SABOTAGE: Trump Halts $5 Million In Pre-Paid Obamacare Ads During Crucial Enrollment Period

Not according to Republicans. Let them die. That's how the GOP runs.
Obamacare is killing them....

You obviously have not had a heart attack or cancer to see what actually goes on, so you don't know what you are talking about ..
You obviously did not hear of the long standing decree that ER-s were mandated to take care of the indigent, my dear. There has never been a health care crisis.

I had 2 emergencies last year, and the ER was jammed packed with people using it for a doctors office because they are not residents..
They were treating people in the waiting room..
They will skip paying the bill and we get stuck with it, this is why we have such high costs..

I think we need to change that law and open a less expensive clinic
Yep, I agree...we need to go back to free market HC.....

Most of us got our insurance through our employers. Now only 60 so precent do. If we are to reverse the damage, the only way to do that is if there is an incentive for employers to once again provide healthcare benefits; perhaps a tax credit or lowered tax rate.
I've been in it for 15 years.
I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Ah sorry, glad you are better..
Things have gotten much worse , at least in my area.

Define better kid.

I had my children 24 years ago and there was excellent insurance.
my 2nd 20 years ago, things started to get bad..

I got sick 5 years ago and things are not the same at all... now for me things got better on Obamacare and I went to Stanford.

I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.
Obamacare is killing them....

You obviously have not had a heart attack or cancer to see what actually goes on, so you don't know what you are talking about ..
You obviously did not hear of the long standing decree that ER-s were mandated to take care of the indigent, my dear. There has never been a health care crisis.

I had 2 emergencies last year, and the ER was jammed packed with people using it for a doctors office because they are not residents..
They were treating people in the waiting room..
They will skip paying the bill and we get stuck with it, this is why we have such high costs..

I think we need to change that law and open a less expensive clinic
Yep, I agree...we need to go back to free market HC.....

Most of us got our insurance through our employers. Now only 60 so precent do. If we are to reverse the damage, the only way to do that is if there is an incentive for employers to once again provide healthcare benefits; perhaps a tax credit or lowered tax rate.

I hope so..we have a small business and have to renew every year..when I got sick they were just about to kick us off..which is why Obama put that law in so many lost their homes and life savings and then died when they ran out of money.
Ah sorry, glad you are better..
Things have gotten much worse , at least in my area.

Define better kid.

I had my children 24 years ago and there was excellent insurance.
my 2nd 20 years ago, things started to get bad..

I got sick 5 years ago and things are not the same at all... now for me things got better on Obamacare and I went to Stanford.

I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..
The Trump administration has pulled the plug on all Obamacare outreach and advertising in the crucial final days of the 2017 enrollment season, according to sources at Health and Human Services and on Capitol Hill.

Even ads that had already been placed and paid for have been pulled, the sources told POLITICO.

The decision sends the clearest signal yet that President Donald Trump is determined to fulfill his campaign pledge to repeal Obamacare. Hours after being sworn in, Trump issued his first executive order allowing federal officials to start unwinding parts of the law.

"President Trump is signaling he's the new sheriff," said Rep. Chris Collins, (R-N.Y.), the president's top congressional ally. "He's been elected with a mandate. He's not going to tolerate his employees contradicting and undermining his mandate to get this country going in another direction."

Individuals may still sign up for Obamacare plans until the Jan. 31 deadline — but the Trump administration isn't advertising that fact any longer.

More: SABOTAGE: White House ‘Abruptly Halts’ $5 Million In Pre-Paid Obamacare Ads During Crucial Enrollment Period

Trump is an evil man. People have a right to health insurance.

Why did they have to advertise for something that was MANDATED?

It's called a public service announcement. Sort of like when the government started issuing a lot of anti-smoking PSAs.
Makes sense. The more people are enrolled, the more people will lose their healthcare when the GOP gives them the middle finger. And that would make Trump look bad. Though with his spin machine he could probably convince his rubes that the number of people who lost their healthcare is actually the number of new people gaining health care thanks to him.

He convinced me because I'm one of them. I had insurance coverage my entire life until that big-eared dope came along. WTF cared about people like us on the Democrat side???
My deductible went from $2500 to $6500 with no policy change. Thanks to ACA what becomes more and more unaffordable...

I applied this year. They wanted over 20% of my net pay to keep my doctors and clinic. That was with a $7000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. The plan didn't include prescriptions, eye care or dental. Plus there was a $50.00 copay for every doctors visit.
So now it only cost you 695 dollars to NOT be covered. Helluva deal.

Actually a bit more since they did not give me much of a subsidy. But since the insurance doesn't cover anything, I would still have to pay my medical bills out of pocket up to 7K. Plus my prescriptions every month are about $200.00 which I wouldn't be able to afford if I were to subscribe to the Commie Care plan.

Maybe our former government wanted me to sell my home and give up my life sustaining medications so I could buy their Fn healthcare insurance.
Define better kid.

I had my children 24 years ago and there was excellent insurance.
my 2nd 20 years ago, things started to get bad..

