Saddam got a trial, Qaddafi got a bullet

Those million and a half arabs were killed in the Iran-Iraq war RAYGUN supported Saddam in, and those Kurds were gassed with gas RAYGUN gave his buddy Saddam. Chickenhawk idiocy we're still trying to fix.

I'm just curious, why do you leftist repeat the same lies over and over? These lies have been debunked hundreds of times, but a couple of weeks later one of you drones will bleat the same old shit.

Fucking morons.

Just google it and you'll find tons of stuff you'll never see on Fox, mindless brainwashed fegging drone of the greedy rich....

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons ...
Jun 17, 2004 ... How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein
Jun 18, 2004 ... As writer Norm Dixon put it in his June 17, 2004, article “How Reagan Armed
Saddam with Chemical Weapons,”. While the August 18 NYT ...

Reagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein - Cached - SimilarShaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Reagan's directive said that U.S. policy required "unambiguous" condemnation of
chemical warfare (without naming Iraq), while including the caveat that the ...

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein - Cached - Similar

I think Franco fell asleep in his jello, babbling incoherently again.
Iraq would have been acceptable if Iraqis were rising up against Saddam.

Like back when Bush 1 promised to help them if they did and then didn't follow through.

When we invaded, Iraqis were happy enough with their dictator.

50,000+ of them would have to be zombies in order to be able to do that

Iraq would have been acceptable if Iraqis were rising up against Saddam.

Like back when Bush 1 promised to help them if they did and then didn't follow through.

When we invaded, Iraqis were happy enough with their dictator.

I'm sure the hundreds of thousands he murdered and put in mass graves adored his ass.
If they existed....the current population under Saddam didn't seem to care that much.

Sorry you didn't like the answer.

BBC News | Saddam's Iraq: Key events
In 1988 Iraq turned its chemical weapons on Iraqi Kurds in the north of the country.
Some Kurdish guerrilla forces had joined the Iranian offensive.
On 16 March 1988, Iraq dropped bombs containing mustard gas, Sarin and Tabun on the Kurdish city of Halabja.
Estimates of the number of civilians killed range from 3,200 to 5,000, with many survivors suffering long-term health problems.
Chemical weapons were also used during Iraq's "Anfal" offensive - a seven-month scorched-earth campaign in which an estimated 50,000 to 100,000 Kurdish villagers were killed or disappeared, and hundreds of villages were razed.

Sorry if you don't like the answer
Why are RWers so willfully ignorant. Reagan and co. were the biggest cowboy chickenhawks ever- until W. We'll be done cleaning up after them in about 50 years. And where do you morons get the idea the WH has any control over the rebels' cell phones? IDIOCY!

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted… US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch’s brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq’s main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department’s deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein’s Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein
Why are RWers so willfully ignorant. Reagan and co. were the biggest cowboy chickenhawks ever- until W. We'll be done cleaning up after them in about 50 years. And where do you morons get the idea the WH has any control over the rebels' cell phones? IDIOCY!

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted… US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch’s brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq’s main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department’s deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein’s Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein

Who here has denied that the US supplied weapons to Iraq?

How else would we KNOW that they had WMDs?

Would you care to comment on the topic of the thread?
How is aiding in the death of Qaddafi any different than Saddam?

I'll wait.
Iraq would have been acceptable if Iraqis were rising up against Saddam.

Like back when Bush 1 promised to help them if they did and then didn't follow through.

When we invaded, Iraqis were happy enough with their dictator.

Yeah. That bothered me at the time. We encouraged the Kurd's and then turned our backs, even while they were being gassed.
That's not what I'm saying. Bush was not president in 2010. Obama is. Very early in 2010, Gadhafi's old minister came forward with proof Gadhafi had issued the order to take out Americans on Pan Am Flight 103 with a bomb of a plastic explosive called Semtex and was activated by a timer. The bomb was hidden in a Toshiba radio-cassette player. Parts of it were found in a wood 80 miles from Lockerbie by a man walking his dog who found a t-shirt containing some of the chips that helped investigators link it to the tragedy at Lockerbie. Most of the wreckage was found within a 50-mile parameter, it was a heinous explosion. When all the pieces of the puzzles came together, along with other intelligence, the stuff was traced to the 2 terrorists eventually convicted of the crime--11 years later. Firm proof of Gadhafi's order was obtained in 2010. Knowing someone did it and having irrefutable proof are completely different. Bush did not have the irrefutable proof, it came on Obama's watch.

Obama acted in accordance with his oath of office according to the Constitution, imho, in this instance.

