saints/chiefs the REAL winners.same as always,cheatriots get the calls,their opponent does not

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There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true

Feeling especially lonely today, brainless? Try being less of a douche bag.
The game isn’t rigged, stupid. Refs make bad calls sometimes. Only losers whine about it instead of improving their game so it can’t come down to one call either way.
Of course it's going to be close shit head. NE is a dynasty. Doesn't hurt that they get bullshit calls at pivotal times.

Then later Brady runs it in for a TD to win the game? No shit. No one dares touch him.

That was a bullshit call that decided the game. You're a NE faggot which is why you don't mind. Are you still lovers with ChrisL? Haven't seen that Patriot bitch in awhile. You two would be a great couple.

Both games 2 weeks ago were rigged. Have fun watching fake football. Reminds me of the WWE which I love by the way.

could not have said it better nailed it.:2up::beer:

ah that troll chris L,wonder whatever happened to her.must have died,that would be the ONLY logical explanation why she is not hear this time to talk about her mancrush on tom brady that they both have for him.:biggrin:

Thats a bummer thats shes gone,i cant believe i am saying this but i miss her,I always got great entertainment watching her go into meltdown mode and get angry everytime her hero and her team was exposed for the lying cheating frauds they are and how they have the refs in their pockets. i actually miss those days.the way she always took is so personal like tom brady was her dad or something ANYTIME you exposed what a fraud cheater he was.remember that? :abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::iyfyus.jpg:
He is too dense obviously to understand facts that its going to be close because thats how the NFL wants it to be and how its all been planned out that way. to come down to the last two minutes and for the patriots to pull it off in the end,uh duh.:rolleyes-41:

its so OBVIOUS they have this game all fixed for them to win,only an idiot would think they would let their image be tarnished by letting them lose TWO superbowls in a row,:cuckoo:
No Christl ls in a relationship where he (her partner) is happy to be with a 49 year old bitch. She used to argue with me that she was in her 30s not 40s I never bought it

that figures, and thats no surprise in the least,she scared me the way she took it so personal and got so angry the way she always went into meltdown mode over the truth being exposed over shady brady and belicheat,but thats the norm of the brady ass kissers and belicheat again,no surprise in the least,
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same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

Save your fricking WHINING for AFTER the game! If you had any REAL confidence in those Rams, you wouldn't be already bellyaching a week before the game even starts.


dude you dont have to advertise to people like me and sealybobo your butthurrt feelings over shady brady and belicheat how the truht hurts youi so much that they CANT win without cheating,that is OLD news that you always cry over that little fact,NO need to come over here and tell me about the ass beatings you suffered from me after i spanked your bottom which is making you cry so bad as you just proved in these photos.:abgg2q.jpg::2up::itsok::itsok:
sealybobo you can telll people like your dad and your friends that are awake on this finally that its been reported in underground media outlets that the city of new orleans is going to show the saints/eagles game in sports bars in the city and that in kansas city,they are going to do the same in that city and show the chiefs and colts game.that is a GREAT idea by BOTH these cities.:2up::5_1_12024:

next year the chiefs and saints players should get together before the pre seaon games start and have their OWN superbowl so america can see the two REAL champions that were deprived of the superbowl.and so americans can see the REAL superbowl teams play.:mad:

AS i have said HUNDREDS of times before in the past just to watch the cheatriot apologists liek those two blatantkly ignore it this is not the first time either,they have LONG cheating past and yet they make one sick excuse after excuse for them.

Everyone thinks officials celebrated with Patriots, handed them AFC championship

damn RIGHT they celebrated WITH THEM and same as the chiefs game,HANDED it to them last year as ALWAYS.

here is ANOTHER video that backs up what we been saying seal what i been saying till i was blue in the face how the cheatriots got all the calls but the chiefs did NOT.:2up:

VIDEO: Patriots Ridiculously Weren't Flagged Despite Blatant Penalties Against Chiefs

this guy here TOTALLY nailed the pats get special treatment and ALWAYS get the calls.:2up::beer:

I'm Not Saying the N.F.L. Is Fixed But...

If anyone thinks we are wrong bet us.

