"safe schools czar" Kevin Jennings further exposed

What the hell does sex have to do with school? ... and they wonder why straight teenagers are getting pregnant at the earliest age, shit this is just wrong.

Please tell me you're not a parent s0n.......................

please do tell me that.............

Um ... are you an idiot to? I have to have sex in order to get pregnant first of all ... second ... well that just wrote itself.
What the hell does sex have to do with school? ... and they wonder why straight teenagers are getting pregnant at the earliest age, shit this is just wrong.

Please tell me you're not a parent s0n.......................

please do tell me that.............

Um ... are you an idiot to? I have to have sex in order to get pregnant first of all ... second ... well that just wrote itself.

Holy Jesus.............I thought you were just young and grew up with sh!t role models........but seeing from your response, you also have the IQ of a small soap dish.

Dont get pregnant sweets............like fcukking ever!!!:eusa_hand:
18 USC 2423 is similar.

None have to do with age of consent but rather criminal sexual activities such as prostitution.
in the CFR yes...but that is not annotated in the Massachusetts statute.

The link I posted is from the Massachussetts Law Libraries which means that is how the law is read - it is not an "age of consent law" - it's a law that specifically states "unlawful" sexual intercourse. When you put that together how it's applied in cases it is clear what it means: inducing underage illegal sexual activities. The site mentions it could find only one case prosecuted under this law, Commonwealth v. Foley, 24 Mass. App. Ct. 114 (1987). in which a man offered a boy $5 to perform fellatio. Sex for money is prostitution.
Is this that pervert czar guy that all the Obama supporters are just fine with??? Wasnt he boinking little kids left and right and now he visits the White House like daily???

Guess you're one of the 21%er KOOks.
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Yea it's time for a Czar Czar i guess. Looks like we need a Czar Czar to investigate Hopey Changey's weird obsession with this whole Czar thing. This Jennings guy is a far Left degenerate who should be removed immediately. He represents everything currently wrong with our Public School System. He's gotta go right now. End of story.
True Liboc!
The lib's defense of Jennings is absolutely bizarre.
Seriously, read through this entire thread and you will see just how many of them are bat shit fucking crazy.
This thread took on a life of its own, and so many lib's have fully exposed themselves as being friggin' morons!
How anybody could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position is just plain mind boggling.
It's also mind boggling that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position.
But then, when we look at the choices that Obama has made in filling various positions in his administration, it's become quite clear that he himself is a far left liberal marxist nutjob.
He will not be re-elected.
True Liboc!
The lib's defense of Jennings is absolutely bizarre.
Seriously, read through this entire thread and you will see just how many of them are bat shit fucking crazy.
This thread took on a life of its own, and so many lib's have fully exposed themselves as being friggin' morons!
How anybody could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position is just plain mind boggling.
It's also mind boggling that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position.
But then, when we look at the choices that Obama has made in filling various positions in his administration, it's become quite clear that he himself is a far left liberal marxist nutjob.
He will not be re-elected.

Of course Obama advocates this guy. He is a radical leftist gay man with an agenda to poison the minds of your people. That is EXACTLY the kind of person Obama wants as the "safe schools czar". These people are very evil in nature. They WANT to hurt kids for the sake of furthering a leftist agenda.
True Liboc!
The lib's defense of Jennings is absolutely bizarre.
Seriously, read through this entire thread and you will see just how many of them are bat shit fucking crazy.
This thread took on a life of its own, and so many lib's have fully exposed themselves as being friggin' morons!
How anybody could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position is just plain mind boggling.
It's also mind boggling that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position.
But then, when we look at the choices that Obama has made in filling various positions in his administration, it's become quite clear that he himself is a far left liberal marxist nutjob.
He will not be re-elected.

Actually, what's "bizarre" is your utter inability to get your mind around the facts of the matter and argue from that. It seems to be making you an emotional basket case.

Congratulations. You are "special". :)
True Liboc!
The lib's defense of Jennings is absolutely bizarre.
Seriously, read through this entire thread and you will see just how many of them are bat shit fucking crazy.
This thread took on a life of its own, and so many lib's have fully exposed themselves as being friggin' morons!
How anybody could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position is just plain mind boggling.
It's also mind boggling that the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES could advocate for that perverted pile of garbage holding the position.
But then, when we look at the choices that Obama has made in filling various positions in his administration, it's become quite clear that he himself is a far left liberal marxist nutjob.
He will not be re-elected.

