'S.C. Republican: Aid like feeding strays'

I was poor growing up, and lord knows I did not make a ton of money as a soldier.... but the key word is WAS.... I worked my ass off, advanced, and did what I had to do to provide... and I worked my way into being a success

So?!?!? The MBA grad here in Manhattan who is now working at Starbucks and living back w/his parents worked hard and "did the right things" too. We lost over 200K GOOD jobs w/benefits because of Wall Street's shenanigans. You never know when your situation can change on a dime in this country (now more than ever). If you get laid off, can't find a job that pays real money for 3 months, 6 months or a year, you suddenly find yourself living off unemployment and you find yourself in POVERTY. See how easy that is? Add in no health insurance + a medical emergency and you've got a real problem. Hard work does not always = success and advancement. Hell, most bosses now fire their most proficient employees and hire an entry level person so that they don't have to pay the more experienced person's higher salary. Who can stick around long enough to "advance" anymore? That is more and more the norm. Besides, some of the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs are also the least compensated.

And it is not your responsibility, nor government's responsibility for what I do to take care of my responsibilities and pay for my tings...

If I have to switch careers and work 100 hours at starbucks, so be it...

And if I have a health problem without insurance, that is MY problem.. .not yours, not governments...

Hard work does not equal success... BUT NOBODY IS GUARANTEED SUCCESS... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or success... you are not owed success... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...

Fuck you and your entitlement mantra whining, peepy weepy
Well then, show us how committed you are. Go out and give away every dollar in your bank account, wallet, and 401k. You haven't spent it as this point so you clearly don't need it and you don't want to be a big, bad sinner do you?

I've heard a lot of stupid opinions in my life and this one ranks right up there at the top.

First off, I am not Christian, but I am pretty sure that gluttony (greed) is one of the 7 deadly ones. And sorry, but the conservative/corporatist opinion which is basically justification for selfishness and greed is the much more moronic opinion, in my book.

Second, in reference to savings, that is exactly what I was referring to - once those savings are gone... poverty. Once your "nest egg" is gone, then what? I wish I were able to save as much as I used to, but my salary increases are being outpaced by cost of goods and services, and especially, rent. There is a difference between common sense thrift (saving for a rainy day) and greed (hoarding millions and billions of dollars).
Fuck you and your entitlement mantra whining, peepy weepy

To what have I entitled myself to (or anyone else to), neocon? Someone should really teach you guys some reading comprehension skills. You must have nothing more to bring to debate if you have devolved into cursing and name-calling. You sound like you're 12.

I thought we were debating the unholy sin of poverty.
Fuck you and your entitlement mantra whining, peepy weepy

To what have I entitled myself to (or anyone else to), neocon? Someone should really teach you guys some reading comprehension skills. You must have nothing more to bring to debate if you have devolved into cursing and name-calling. You sound like you're 12.

I thought we were debating the unholy sin of poverty.

Again.. the ignorant lefty misuse of the term neocon... shows your ignorance... makes you more like 3 to my 12 then

Do you call for government run, government mandated, government funded, government assisted, "public option" systems?? If you are, you are trying to entitle yourself to something at the expense of another


Hard work does not equal success... BUT NOBODY IS GUARANTEED SUCCESS... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or success... you are not owed success... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...
NOBODY IS GUARANTEED PERSONAL CARE... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or provide for your care yourself... you are not owed personal care... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...
Do you call for government run, government mandated, government funded, government assisted, "public option" systems??

Um, I suggested a non-profit co-op. I didn't mention the government even once except for the destitute and disabled. Although, I do believe a government-run public option to be better than no public option at all.
Do you call for government run, government mandated, government funded, government assisted, "public option" systems??

Um, I suggested a non-profit co-op. I didn't mention the government even once except for the destitute and disabled. Although, I do believe a government-run public option to be better than no public option at all.

And it was suggested to you that you have the freedom to start one.. to approach investors with the opportunity to start one

Good luck

The "public option" that is proposed is indeed a government one... and since it is, I and every conservative is against it... your personal care is your personal responsibility.. not the responsibility of the populous nor the government.... you are not owed a government option because you simply want one
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Hard work does not equal success... BUT NOBODY IS GUARANTEED SUCCESS... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or success... you are not owed success... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...
NOBODY IS GUARANTEED PERSONAL CARE... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or provide for your care yourself... you are not owed personal care... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...

If you really want to live that way - in a cold and uncaring society, go and live in Russia. Americans don't want a sink or swim society with no safety nets. Period. They never have and they never will. Sorry for you, but it's true. You are free to leave if you want. I hope you're related to an oligarch, though. Otherwise, it's a pretty miserable existence from what I read.

So, what is the point of being responsible, working hard and trying to advance if it doesn't even allow you to survive with any degree of dignity and stability? Who wants to live like that? You can allow for the basic needs of your society to be met while allowing those who want to go above and beyond to do so. There doesn't have to be an either-or.
Hard work does not equal success... BUT NOBODY IS GUARANTEED SUCCESS... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or success... you are not owed success... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...
NOBODY IS GUARANTEED PERSONAL CARE... merely the freedom to pursue your happiness or provide for your care yourself... you are not owed personal care... and with that freedom comes the pros AND cons that come inherent to freedom...

