Saakashvili plans war on his own people


Nov 16, 2012
Saakashvili lusts for war in Georgia! He can't pacify himself with the role of political corpse and he dreams to be fully in charge again! This is going to be sort of inner partisan war or sort of it. The price may be very high for Georgians, I guess. I remember that during notoriously known august war hundreds Georgian soldiers were shot on their backs from the Georgian side on the direct order of Saakashvili. He needed huge losses then to go on with his gambling of public opinion then.
I've got friends in Georgia, They are really alarmed! They assert there are lots of special ammunition hideouts left in Pankissi Gorge where Chechen terrorists used to find shelter and Al-Qaeda too. Now, Saakashvili may well use them in inner fighting to grasp power! And there are many other arms dumps made on his direct order in other regions of the country!
I've always thought Saakashvili is not quite sane mentally. And I'm sure he's not the guy Americans can rely on in Georgia now. Still, are they keeping an eye on him, I wonder?

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