Of course Obama advocates this guy. He is a radical leftist gay man with an agenda to poison the minds of your people. That is EXACTLY the kind of person Obama wants as the "safe schools czar". These people are very evil in nature. They WANT to hurt kids for the sake of furthering a leftist agenda.

Exactly who are "they" and how are "they" wanting to "hurt" kids?

Or....is this just another wingnut emotional rollercoaster?:eusa_eh:
So Coyote,
Tell us. What if that MINOR CHILD were your kid, and he admitted to A TEACHER that he was angaging in dangerous behavior?
Would you just want that teacher to keep it a secret from you, THE PARENT OF SAID MINOR CHILD?
Would you just want your MINOR CHILD running around engaging in dangerous behavior like MEETING A STRANGE ADULT MAN IN A BATHROOM and going home with him?
Would you not want it reported to you, that your MINOR CHILD is engaging in behavior that could ultimately end up in a myriad of tragic consequenses?
These are very valid questions. Answer them.
A few of your cohorts have mysteriously disappeared after being asked these questions. Are you going to be one of them?
Here's what I am going to take away from this long winded discussion:

1. Obama doesn't check out the people he works with very well.
2. Obama doesn't admit errors well.
3. Mr. Jennings is not the best choice for a safe schools czar.
4. Several folks here have really stuck their necks out for a person that
doesn't deserve it. Their opinions are forever tinted by these actions.
5. Mr. Jennings needs to step down or be fired.
So Coyote,
Tell us. What if that MINOR CHILD were your kid, and he admitted to A TEACHER that he was angaging in dangerous behavior?

Would you just want that teacher to keep it a secret from you, THE PARENT OF SAID MINOR CHILD?

I already answered your question and it's not a simple black/white answer either.

If it were my child I would hope that we would have the level of communication where my child could confide in me about something like homosexuality. But that is not always the case in many families and acceptance of that is highly variable. If my child could not - I would hope that there was an adult that he could trust enough to talk to and get advice from.

As a parent I would want to know, but then, as a parent I would have no problem with homosexuality. What if I did though? What if my husband despised gays? What if the home situation was one in which the child could not go to his parents? See it's not just the parents and their rights, it's also what is best for the child and none of us here know that - we don't know the situation.

Would you just want your MINOR CHILD running around engaging in dangerous behavior like MEETING A STRANGE ADULT MAN IN A BATHROOM and going home with him?
Would you not want it reported to you, that your MINOR CHILD is engaging in behavior that could ultimately end up in a myriad of tragic consequenses?

You talk about tragic consequences but have you thought about the possibility of tragic consequences in informing the parents that their child is not only having sex but - is also homosexual? And this was 20 some years ago?

These are very valid questions. Answer them.
A few of your cohorts have mysteriously disappeared after being asked these questions. Are you going to be one of them?

They are valid questions, but they are questions without clear cut answers requiring a lot of personal judgement.

And, by the way...I previously answered...guess you don't read to well ;)
So Coyote,
Tell us. What if that MINOR CHILD were your kid, and he admitted to A TEACHER that he was angaging in dangerous behavior?
Would you just want that teacher to keep it a secret from you, THE PARENT OF SAID MINOR CHILD?
Would you just want your MINOR CHILD running around engaging in dangerous behavior like MEETING A STRANGE ADULT MAN IN A BATHROOM and going home with him?
Would you not want it reported to you, that your MINOR CHILD is engaging in behavior that could ultimately end up in a myriad of tragic consequenses?
These are very valid questions. Answer them.
A few of your cohorts have mysteriously disappeared after being asked these questions. Are you going to be one of them?
I seem to recall you asking this question before. I seem to recall answering. I'm sure you can find the post, on this thread, if you look. I however would like to turn the question on its head.
You are a teacher.
One of your students is Gay.
You know his father is a self proclaimed "Fag Beating Real MAN"
You also know the father is only free and on the streets because the boy's mother refuses to testify that he abuses (beats) her as she is co-dependent.
The boy tells you of an anonymous encounter with an older man and asks advice.

Would you tell the father of this child that his son is gay?
Shame on you if you say yes.

Follow up question-
You don't know anything about the parents
You know the boy is reluctant to come out of the closet, and suspect fear is a driving motive.
You are actually intelligent enough to be aware that "Fag Beaters" exist and that parental beating is the single most common form of child abuse.
Would you tell this boy's father he is gay?
How miserable would you feel if the father beat the son to death on learning he was a "Fag"?

