Saddam got a trial, Qaddafi got a bullet

People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

I think its funny the leftist msm calls the tea party racists yet turns around and supports the OWS morons that are screaming anti Semitic slogans regularly and presently have the Nazi party protesting their message..

There are no msm reports of any of that...

If a tea party member said "******" that would be front page news on every fucking MSM site, yet the OWS Nazi's are screaming "jew bastard" and "******" and no major media sites are reporting it.....
Those million and a half arabs were killed in the Iran-Iraq war RAYGUN supported Saddam in, and those Kurds were gassed with gas RAYGUN gave his buddy Saddam. Chickenhawk idiocy we're still trying to fix.

We gave weaponry to rebels during the Afghan-Soviet war..

Ironically enough Al-Qaeda got them...

We never gave WMD's to Iraq.
Saddam - 3,000 Americans dead, 50,000 American maimed, our military depleted, 1 to 3 trillion in cost
The people hate our guts and want us dead. Threw shoes at the president.

Qaddafi - a few drones
Qaddafi sent a letter to Republicans thanking them for their support. The people put up billboards of the president, thanking him for his support.

There are some pluses. Bush's friends were able to make billions off Iraq. That's the only "good" thing I can think of.

he sent a Letter to CONGRESS Dean.....not the Republicans.....the fucking letter you posted in that other thread said you read what you post?
Brainwashed chickenhawk Foxbots!! Ay caramba! LOL!

Typical leftist response..

"you're an idiot"

It's funny how you leftists get owned with facts and all you can say or imply is: "you're an idiot."

It's sad you have a problem with historical facts that happened over the last 30 years.
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

Unintentionally media has the power to make stories appear or disappear. For example, if the media didn't talk about the Middle East rebels who would? What about the Japanese earthquake? Hear news about them anymore? (Ok I do see the exception of bloggers and social media outlets but these are not yet established as official news media outlets in my opinion and they are more biased than news media. More posts about how a party was last night than about rebel forces making headway into Tripoli). Maybe instead of pulling strings, it's more like toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes and they unintentionally drag into around until it falls off. In essence my opinion of media is that they have a lot more power on people than they are aware of and they must be careful in choosing what they report to the world.:eusa_think:
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

Unintentionally media has the power to make stories appear or disappear. For example, if the media didn't talk about the Middle East rebels who would? What about the Japanese earthquake? Hear news about them anymore? (Ok I do see the exception of bloggers and social media outlets but these are not yet established as official news media outlets in my opinion and they are more biased than news media. More posts about how a party was last night than about rebel forces making headway into Tripoli). Maybe instead of pulling strings, it's more like toilet paper stuck to the bottom of their shoes and they unintentionally drag into around until it falls off. In essence my opinion of media is that they have a lot more power on people than they are aware of and they must be careful in choosing what they report to the world.:eusa_think:

Problem is that progressives run the media and progressives have the attention span of a a cockroach...

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Agreed. He should have been Apprehended and Tried.
Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".
Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".

What Due Process did Qaddafi receive? A bit Hypocritical RD. ;)
Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".
You're dividing the baby, RDean. Obama brought down a terrible dictator, but Saddam Hussein was far worse, and Bush brought Saddam down. Had you read Madeline Allbright's State Department notes on both countries, you would definitely know that. It's obvious to me you didn't bother in order to turn sensitive state matters into IEDs for political opponents.

I think that's a terrible idea.
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Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".

Are you fucking delusional??

Saddam and his sons were murdering lunatics.. I'm an expert on Saddam from birth to death...

Saddam makes Gaddafi look like an angel... Saddam was literally evil - he can be placed in the Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc collection...

Obama gave rebels weaponry in Libya.... Not to mention Libya will turn into a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold now - which Obama wants...
Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".

Are you fucking delusional??

Saddam and his sons were murdering lunatics.. I'm an expert on Saddam from birth to death...

Saddam makes Gaddafi look like an angel... Saddam was literally evil - he can be placed in the Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc collection...

Obama gave rebels weaponry in Libya.... Not to mention Libya will turn into a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold now - which Obama wants...

Yep, those weapons will be used on us.

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Everybody join the new humanitarian Republican party. Save the Dictators!
Rightwing nuts who were for the Iraq war now opposed any action in Libya because a Democrat was president.

End of story.

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".
You're dividing the baby, RDean. Obama brought down a terrible dictator, but Saddam Hussein was far worse, and Bush brought Saddam down. Had you read Madeline Allbright's State Department notes on both countries, you would definitely know that. It's obvious to me you didn't bother in order to turn sensitive state matters into IEDs for political opponents.

I think that's a terrible idea.

Yeah...Bush brought down Saddam (who had nothing to do with 9/11) while he let Bin Laden go; then Obama had to come in and show Bushy how it's done.
Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".

Are you fucking delusional??

Saddam and his sons were murdering lunatics.. I'm an expert on Saddam from birth to death...

Saddam makes Gaddafi look like an angel... Saddam was literally evil - he can be placed in the Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc collection...

Obama gave rebels weaponry in Libya.... Not to mention Libya will turn into a Muslim Brotherhood stronghold now - which Obama wants...

Yep, those weapons will be used on us.

There is a good chance of that...

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