I got sick 5 years ago and things are not the same at all... now for me things got better on Obamacare and I went to Stanford.

I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.
I had my children 24 years ago and there was excellent insurance.
my 2nd 20 years ago, things started to get bad..

I got sick 5 years ago and things are not the same at all... now for me things got better on Obamacare and I went to Stanford.

I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.

Oh no...not good at all... it is so expensive. Was it too expensive or did your employer cut back hours?
Do they have a state hospital you could go to? You really need a doctor.
I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.

Oh no...not good at all... it is so expensive. Was it too expensive or did your employer cut back hours?
Do they have a state hospital you could go to? You really need a doctor.

I just read your post explaining it..My deductible is very high too, but when disaster hits it doesn't make you bankrupted
It's great to see an elected official actually do what they claimed they would do during the campaign.

Thank you Harry Reid!! We might eventually be able to totally reverse everything he helped fuck up.
I find that hard to believe. The only people that are advantaged by Commie Care are low income people who get a hell of a subsidy where insurance costs almost nothing.

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.

Oh no...not good at all... it is so expensive. Was it too expensive or did your employer cut back hours?
Do they have a state hospital you could go to? You really need a doctor.

Actually because I don't have insurance, my lifelong care provider gives me a great discount on procedures. Yes, there are things that are wrong with me that I cannot get addressed. But what the least the guy that makes my french fries at McDonald's has my health insurance now. It's more important (by Democrat standards) that he (or she) gets services I used to get to avoid serious medical threats.

I'll just die. That's what Democrats want anyway.
Not according to Republicans. Let them die. That's how the GOP runs.

Who the fuck are these low information retards that don't know about Obamacare?

It sounds like money isn't going into rich leftwing hands, awwwwwwwww
Why ask citizens to pay for something that won't exist by the end of the year? Trump, saving taxpayers money since January 2017!

Pre-Existing is what helped me..and well getting kicked off

I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.

Oh no...not good at all... it is so expensive. Was it too expensive or did your employer cut back hours?
Do they have a state hospital you could go to? You really need a doctor.

Actually because I don't have insurance, my lifelong care provider gives me a great discount on procedures. Yes, there are things that are wrong with me that I cannot get addressed. But what the least the guy that makes my french fries at McDonald's has my health insurance now. It's more important (by Democrat standards) that he (or she) gets services I used to get to avoid serious medical threats.

I'll just die. That's what Democrats want anyway.

Damn, so sorry Ray...I just used that "I will just die " talking to my husband last night about insurance . But my son is the one I am worried about.

Insulin alone must really be hard to pay for you...

Were you getting insurance before Obamacare?
I'm 56 years old and have had preexisting conditions since the age of 24. Never had a problem getting coverage through my employers.

I explained in my next post to you...and I hope you are well now. My son is a type 1 diabetic so I have concerns for him in the future..

So am I and I have concerns about mine. But thanks to Commie Care, I am now a type 1 diabetic with no insurance.

Oh no...not good at all... it is so expensive. Was it too expensive or did your employer cut back hours?
Do they have a state hospital you could go to? You really need a doctor.

Actually because I don't have insurance, my lifelong care provider gives me a great discount on procedures. Yes, there are things that are wrong with me that I cannot get addressed. But what the least the guy that makes my french fries at McDonald's has my health insurance now. It's more important (by Democrat standards) that he (or she) gets services I used to get to avoid serious medical threats.

I'll just die. That's what Democrats want anyway.

Damn, so sorry Ray...I just used that "I will just die " talking to my husband last night about insurance . But my son is the one I am worried about.

Insulin alone must really be hard to pay for you...

Were you getting insurance before Obamacare?

I'm 56 years old and was always insured until Obama Care came along. Before OC, employers had to offer medical benefits or not get good employees. Now that there is a way out of that provision, many are dropping their plans or not offering them to new hires.

Yes, there were companies that didn't provide medical coverage before Obama, but they always had a hard time finding employees, keeping employees, or had employees who were able to get coverage on their spouses plan. They lost those employees that eventually got a divorce. But again, there were very few good jobs didn't offer medical benefits. It was almost a must to have them.

There is the alternative route which is get another job and start at the bottom all over again. Tough at my age especially with preexisting conditions, and what's stopping that new company from getting rid of their medical benefits a year or two down the road? Then you are right back to where you started.

It's hopeless really. All the Presidents combined never did so much damage to my life than this one creep.

As for insulin, yes, it gets expensive. But I learned a trick along the way. I eventually found out that Walmart had a dirty deal going on with the company that makes insulin. What they did is produce the insulin and allow Walmart to sell it as generic. Everything is the same including the packaging. The only difference is that the packaging has a little ® on it. It stands for Reliance, the name of Walmart's generic brand.

So everybody outside of Walmart kept increasing their prices. Some places charge $100.00 a vial. I use five vials a month. They made these huge price increases so that they could sell it to Walmart for nothing.

Walmart sells the same $100.00 vial of insulin for $24.99. So now I have no choice where I can buy it. I have to buy it at Walmart or their subsidiary Sam's Club. Either that or go broke.

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