Jennings made a serious error - he should have sent the boy to the school counselor. But you still are focusing on the wrong aspect. Jennings is a poor choice, not because he made an error, and not because he may be a homosexual, but because his policies are apt to do more harm than good.
Do try to remember that I oppose Jennings.
So Coyote,
Tell us. What if that MINOR CHILD were your kid, and he admitted to A TEACHER that he was angaging in dangerous behavior?

Would you just want that teacher to keep it a secret from you, THE PARENT OF SAID MINOR CHILD?

I already answered your question and it's not a simple black/white answer either.

If it were my child I would hope that we would have the level of communication where my child could confide in me about something like homosexuality. But that is not always the case in many families and acceptance of that is highly variable. If my child could not - I would hope that there was an adult that he could trust enough to talk to and get advice from.

As a parent I would want to know, but then, as a parent I would have no problem with homosexuality. What if I did though? What if my husband despised gays? What if the home situation was one in which the child could not go to his parents? See it's not just the parents and their rights, it's also what is best for the child and none of us here know that - we don't know the situation.

Would you just want your MINOR CHILD running around engaging in dangerous behavior like MEETING A STRANGE ADULT MAN IN A BATHROOM and going home with him?
Would you not want it reported to you, that your MINOR CHILD is engaging in behavior that could ultimately end up in a myriad of tragic consequenses?

You talk about tragic consequences but have you thought about the possibility of tragic consequences in informing the parents that their child is not only having sex but - is also homosexual? And this was 20 some years ago?

These are very valid questions. Answer them.
A few of your cohorts have mysteriously disappeared after being asked these questions. Are you going to be one of them?

They are valid questions, but they are questions without clear cut answers requiring a lot of personal judgement.

And, by the way...I previously answered...guess you don't read to well ;)
Well, i'll give you credit, you didn't just mysteriously disappear.

I don't care if it involves a homosexual MINOR CHILD or not. Jennings was NOT the parent of the child. The Parents of the MINOR CHILD had every right to be informed. Jennings had a moral and ethical duty to inform THE PARENTS of the MINOR CHILDS dangerous behaivior. The SAFETY of the MINOR child is the PARENTS primary concern. Jennings was appointed to advise on the safety of CHILDREN in our schools. He screwed up in protecting the SAFETY of that MINOR CHILD. Therefore, he has no business advising ANYBODY on the safety of children in our schools.
There is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER privelege.
Jennings fully undermined the PARENTS of said MINOR CHILDS responsibility of protecting THEIR MINOR CHILD!
There are no excuses. There are no valid arguments as to why he would FAIL to exercize his moral and ethical obligation of notifying said MINOR CHILDS PARENTS!
Absolutely none whatsoever.
And parents who are RESPONSIBLE and truly love their children understand this.
The SAFETY of the MINOR child is the PARENTS primary concern.
That is an unwarranted assumption.
Say hello to Mr. Mption when you see him.
An unwarranted assumption?
Oh now that's rich!
Yeah, I suppose if you're a dirtbag parent, your childs safety isn't a primary concern.

LMAO! at the sheer weakness of the Obamabots arguments.:cuckoo:
So Coyote,
Tell us. What if that MINOR CHILD were your kid, and he admitted to A TEACHER that he was angaging in dangerous behavior?

Would you just want that teacher to keep it a secret from you, THE PARENT OF SAID MINOR CHILD?

I already answered your question and it's not a simple black/white answer either.

If it were my child I would hope that we would have the level of communication where my child could confide in me about something like homosexuality. But that is not always the case in many families and acceptance of that is highly variable. If my child could not - I would hope that there was an adult that he could trust enough to talk to and get advice from.

As a parent I would want to know, but then, as a parent I would have no problem with homosexuality. What if I did though? What if my husband despised gays? What if the home situation was one in which the child could not go to his parents? See it's not just the parents and their rights, it's also what is best for the child and none of us here know that - we don't know the situation.

You talk about tragic consequences but have you thought about the possibility of tragic consequences in informing the parents that their child is not only having sex but - is also homosexual? And this was 20 some years ago?

These are very valid questions. Answer them.
A few of your cohorts have mysteriously disappeared after being asked these questions. Are you going to be one of them?

They are valid questions, but they are questions without clear cut answers requiring a lot of personal judgement.

And, by the way...I previously answered...guess you don't read to well ;)
Well, i'll give you credit, you didn't just mysteriously disappear.

