Saddam got a trial, Qaddafi got a bullet

Yea, the Evil Bush Presidents picked on poor lil Saddam. They were so mean. And you are so stupid.

YES, they did.

Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

No, "they" didn't.

Saddam Hussein set himself up with heinous war crimes against his own people and against every neighbor Iraq borders. He caused the deaths of over 1.5 million Arabs, many of whom were Iraqi citizens, and he used WOMDs against his own people. He didn't turn any new leaves, he just got cleverer about concealing his killings from the public at large.

But he didn't pull the wool over Secretary of State Madeline Albright's eyes, and he didn't pull the wool over Colin Powell's nor Condoleeza Rice's eyes either. His crimes and threats got worse, and they never got better.

Yes, "they" DID.

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Saddam was caught by US forces and turned over to the present Iraqi government..

Gaddafi was lynched by rebels..

I don't even know how you could give Gaddafi a trial considering those that lynched him were being attacked by his government...
Both deserved what befell them. Saddam had the fortune of being found by U.S. Forces...

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

Saddam was caught by US forces and turned over to the present Iraqi government..

Gaddafi was lynched by rebels..

I don't even know how you could give Gaddafi a trial considering those that lynched him were being attacked by his government...
Both deserved what befell them. Saddam had the fortune of being found by U.S. Forces...

Osama was also found by U.S. Forces...
Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."
Saddam was caught by US forces and turned over to the present Iraqi government..

Gaddafi was lynched by rebels..

I don't even know how you could give Gaddafi a trial considering those that lynched him were being attacked by his government...
Both deserved what befell them. Saddam had the fortune of being found by U.S. Forces...

Osama was also found by U.S. Forces...
Different mission...creep. You aren't very good at this, and history, are you?

You may kiss my pinky ring.
Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."

Sounds like you need a history refresher...

No, "they" didn't.

Saddam Hussein set himself up with heinous war crimes against his own people and against every neighbor Iraq borders. He caused the deaths of over 1.5 million Arabs, many of whom were Iraqi citizens, and he used WOMDs against his own people. He didn't turn any new leaves, he just got cleverer about concealing his killings from the public at large.

But he didn't pull the wool over Secretary of State Madeline Albright's eyes, and he didn't pull the wool over Colin Powell's nor Condoleeza Rice's eyes either. His crimes and threats got worse, and they never got better.

Yes, "they" DID.
No, "they" didn't.
No, "they" didn't.

Saddam Hussein set himself up with heinous war crimes against his own people and against every neighbor Iraq borders. He caused the deaths of over 1.5 million Arabs, many of whom were Iraqi citizens, and he used WOMDs against his own people. He didn't turn any new leaves, he just got cleverer about concealing his killings from the public at large.

But he didn't pull the wool over Secretary of State Madeline Albright's eyes, and he didn't pull the wool over Colin Powell's nor Condoleeza Rice's eyes either. His crimes and threats got worse, and they never got better.

Yes, "they" DID.
No, "they" didn't.

I love this argument.. "Bush's an idiot" then followed up with "Bush the idiot" hoodwinked over half of congress as well other prominent figures. Not to mntion manyt of them were calling for the overthrow of Saddam as far back as the nineties.

Makes sense to me.
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Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."

Sounds like you need a history refresher...

That didn't happen?
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
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Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."

Sounds like you need a history refresher...
You are so immersed in

Enjoy the wallow son...
You know how Saddam took power?

Imagine a military general just walking into congress, then he starts to point out politicians he doesn't care for and has them dragged out my his military and executed..

That is exactly how Saddam took power with his Republican Guard coup...

The guy ordered the execution of his own son for an antic out of a Dudley Moore movie but this one included rape and murder. Lets just say Uday went on a rape rampage and then stabbed his limo driver to death then crashed his fathers dinner party drunk as a skunk..

Yeah, what type of clown gets drunk, rapes a bunch of woman then kills his limo driver THEN shows up to daddies palace where daddy is hosting a political dinner drunk in bloody cloths...
Then the Kurds were just a humble tribe who refused to bow down to Saddam - what was Saddams solution to that? Send his sons up there to rape their woman and wall several of them. When that didn't work it was "gas the fuck out of them with WMD's."

