Saddam got a trial, Qaddafi got a bullet

Obama kept people from dying in Libya and brought down a terrible dictator who was behind attacks on the US without the loss of a single American. Their people put up billboards thanking our president for his support. Qaddafi sent a letter of appreciation to Republicans thanking them for their support.

Republicans let 3,000 Americans die and tens of thousands of Americans maimed for life to bring down a hated dictator that never attacked us. The Iraqi people thanked us by nearly beaning our president with a pair of shoes. The only signs they put up said, "Death to America".

Republican see one as good and one as bad. You'll never guess which one they see as "good".
You're dividing the baby, RDean. Obama brought down a terrible dictator, but Saddam Hussein was far worse, and Bush brought Saddam down. Had you read Madeline Allbright's State Department notes on both countries, you would definitely know that. It's obvious to me you didn't bother in order to turn sensitive state matters into IEDs for political opponents.

I think that's a terrible idea.

Yeah...Bush brought down Saddam (who had nothing to do with 9/11) while he let Bin Laden go; then Obama had to come in and show Bushy how it's done.


Bill Clinton let Bin Laden go...

That is common knowledge...

Clinton had his ass cornered and could have had his ass offed but chose not to...

The Marines were about to kill his ass but Clinton told them to back off....

We had choppers ready to blow his as up yet Clinton told them not to...

That was back in 1998-99...
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You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Everybody join the new humanitarian Republican party. Save the Dictators!

Maybe you could explain how Mubarrak got a trial, Assad is running rampant killing thousands, nutjob hangs gays and stones women, and then Gaddafi gets blasted and killed? And.....the media, for the most part is against the death penalty, is feasting on the corpse? Elaborate. Please.
Fair trial? Saddam got a kangaroo show trial followed by a farce and brutal execution. And it turns out Iraq was a war crime. Saddam surrendered. He should have gone to the Hague or at least gotten the Amin/Noriega treatment. Gaddafi was offered multiple outs. He chose to fight. Buh bye.

Should I tell AP, or do you want to?

You're dividing the baby, RDean. Obama brought down a terrible dictator, but Saddam Hussein was far worse, and Bush brought Saddam down. Had you read Madeline Allbright's State Department notes on both countries, you would definitely know that. It's obvious to me you didn't bother in order to turn sensitive state matters into IEDs for political opponents.

I think that's a terrible idea.

Yeah...Bush brought down Saddam (who had nothing to do with 9/11) while he let Bin Laden go; then Obama had to come in and show Bushy how it's done.


Bill Clinton let Bin Laden go...

That is common knowledge...

Clinton had his ass cornered and could have had his ass offed but chose not to...

The Marines were about to kill his ass but Clinton told them to back off....

We had choppers ready to blow his as up yet Clinton told them not to...

That was back in 1998-99...


Fast forward to 2001. Tora Bora. Bin Laden cornered. Bush let him go. He was a little busy in Iraq. Then fast forward to 2011. Pakistan. Obama gave the order to start the mission which lead to the death of Bin Laden. So, your point is?...
Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."

Sounds like you need a history refresher...

That didn't happen?

That did happen. You're arguing with a revisionist.
Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

More: : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

There are only news reports on it pre Bush...

I only remember it on the local news back when I was 18.

I remember thinking that was really fucking stupid..

So you don't have any actual evidence? You're basing your belief on a news report from the 90s? :lol::lol::lol:
Fair trial? Saddam got a kangaroo show trial followed by a farce and brutal execution. And it turns out Iraq was a war crime. Saddam surrendered. He should have gone to the Hague or at least gotten the Amin/Noriega treatment. Gaddafi was offered multiple outs. He chose to fight. Buh bye.

Should I tell AP, or do you want to?


Watching them contort is a real laugher.
Those million and a half arabs were killed in the Iran-Iraq war RAYGUN supported Saddam in, and those Kurds were gassed with gas RAYGUN gave his buddy Saddam. Chickenhawk idiocy we're still trying to fix.

I'm just curious, why do you leftist repeat the same lies over and over? These lies have been debunked hundreds of times, but a couple of weeks later one of you drones will bleat the same old shit.

Fucking morons.

Just google it and you'll find tons of stuff you'll never see on Fox, mindless brainwashed fegging drone of the greedy rich....

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons ...
Jun 17, 2004 ... How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons.

How Reagan Armed Saddam with Chemical Weapons » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names - Cached - SimilarReagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein
Jun 18, 2004 ... As writer Norm Dixon put it in his June 17, 2004, article “How Reagan Armed
Saddam with Chemical Weapons,”. While the August 18 NYT ...

Reagan's WMD Connection to Saddam Hussein - Cached - SimilarShaking Hands with Saddam Hussein
Reagan's directive said that U.S. policy required "unambiguous" condemnation of
chemical warfare (without naming Iraq), while including the caveat that the ...

Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein - Cached - Similar
I'm really interested in hearing what Leftist orgs like Human Rights Watch have to say about this. They have a long history of inconsistency and hypocrisy.

From reading their website,
Libya: New Era Needs Focus on Rights | Human Rights Watch

They're okay with Qaddafi getting dead.
Just not any of his government.

Any prosecution of former government and military officials for human rights abuses must in all cases protect the due process rights of the accused, and exclude the possibility of cruel and inhuman punishment, including the death penalty.

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Everybody join the new humanitarian Republican party. Save the Dictators!

Not Exactly. How's the Blood Lust going though? Is it truly working out all that well?
this won't last long on you tube...


being taken out of a truck, able, but barely to walk...then....*shrugs*...

An eery silence from the WH about this video being posted.

Seems strange after hearing that nothing could be accomplished by releasing OBL's pic.


I don't recommend looking towards the White House for consistency.

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