I don't care if it involves a homosexual MINOR CHILD or not. Jennings was NOT the parent of the child. The Parents of the MINOR CHILD had every right to be informed. Jennings had a moral and ethical duty to inform THE PARENTS of the MINOR CHILDS dangerous behaivior. The SAFETY of the MINOR child is the PARENTS primary concern. Jennings was appointed to advise on the safety of CHILDREN in our schools. He screwed up in protecting the SAFETY of that MINOR CHILD. Therefore, he has no business advising ANYBODY on the safety of children in our schools.
There is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER privelege.
Jennings fully undermined the PARENTS of said MINOR CHILDS responsibility of protecting THEIR MINOR CHILD!
There are no excuses. There are no valid arguments as to why he would FAIL to exercize his moral and ethical obligation of notifying said MINOR CHILDS PARENTS!
Absolutely none whatsoever.
And parents who are RESPONSIBLE and truly love their children understand this.

There in is the caveat.

I will agree that he made a poor judgement call - but, I also have no way of knowing the background of the child and what was going on - neither do you.

What is his moral and ethical obligation if notifying the parents put the child in danger?
I already answered your question and it's not a simple black/white answer either.

If it were my child I would hope that we would have the level of communication where my child could confide in me about something like homosexuality. But that is not always the case in many families and acceptance of that is highly variable. If my child could not - I would hope that there was an adult that he could trust enough to talk to and get advice from.

As a parent I would want to know, but then, as a parent I would have no problem with homosexuality. What if I did though? What if my husband despised gays? What if the home situation was one in which the child could not go to his parents? See it's not just the parents and their rights, it's also what is best for the child and none of us here know that - we don't know the situation.

You talk about tragic consequences but have you thought about the possibility of tragic consequences in informing the parents that their child is not only having sex but - is also homosexual? And this was 20 some years ago?

They are valid questions, but they are questions without clear cut answers requiring a lot of personal judgement.

And, by the way...I previously answered...guess you don't read to well ;)
Well, i'll give you credit, you didn't just mysteriously disappear.

I don't care if it involves a homosexual MINOR CHILD or not. Jennings was NOT the parent of the child. The Parents of the MINOR CHILD had every right to be informed. Jennings had a moral and ethical duty to inform THE PARENTS of the MINOR CHILDS dangerous behaivior. The SAFETY of the MINOR child is the PARENTS primary concern. Jennings was appointed to advise on the safety of CHILDREN in our schools. He screwed up in protecting the SAFETY of that MINOR CHILD. Therefore, he has no business advising ANYBODY on the safety of children in our schools.
There is absolutely no such thing as MINOR CHILD/TEACHER privelege.
Jennings fully undermined the PARENTS of said MINOR CHILDS responsibility of protecting THEIR MINOR CHILD!
There are no excuses. There are no valid arguments as to why he would FAIL to exercize his moral and ethical obligation of notifying said MINOR CHILDS PARENTS!
Absolutely none whatsoever.
And parents who are RESPONSIBLE and truly love their children understand this.

There in is the caveat.

I will agree that he made a poor judgement call - but, I also have no way of knowing the background of the child and what was going on - neither do you.

What is his moral and ethical obligation if notifying the parents put the child in danger?

Did he have proof that notifying the parents would put the child in danger?

No, he didn't. Therefore, he had a moral and ethical duty to notify school administrators or the parents directly.

IF, he had proof that notifying the parents would put the child in danger, then it would be his moral and ethical duty to notify social services of both the danger of the parents, and the dangerous behavior that the child was engaging in.

He had no proof, therefore his moral and ethical obligation was to notify chool administrator or the parents directly.

He was obviously an educated man. A teaching professional who knew what his moral and ethical obligations were. He failed on every level.
An unwarranted assumption?
Oh now that's rich!
Yeah, I suppose if you're a dirtbag parent, your childs safety isn't a primary concern.

LMAO! at the sheer weakness of the Obamabots arguments.:cuckoo:

Clearly you never taught in public schools or you would realize a disturbingly large portion of parents have virtually no concern about their children. You never did answer the question of what you would do if you suspected a "Fag beating REAL MAN" father of a student in your class would beat the boy to death in a fit of rage at being informed of his "girly" son's liaison with an anonymous man. Would you feel ANY guilt or remorse about the death, having done your "I was only following orders" duty?

Having repeatedly stated that I oppose Jennings appointment what makes you possibly believe I am an Obamabot?
Should I include a list of those things I oppose which are near and dear to liberals like him? I oppose Welfare, socialized medicine, and gun control to name the big three.

Actually I do favor gun control Texas style - gun control is hitting your target.

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