Yeah that kinda pissed the civilized world off...

Saddam was like: "I'm Saddam and I will do whatever the fuck I want and I believe Kuwait belongs to me so I will just take it for me."

Sounds like you need a history refresher...

You apparently don't know shit... Are you really this ignorant or just a troll?

This is common knowledge I'm posting here.
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

You know it amazes me how much history is decided to be right or wrong by what the media says
Without our fighter jest Qaddafi is probably still alive, no congress, no reason we are ever told. Saddam is given years, congress twice concludes we are better off without him by resolve, he is arrested, has a fair trial and hanged for crimes against his own people. Some-how GWB is the bad guy in all of this and not sure what BHO is suppose to be any-more

URGENT: A U.S. Predator drone, along with a French fighter jet, fired on a 'large convoy' — part of which is shown here — said to be carrying Muammar Qaddafi in the moments before he was caught and killed, a U.S. defense official tells Fox News.
U.S. Predator Drone Fired On Qaddafi Convoy, Official Says | Fox News

This is what Happens when the US does things half Assed, and Relies on Other to do our Dirty work. Bush did at Tora Bora and Osama Got away. Obama did it here, and the result is Gaddafi caught and then gunned down in Cold Blood in the street, as a direct result of US action.

I am more than glad he is gone, but I have to ask the Libs who are always talking about how many Terrorists we create with our Actions. Just how many Radical Terrorists do you think we have just inspired by Facilitating this event? The world would have been much better served if he had been brought to Trial for his crimes and then killed.
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Those million and a half arabs were killed in the Iran-Iraq war RAYGUN supported Saddam in, and those Kurds were gassed with gas RAYGUN gave his buddy Saddam. Chickenhawk idiocy we're still trying to fix.
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

You kidding the media Pulls stings all the time. Just by what they choose to cover, what they don't and how they skew that Coverage. If Obama was a Republican all we would have been hearing all these last months would have been about the Illegal Action the US was taking in Libya, and now, all we would be hearing about is how the US just violated International Law and carried out the assassination of a world Leader.

But alas the Liberal Press likes Obama more than they hate war it appears. For the most part they have cheer leaded this mess in Libya. I know Libs are celebrating right now, and acting like Obama is John Wayne, But the cold truth is we have no idea what the FUCK we just did in Libya, or What Direction Libya will now take.
Those million and a half arabs were killed in the Iran-Iraq war RAYGUN supported Saddam in, and those Kurds were gassed with gas RAYGUN gave his buddy Saddam. Chickenhawk idiocy we're still trying to fix.

I'm just curious, why do you leftist repeat the same lies over and over? These lies have been debunked hundreds of times, but a couple of weeks later one of you drones will bleat the same old shit.

Fucking morons.
People must remember that news networks are all profit based companies and can therefore be biased even unintentionally. It is saddening how much people are blindly led by the limited media sources they blow through and assume that the articles or news stories they indulge themselves in are the truth and nothing but. However, if that is the will of the people, we have no right to stop them. History has constantly showed that the people are always manipulated in one form or another and no amount of shouting can possibly bring them back to rationale until it kicks them in the face :lalala:. Media pulling the strings may sound bad, but it's not like it's Nazi propaganda.
Welcome to USMB, Sophist.

Please give an example of your reference to media pulling strings, won't you?

You kidding the media Pulls stings all the time. Just by what they choose to cover, what they don't and how they skew that Coverage. If Obama was a Republican all we would have been hearing all these last months would have been about the Illegal Action the US was taking in Libya, and now, all we would be hearing about is how the US just violated International Law and carried out the assassination of a world Leader.

But alas the Liberal Press likes Obama more than they hate war it appears. For the most part they have cheer leaded this mess in Libya. I know Libs are celebrating right now, and acting like Obama is John Wayne, But the cold truth is we have no idea what the FUCK we just did in Libya, or What Direction Libya will now take.
all we would be hearing about is how the US just violated International Law and carried out the assassination of a world Leader.

correction, we ABETTED ;)

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