Notice how the cheatriot worshippers as always,played dodgeball with the evidence and ran off like the cowards they are after i took them to school with those links?:iyfyus.jpg: their only rebuttal was to post photos of themselves crying in defeat:laughing0301: after their ass beatings they got from me and you on this thread.:iyfyus.jpg:
dude you dont have to advertise to people like me and sealybobo

Dude, you've lost it. Where did I ever even mention or bring up sealybobo? Better quit skipping your meds. You keep mentioning "evidence." I've shown you the FACTS. You never show anything but your blind hate and prejudice for the Patriots and a hopeless infatuation for a flagging team headed toward bitter defeat.

Would have been a stupendous game had it been the Saints challenging the Pats.
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sealybobo you can telll people like your dad and your friends that are awake on this finally that its been reported in underground media outlets that the city of new orleans is going to show the saints/eagles game in sports bars in the city and that in kansas city,they are going to do the same in that city and show the chiefs and colts game.that is a GREAT idea by BOTH these cities.:2up::5_1_12024:

next year the chiefs and saints players should get together before the pre seaon games start and have their OWN superbowl so america can see the two REAL champions that were deprived of the superbowl.and so americans can see the REAL superbowl teams play.:mad:

AS i have said HUNDREDS of times before in the past just to watch the cheatriot apologists liek those two blatantkly ignore it this is not the first time either,they have LONG cheating past and yet they make one sick excuse after excuse for them.

Everyone thinks officials celebrated with Patriots, handed them AFC championship

damn RIGHT they celebrated WITH THEM and same as the chiefs game,HANDED it to them last year as ALWAYS.

here is ANOTHER video that backs up what we been saying seal what i been saying till i was blue in the face how the cheatriots got all the calls but the chiefs did NOT.:2up:

VIDEO: Patriots Ridiculously Weren't Flagged Despite Blatant Penalties Against Chiefs

this guy here TOTALLY nailed the pats get special treatment and ALWAYS get the calls.:2up::beer:

I'm Not Saying the N.F.L. Is Fixed But...

If anyone thinks we are wrong bet us.

Notice how the cheatriot worshippers as always,played dodgeball with the evidence and ran off like the cowards they are after i took them to school with those links?:iyfyus.jpg: their only rebuttal was to post photos of themselves crying in defeat:laughing0301: after their ass beatings they got from me and you on this thread.:iyfyus.jpg:

dude you dont have to advertise to people like me and sealybobo

Dude, you've lost it. Where did I ever even mention or bring up sealybobo? Better quit skipping your meds.

I never said you did,but with the aide of him,he took you to school on this that you have same as alll cheatriot apologists,you have your head up brady and belicheats ass so much that you live in denial mode they CANT win WITHOUT cheating which proves they are FRAUDS and not real winners REAL superbowl winners.:abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:
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Now watch the video

Just like this went Brady's way so did that ball that grazed the punt receivers arm. It has to be conclusive to overturn and it was not.
sealybobo you can telll people like your dad and your friends that are awake on this finally that its been reported in underground media outlets that the city of new orleans is going to show the saints/eagles game in sports bars in the city and that in kansas city,they are going to do the same in that city and show the chiefs and colts game.that is a GREAT idea by BOTH these cities.:2up::5_1_12024:

next year the chiefs and saints players should get together before the pre seaon games start and have their OWN superbowl so america can see the two REAL champions that were deprived of the superbowl.and so americans can see the REAL superbowl teams play.:mad:

AS i have said HUNDREDS of times before in the past just to watch the cheatriot apologists liek those two blatantkly ignore it this is not the first time either,they have LONG cheating past and yet they make one sick excuse after excuse for them.

Everyone thinks officials celebrated with Patriots, handed them AFC championship

damn RIGHT they celebrated WITH THEM and same as the chiefs game,HANDED it to them last year as ALWAYS.

here is ANOTHER video that backs up what we been saying seal what i been saying till i was blue in the face how the cheatriots got all the calls but the chiefs did NOT.:2up:

VIDEO: Patriots Ridiculously Weren't Flagged Despite Blatant Penalties Against Chiefs

this guy here TOTALLY nailed the pats get special treatment and ALWAYS get the calls.:2up::beer:

I'm Not Saying the N.F.L. Is Fixed But...

If anyone thinks we are wrong bet us.

