S#!+ Gets Real Now. Trump Properties Targeted

According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.

Assumption one, you are good with this? So basically because you has a sad that Trump won, and you are on YouTube screaming at the sky, it's okay for a bomb to go off in some guys business because he sells biscuits and gravy as well as MAGA hats?

Assumption two, if that's so then you are good with someone not liking what you post, digging up your personal info, finding out who your loved ones are and maybe going to those places and getting in your people's faces about how bad your post is?

If that's the case you are a moron and I hope you are under adult supervision 24/7. Here you are lamenting the death of Hitlers equal with glee and why? FUCK TRUMP!!!!
AOL home page has an article about it too.

People will be hurt possibly seriously and possibly fatally.

I sure hope that our tax dollars aren't being used for security for his properties. Especially the ones overseas and the ones he doesn't go to.
Yeah, Trump employees dont deserve protection. Just let them die, right? :cuckoo:
Remember when CRC trumpanzees said that people aren't forced to work somewhere and can always leave and work elsewhere?
What a sick pathetic stupid response, as if every single employee of any Trump enterprise all vote the same.
Obviously you are willing to sacrifice American lives as long as it hurts Trump somehow.
That, clearly shows what a sociopath you are.
So, trump has slaves who cannot leave? Suddenly you give a damn about collateral damage? :71:
What the fuck is wrong with you?
It is quite obvious you wish something bad to happen.
They've chosen sides. Vile scum Democrats
History shows many instances of attitudes like yours. When the events follow those attitudes, they are considered the dark patches of history. Examples include the famous Mississippi Burning episode. People with attitudes like yours laughed when the college kids were murdered. They got what they deserved, coming down here and stirring up trouble. Thankfully, a vast majority of us found that incident horrifying, and we demanded that the Government take action not only to punish those who were responsible, but insure it never happened again.

Attitudes like the one you espouse are not just at odds with what this Country stood for, but stands for. What a far cry from the words of Voltaire, and Patrick Henry, where the patriots would die to protect your right to your opinion, to your attitudes, where those who you don’t like should die for what they say.

Sadly, I am unable to travel. My wife’s medical condition prohibits such travel. But if we were able to travel, I would book a room at a Trump hotel. Not because I agree with the President. I disagree with him on several issues. But because I don’t like anyone threatening my fellow citizens. I especially do not like those citizens being harmed because they stayed at a particular hotel, or attended an event.

This is the difference between us. You would dance on the graves of your political opponents, while I would strive to avenge your death at the hands of political extremists. The reason for that difference. I don’t hate. When you hate something, or someone, you inevitably become that which you imagine the thing you hate is. You claim to hate Fascists, and become Fascist to defeat your hated enemy. Hatred is a path to self destruction. Perhaps I should pray that your self destruction comes sooner rather than later? But I don’t pray that, I don’t feel it. I feel bad that your education was so woefully inadequate that you failed to grasp the most basic truth of this Nation, and why we have been successful for more than two centuries.
It's inevitable that at some time they will retaliate. We would do no less.

I've often thought that when that day comes they target the war mongers directly as opposed to the people in general.
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
Of interest is the underlying economics of any conflict should zero in on the individual like it seems to have here.

If that were extended to war profiteers in general perhaps the phony pretenses would loose their impact

According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.
So your hoping for terrorist attacks because you don't like Trump ?
According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.
So your hoping for terrorist attacks because you don't like Trump ?

Retaliation is human nature. I point out all the time that we would demand it. Why it is that others shouldn't is something no one has explained. Noting that something will happen is not hoping it will happen. It's no different than noting that Alex Trebek doesn't have long to live. I'm not hoping for that while noting it.

With that said, when the inevitable happens, I would prefer that the target is the ones responsible, not simply innocent people who had little say in what has went on.
According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.
so says the cheer squad for the enemies of America
It's inevitable that at some time they will retaliate. We would do no less.

I've often thought that when that day comes they target the war mongers directly as opposed to the people in general.
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
As we have done by the tens of thousands.
It is called collateral damage and it is an unfortunate unavoidable part of war. If you hate the country get the fuck out.
It's inevitable that at some time they will retaliate. We would do no less.

I've often thought that when that day comes they target the war mongers directly as opposed to the people in general.
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
As we have done by the tens of thousands.
It is called collateral damage and it is an unfortunate unavoidable part of war. If you hate the country get the fuck out.

When we do it we call it collateral damage. When someone else does it we call it terrorism. I do not have to leave to want to change our hypocrisy.
According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.
This would make an interesting pile of rubble.

Why would you do that?
Do you hate Muslims?
What part of 'Tit-for-Tat' don't you understand?

Why do Muslims attack Christians? Do you hate Christians?
Did they bomb the Vatican?
Better to attack Trump properties than real Americans
According to the Daily Mail, Iran is implying threats to attack Trump-branded properties. Notice that this signals very clearly that unlike millions of dimwits in America, the Middle East clearly understands Trump is not acting in America’s interests and they are smart enough to signal “our beef is with Trump, not America.”

Two things are interesting about this move:

  • Iran doesn’t actually have to fire a single weapon for this to be a very effective attack that hits Trump personally very hard.
  • Remember that many of the “Trump properties” are actually nothing but licensing arrangements. Trump is not a “billionaire”. He is just a grifter who scams money here and there trading on his name.
Two questions:

  • If you are a sane person with average intelligence, why would you book a room in any building that has the “Trump” name on the outside, knowing that this building might be in the crosshairs of a grenade attack or worse?
  • If you are one of those geniuses who thought it was a good idea to sign a Trump branding agreement, how are you liking that arrangement now that you will be running at 30% occupancy?
  • (Bonus question) If you are a traditional American ally (UK, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, etc) how are you liking the idea that there are buildings in your country that are now being cased by terrorists? How do you like the idea of having to spend millions of dollars on extra security to protect those buildings?
I predict the “Trump” name will be coming off a lot of buildings in the next 90 days.

S### gets real now. Trump properties targeted

Even if the Iranians don't succeed in launching attacks on Trump's buildings, the damage is done. No one in their right senses will put themselves in harms way by staying at any of his hotels or resorts.
More proof that trump is a patriot who became president for the right reasons
It's inevitable that at some time they will retaliate. We would do no less.

I've often thought that when that day comes they target the war mongers directly as opposed to the people in general.
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
As we have done by the tens of thousands.
It is called collateral damage and it is an unfortunate unavoidable part of war. If you hate the country get the fuck out.

When we do it we call it collateral damage. When someone else does it we call it terrorism. I do not have to leave to want to change our hypocrisy.
No, when someone kills civilians on purpose we call it a war crime.
It's inevitable that at some time they will retaliate. We would do no less.

I've often thought that when that day comes they target the war mongers directly as opposed to the people in general.
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
As we have done by the tens of thousands.
It is called collateral damage and it is an unfortunate unavoidable part of war. If you hate the country get the fuck out.

When we do it we call it collateral damage. When someone else does it we call it terrorism. I do not have to leave to want to change our hypocrisy.
No, when someone kills civilians on purpose we call it a war crime.

Good with me. How do we get the charges filed?
Terrorists don't do that. They prefer to kill innocent, uninvolved people.

As we have done by the tens of thousands.
As we have done by the tens of thousands.
It is called collateral damage and it is an unfortunate unavoidable part of war. If you hate the country get the fuck out.

When we do it we call it collateral damage. When someone else does it we call it terrorism. I do not have to leave to want to change our hypocrisy.
No, when someone kills civilians on purpose we call it a war crime.

Good with me. How do we get the charges filed?
Prove America did that.

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