Saddam got a trial, Qaddafi got a bullet

Saddam was set up by both Bush presidents and then LYNCHED.

Nazi Boi, you are a complete retard.


{“Al Qaeda also forged alliances with the National Islamic Front in the Sudan and with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezbollah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies in the West, particularly the United States. In addition, al Qaeda reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al Qaeda would work cooperatively with the government of Iraq.” } - President Bill Clinton
I'm sure all the Jews will be gloating over this.

A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes

A Comprehensive History of Zionist Crimes

Operation Trojan (Libya frame-up), 1986

In the Eighties, when Reagan was US President, Libya was frequently selected as the 'perpetrator' of Israel and the Mossad's various deceptions and terrorist acts. Whenever a Bush was in the White House, the crimes would be blamed on Iraq and Saddam Hussein. Clinton, although something of a sleazeball, appears to have resisted some of his blackmailers' demands such as large-scale invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan. Hence, his trysts with Monica Lewinsky were publicized.

In April 1986, a bomb exploded in La Belle Discotheque in Berlin. Three were killed including two US soldiers, and over 200 injured. Ten days later, Ronald Reagan gave the order to bomb Libya. Around 37 people were killed including Colonel Gaddafi's adopted baby daughter, and over 200 wounded. This was the result of the Mossad's Operation Trojan - ....that conned some countries into believing Libya was actually behind terrorism such as the Berlin disco bombing. It is true that there was a territorial dispute between the US and Libya, following some provocative US naval manoeuvres in the Gulf of Sidra. But Libya was innocent of many of the terrorist crimes it was alleged to have committed.

Shimon Peres had given the order to launch Operation Trojan in February 1986. One of Israel's ships would broadcast misleading pre-recorded digital transmissions that could only be received by a Mossad device planted in Tripoli - the Trojan. The Trojan would retransmit a signal on a frequency known to be used for official Libyan business, ready to be received by the Americans or their allies. The source would appear to be emanating from such location as to appear genuine, and Western intelligence services would find that the Mossad also had confirmation that these series of "terrorist orders" were supposedly being broadcast to various Libyan embassies.

Fair trial? Saddam got a kangaroo show trial followed by a farce and brutal execution. And it turns out Iraq was a war crime. Saddam surrendered. He should have gone to the Hague or at least gotten the Amin/Noriega treatment. Gaddafi was offered multiple outs. He chose to fight. Buh bye.

Saddam was tried in the oldest court system on this planet, and I watched some of the testimony as it was being interpreted into English on one of the television channels I watched. Saddam committed literally hundreds of war crimes and had his finger in every terrorist pie, and he directly rewarded jihad assassins double for killing Americans over what he paid out in rewards for their ilk who assassinated Israelis with homicide bombs. He compensated every alQaeda assassin who worked on taking out America's world trade center, and he bullied each and every neighbor on his border with plots to expropriate their most valuable oil fields or their most scenic seaports. I watched television the day Saddam was sentenced in the same court Mesopotamia has had for over 2,000 years, possibly back to the time of Hammurabi as well.

Didn't you have television service in your area broadcasting the trial the rest of the world watched?
Saddam was set up by both Bush presidents and then LYNCHED.
No he was not. Saddam tried to murder a United States President. He was not sentenced to death for that.

He was sentenced to death after a court of his nation heard the testimony of people related to people who were unmercifully tortured and killed by Saddam Hussein.

The trouble with Saddam Hussein was he wasn't content to watch people get tortured by his henchmen. He got in there and participated in the crimes.

You ought to have read Madeline Albright's several pages on the War Crimes of Saddam Hussein. They were detailed, they were exact, and they showed him for the criminal he was.

Don't you stand there and lie to the public about the criminal procedure that Saddam Hussein enjoyed. It's a hell of a lot more than the victims of his rape rooms got.

The Iraqis sentenced him to death, and the Iraqis executed him according to their laws, not ours.

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Saddam was caught by US forces and turned over to the present Iraqi government..

Gaddafi was lynched by rebels..

I don't even know how you could give Gaddafi a trial considering those that lynched him were being attacked by his government...
Saddam was set up by both Bush presidents and then LYNCHED.
No he was not. Saddam tried to murder a United States President. He was not sentenced to death for that.

He was sentenced to death after a court of his nation heard the testimony of people related to people who were unmercifully tortured and killed by Saddam Hussein.

The trouble with Saddam Hussein was he wasn't content to watch people get tortured by his henchmen. He got in there and participated in the crimes.

You ought to have read Madeline Albright's several pages on the War Crimes of Saddam Hussein. They were detailed, they were exact, and they showed him for the criminal he was.

Don't you stand there and lie to the public about the criminal procedure that Saddam Hussein enjoyed. It's a hell of a lot more than the victims of his rape rooms got.

The Iraqis sentenced him to death, and the Iraqis executed him according to their laws, not ours.


Saddam was set up by both Bush presidents and then LYNCHED.
Tell that to The people he murdered and Kuwait he over ran to control thier resources...Good boy...sit.

Saddam was baited into Kuwait.

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?


Saddam attacked Kuwait for supremacy reasons..

Then he set fire to their oil fields...

In geo-political terms Saddam was just an asshole sadistic lunatic...
Saddam was set up by both Bush presidents and then LYNCHED.

Yea, the Evil Bush Presidents picked on poor lil Saddam. They were so mean. And you are so stupid.

YES, they did.

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

No, "they" didn't.

Saddam Hussein set himself up with heinous war crimes against his own people and against every neighbor Iraq borders. He caused the deaths of over 1.5 million Arabs, many of whom were Iraqi citizens, and he used WOMDs against his own people. He didn't turn any new leaves, he just got cleverer about concealing his killings from the public at large.

But he didn't pull the wool over Secretary of State Madeline Albright's eyes, and he didn't pull the wool over Colin Powell's nor Condoleeza Rice's eyes either. His crimes and threats got worse, and they never got better.

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