Notice how the cheatriot worshippers as always,played dodgeball with the evidence and ran off like the cowards they are after i took them to school with those links?:iyfyus.jpg: their only rebuttal was to post photos of themselves crying in defeat:laughing0301: after their ass beatings they got from me and you on this thread.:iyfyus.jpg:


man that so much looks EXACTLY like the bullshit call that happend in the chiefs game.

they always make pathetic EXCUSE AFTER EXCUSE for them how they have the refs in their pockets.

beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.:rolleyes:
go and troll on that other thread,^this thread is for adults who can handle the truth that pats cant win in the playoffs without having the refs in their pockets.

,i cant speak for sealybobo,but i myself am tired of your tiresome babble running off and evading facts never addressing anything posted same as you wont the OP on jims thread thread.:abgg2q.jpg:

your tiresome babble and evasion of facts has gotten old and i am done wasting my time with your constant babble.maybe sealybobo will feed dont with you,go ahead and live in this fantasyworld that the cheaters cant win without the refs in their pockets,thats YOUR problem this delusional fantasyland world you live in,not mine.
The game isn’t rigged, stupid. Refs make bad calls sometimes. Only losers whine about it instead of improving their game so it can’t come down to one call either way.
Of course it's going to be close shit head. NE is a dynasty. Doesn't hurt that they get bullshit calls at pivotal times.

Then later Brady runs it in for a TD to win the game? No shit. No one dares touch him.

That was a bullshit call that decided the game. You're a NE faggot which is why you don't mind. Are you still lovers with ChrisL? Haven't seen that Patriot bitch in awhile. You two would be a great couple.

Both games 2 weeks ago were rigged. Have fun watching fake football. Reminds me of the WWE which I love by the way.

could not have said it better nailed it.:2up::beer:

ah that troll chris L,wonder whatever happened to her.must have died,that would be the ONLY logical explanation why she is not hear this time to talk about her mancrush on tom brady that they both have for him.:biggrin:

Thats a bummer thats shes gone,i cant believe i am saying this but i miss her,I always got great entertainment watching her go into meltdown mode and get angry everytime her hero and her team was exposed for the lying cheating frauds they are and how they have the refs in their pockets. i actually miss those days.the way she always took is so personal like tom brady was her dad or something ANYTIME you exposed what a fraud cheater he was.remember that? :abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::iyfyus.jpg:
He is too dense obviously to understand facts that its going to be close because thats how the NFL wants it to be and how its all been planned out that way. to come down to the last two minutes and for the patriots to pull it off in the end,uh duh.:rolleyes-41:

its so OBVIOUS they have this game all fixed for them to win,only an idiot would think they would let their image be tarnished by letting them lose TWO superbowls in a row,:cuckoo:
No Christl ls in a relationship where he (her partner) is happy to be with a 49 year old bitch. She used to argue with me that she was in her 30s not 40s I never bought it

Her "PARTNER" no wonder she was th ebiggest nutcase that took it so personal anytime i exposed here heor shady brady and belicheat.her PARTNER says it all about what kind of DATES she has.:iyfyus.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true

a family man and wrestling coach.comedy gold.that is priceless,the fact he spends so much time with us you KNOW thats an obvious lie.:abgg2q.jpg:
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true

a family man and wrestling coach.comedy gold.that is priceless,the fact he spends so much time with us you KNOW thats an obvious lie.:abgg2q.jpg:

Are you and Bobobrainless spooning right now?
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true

a family man and wrestling coach.comedy gold.that is priceless,the fact he spends so much time with us you KNOW thats an obvious lie.:abgg2q.jpg:
And all the other jobs he does after his work day and on weekends. He says we are lazy if we aren’t working all the time. He doesn’t know about leisure time and quality of life.

Maybe that’s good though because there’s no question he would not be fun to be around.

You however would be a riot I imagine.
There is no one on this site easier to trigger then this tinfoil lunatic conspiracy lame brain.

That bubble brainless has latched on to its underbelly should say all that needs to be said.
You can’t be spending time with your family when you are home. You’re here talking to us

You claim to have a family but I’m calling bullshit.

Sure you’ve claimed to be a good family man and a wrestling coach but one of those things aren’t true

a family man and wrestling coach.comedy gold.that is priceless,the fact he spends so much time with us you KNOW thats an obvious lie.:abgg2q.jpg:

Are you and Bobobrainless spooning right now? Inappropriate comments deleted.

That is not a self portrait, you stupid son of a bitch. And, no one wants to know about how you two deviants are abusing each other. Keep it in your closet and keep it to yourself.
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