If you really want to live that way - in a cold and uncaring society, go and live in Russia. Americans don't want a sink or swim society with no safety nets. Period. They never have and they never will. Sorry for you, but it's true. You are free to leave if you want. I hope you're related to an oligarch, though. Otherwise, it's a pretty miserable existence from what I read.

So, what is the point of being responsible, working hard and trying to advance if it doesn't even allow you to survive with any degree of dignity and stability? Who wants to live like that? You can allow for the basic needs of your society to be met while allowing those who want to go above and beyond to do so. There doesn't have to be an either-or.

Ahh... but you are advocating it is owed.. where as ones like myself believe in the VOLUNTARY helping of others... not forced redistribution.... the belief in voluntary help does not equate to "not carring"... but nice try.... you are free to leave for any leftist totalitarian system or country you choose

Personal responsibilities are your personal responsibility... this is not a hive or a goddamn borg cube
First off, I am not Christian, but I am pretty sure that gluttony (greed) is one of the 7 deadly ones.
Let me google that for you

Gluttony and Greed are both seven deadly sins.

And sorry, but the conservative/corporatist opinion which is basically justification for selfishness and greed is the much more moronic opinion, in my book.
You are truly an idiot, or maybe just all liberals are. When did it become "greedy" to practice personal responsibility for one's well being?
You are truly an idiot, or maybe just all liberals are. When did it become "greedy" to practice personal responsibility for one's well being?

Wow, personal responsibility and greed are two entirely different animals. Do you need 2 billion dollars for your "ensured well-being"? No, you do not need even 1/100 of that. And you're calling me an idiot?
You are truly an idiot, or maybe just all liberals are. When did it become "greedy" to practice personal responsibility for one's well being?

Wow, personal responsibility and greed are two entirely different animals. Do you need 2 billion dollars for your "ensured well-being"? No, you do not need even 1/100 of that. And you're calling me an idiot?

And what right do you have to the earnings I have even if they are 2BIL??? What gives you the right to dictate how much is enough for me to earn before it is owed to you or any other lazy person believing in socialist mantras and wealth redistribution??
not everything is a communal problem...

But many things are communal problems that take a communal effort for resolution. Your denying any responsibility in societal problems doesn't make them go away. You are still a member of society, like it or not.
And what right do you have to the earnings I have even if they are 2BIL??? What gives you the right to dictate how much is enough for me to earn before it is owed to you or any other lazy person believing in socialist mantras and wealth redistribution??

You were talking about "ensuring your needs". 2 bil is not a need for a human being to aquire for survival. It is a want. Who is talking about wealth redistribution? We are talking about greed vs. personal responsibility. I am saying that having that much money is gluttony, which christians consider sinful.
not everything is a communal problem...

But many things are communal problems that take a communal effort for resolution. Your denying any responsibility in societal problems doesn't make them go away. You are still a member of society, like it or not.

Having a law... communal issue.. a court trial... communal issue... national defense... communal issue...

You getting your VD checked or looking into a migraine headache is your problem... you paying for the insurance to cover it or having the cash to pay for it is your problem... it is not a communal problem... whether you think you are receiving enough money for your work.. your problem... whether you want more money that I earn or have... your problem
And what right do you have to the earnings I have even if they are 2BIL??? What gives you the right to dictate how much is enough for me to earn before it is owed to you or any other lazy person believing in socialist mantras and wealth redistribution??

You were talking about "ensuring your needs". 2 bil is not a need for a human being to aquire for survival. It is a want. Who is talking about wealth redistribution? We are talking about greed vs. personal responsibility. I am saying that having that much money is gluttony, which christians consider sinful.

And you wishing to take from my earnings is your WANT.... my personal needs or my personal want for the property I derive from efforts or investment or the goddamn lottery is not any of your concern... you have no right to it because your greedy ass thinks it is owed to you

Perhaps you ought to look up the term gluttony.....
Gluttony | Definition of Gluttony at Dictionary.com:

And funny.. those who earn more generally are pretty generous with charity and help to others... help more with providing jobs, trying to do what they can to ensure employer happiness and contentment to keep good employees working to be able to derive more profit to earn more themselves....

I am all for CHARITY.. a voluntary thing.. out of the goodness within someone..... not your control based feeling that you are owed something and the government existing to take so that you may have it at the expense of another
You getting your VD checked or looking into a migraine headache is your problem... you paying for the insurance to cover it or having the cash to pay for it is your problem... it is not a communal problem... whether you think you are receiving enough money for your work.. your problem... whether you want more money that I earn or have... your problem.

Providing for the weak, sick, elderly is OUR problem. The fact that only the very wealthy can afford any degree of health care out of pocket and are the only ones that can afford insurance out of pocket is OUR problem. Educating our children to be competitive and productive in a global society is OUR problem. Keeping corporations from ruling (and ruining) our lives is OUR problem. Leaders who lie us into wars for $$$ agendas is OUR problem. Clean air, water and safe work places is OUR problem. When income disparity gets so lopsided in favor of so few that our economy grinds to a halt, that is OUR problem. When a huge group of people are no longer able to work full time jobs and survive, that is OUR problem. You are not allowed to force your corporatist ideals on us either. They are proving toxic to our country time and again (and again and again) and will destroy it if left unchecked. Please prove me wrong with examples if you disagree.
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Do you call for government run, government mandated, government funded, government assisted, "public option" systems?? If you are, you are trying to entitle yourself to something at the expense of another

Do you like public roads and an army to protect you?

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