That is unmitigated bullshit. Obama didn't go after Gaddafi in 2010. He went after him a year later only when Gaddafi was facing an internal uprising. Obama took sides in a civil war. The idea that we didn't know who was behind the Lockerbie bombing is too absurd for words.

Face it, you're just another partisan hack who only cares whether a politician has a (D) or an (R) after his name. You will excuse anything the former does and attack anything the later does.
Why are RWers so willfully ignorant. Reagan and co. were the biggest cowboy chickenhawks ever- until W. We'll be done cleaning up after them in about 50 years. And where do you morons get the idea the WH has any control over the rebels' cell phones? IDIOCY!

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted… US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch’s brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq’s main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department’s deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein’s Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein

You leftwing turds claim the US provided Iraq with weapons. "Duel use technology" is not weapons. Almost anything can be considered "duel use." A plant for making fertilizer can easily be converted to make explosives. A plant for making tractors can easily be converted to produce armored vehicles.

The claim is a scam. It's horseshit commie propaganda. Anyone who posts it is just another lying leftwing con artist.
Why are RWers so willfully ignorant. Reagan and co. were the biggest cowboy chickenhawks ever- until W. We'll be done cleaning up after them in about 50 years. And where do you morons get the idea the WH has any control over the rebels' cell phones? IDIOCY!

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted… US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch’s brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq’s main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department’s deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein’s Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein

Who here has denied that the US supplied weapons to Iraq?

How else would we KNOW that they had WMDs?

Would you care to comment on the topic of the thread?
How is aiding in the death of Qaddafi any different than Saddam?

I'll wait.

By the time the total bill for Iraq has come in, it will be in the range of 3 trillion dollars. And we got another theocratic government for that money and over 4000 American lives.

Gaddafi? We will have spent about 2 billion by the time this is over, and no American lives lost. And we have no responsibility for whatever the Libyans do next for a government.
Why are RWers so willfully ignorant. Reagan and co. were the biggest cowboy chickenhawks ever- until W. We'll be done cleaning up after them in about 50 years. And where do you morons get the idea the WH has any control over the rebels' cell phones? IDIOCY!

"The US spent virtually an entire decade making sure that Saddam Hussein had almost whatever he wanted… US export control policy was directed by US foreign policy as formulated by the State Department, and it was US foreign policy to assist the regime of Saddam Hussein."

A 1994 US Senate report revealed that US companies were licenced by the commerce department to export a "witch’s brew" of biological and chemical materials, including bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax) and clostridium botulinum (the source of botulism). The American Type Culture Collection made 70 shipments of the anthrax bug and other pathogenic agents.

The report also noted that US exports to Iraq included the precursors to chemical warfare agents, plans for chemical and biological warfare facilities and chemical warhead filling equipment. US firms supplied advanced and specialised computers, lasers, testing and analysing equipment. Among the better-known companies were Hewlett Packard, Unisys, Data General and Honeywell.

Billions of dollars worth of raw materials, machinery and equipment, missile technology and other "dual-use" items were also supplied by West German, French, Italian, British, Swiss and Austrian corporations, with the approval of their governments (German firms even sold Iraq entire factories capable of mass-producing poison gas). Much of this was purchased with funds freed by the US CCC credits.

The destination of much of this equipment was Saad 16, near Mosul in northern Iraq. Western intelligence agencies had long known that the sprawling complex was Iraq’s main ballistic missile development centre.

Blum reported that Washington was fully aware of the likely use of this material. In 1992, a US Senate committee learned that the commerce department had deleted references to military end-use from information it sent to Congress about 68 export licences, worth more than $1 billion.

In 1986, the US defence department’s deputy undersecretary for trade security, Stephen Bryen, had objected to the export of an advanced computer, similar to those used in the US missile program, to Saad 16 because "of the high likelihood of military end use". The state and commerce departments approved the sale without conditions.

In his book, The Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, Kenneth Timmerman points out that several US agencies were supposed to review US exports that may be detrimental to US "national security". However, the commerce department often did not submit exports to Hussein’s Iraq for review or approved them despite objections from other government departments.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein

You leftwing turds claim the US provided Iraq with weapons. "Duel use technology" is not weapons. Almost anything can be considered "duel use." A plant for making fertilizer can easily be converted to make explosives. A plant for making tractors can easily be converted to produce armored vehicles.

The claim is a scam. It's horseshit commie propaganda. Anyone who posts it is just another lying leftwing con artist.

Well, Pattycake, there are dumb fucks and really dumb fucks. You are in the latter category.

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