced, and did what I had to do to provide... and I worked my way into being a success

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