Safe Food = Luxury Item?

You didn't read the link, did you?

Yes I did. See here in the FIRST World our equivalent is the "Organic" non-GMO, no-fat, low carb, zero taste foods which people already pay a premium for. Foods which really do nothing other than make people feel good about themselves.
I got a pack of nieces that only swill bottled water; think tap is "evile".

They take a few sips, set the bottle down and get a new one every time they are thirsty.

People like that are burying the world in their plastic garbage.
Your comments suggest you did NOT read the link in the OP. Give it a try.

Yes I did.

1. Dead foreigners are a POSITIVE in my mind.

2. Such things are not an issue here in America. The ridiculous "health food" movement is.
Heavy metals in the food supply is nothing like worrying over calories.
You didn't read the link, did you?

Yes I did. See here in the FIRST World our equivalent is the "Organic" non-GMO, no-fat, low carb, zero taste foods which people already pay a premium for. Foods which really do nothing other than make people feel good about themselves.
I got a pack of nieces that only swill bottled water; think tap is "evile".

They take a few sips, set the bottle down and get a new one every time they are thirsty.

People like that are burying the world in their plastic garbage.

But stimulating the economy.
Situations like that described in the OP could provide incentive for more careful stewardship of natural resources.

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