saints/chiefs the REAL winners.same as always,cheatriots get the calls,their opponent does not

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Get out of here troll^ same as brady ass kisser trolls valerie and grampa,you ALSO have butthurt feelings over shady brady. You're mancrush you have on him always having your head up his ass are known by everybody like myself,sealybobo and so many others. you trolls cant stand toe to toe in a debate and not only wont addreess the evidence i present but refuse to watch the videos in the OP.

you NEVER address the evidence as you wont in the OP here just like valerie wont so nobody wants to hear the bablle of you and same as valerie whilesame as her and grampa,you have your head up shady bradys ass.

Saints AND chiefs are the REAL winners here,deal with it brady ass kissers.
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same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

Except the refs basically tried to give the Chiefs the game against the Patriots with no pass interference and no holding calls that were obvious to everyone.

thats REALLY getting desperate and grasping at straws by a cheatriot apologist because the cheaters ALWAYS get away with holding calls as they did once again. not to mention they put a skirt on shady brady and told the pats players it was OPEN SEASON on Mahomes letting THEM knock him down MANY times just like one of my videos in the OP proves.but NEVER getting called.standard protocal for them.:cuckoo:

Edelman goes in whines to the refs LYING that he did not touch the ball and the refs of course give THEM the call as always as they ALWAYS do/

the FACTS are clear,the NFL refs are going to protect Brady at ALL costs.they will put a skirt on him but allow the pats players to knock down the opposing teams quarterbacks.:rolleyes:

first they gbve the ruck rule to him,now the NEW rule the NFL has now invented fot the NFL is the NO TOUCH rule that applies to ONE quarterback in the NFL,Tom Brady.:rolleyes:
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

All 4 referees in the saints rams game were from Southern California. Google the California conspiracy.
Edelman did not touch the ball.
Yea but what about the roughing the passer on Brady when Brady threw an interception? That was not roughing the passer

the cheatriot apologists ALWAYS play dodgeball with that pesky fact blatantly ignoring FACTS that they put a skirt on brady yet allowed them to VICOUSLY hit mahomes OVER AND OVER again yet no flags thrown,yep no special treatment there by the refs.:abgg2q.jpg::cuckoo::rolleyes:
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

All 4 referees in the saints rams game were from Southern California. Google the California conspiracy.

no surprise,the way the cheatriots/chiefs game was fixed you would think the refs at kc were all from boston.:D
The real winners are those who read my post saying buy AAPL and FB Bet brady lol has them
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

All 4 referees in the saints rams game were from Southern California. Google the California conspiracy.

no surprise,the way the cheatriots/chiefs game was fixed you would think the refs at kc were all from boston.:D

They all work for roger baddell. No one can dispute that bs ruffing the passer play.
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

All 4 referees in the saints rams game were from Southern California. Google the California conspiracy.

no surprise,the way the cheatriots/chiefs game was fixed you would think the refs at kc were all from boston.:D

They all work for roger baddell. No one can dispute that bs ruffing the passer play.


Indeed,the cheatriot apologists ALWAYS evade that fact and always come up with some kind of bullshit that it was a judgement call by the refs or some stupid thing like that they invent making excuse after excuse for them bltantly ignoring that the refs have put a skirt on him and rules apply to him that DONT apply to mahomes and the rest of the QB's around the league.they play dodgeball that Mahomes was VICOUSLY hit hard at LEAST twice in FRONT of the refs yet thy did not thrown a yellow flag. yep no favorites being played here and the refs have no put a skirt on tom brady,no sirreee bob.:rolleyes::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I owned the cheatriot apologits with the videos i posted in my is ANOTHER one they ALSO wont watch as they did not the first three cause the truth hurts.:D

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I agree that the cheatriots and billicheat have to be paying someone bigtime money.
You nuts need mental help!
Make sure you've got your razor blades ready after the PATRIOTS win!
Go fucking bleed out behind your favorite dumpster!
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.


always the same....
cheaters win

like trump!

Everybody knows you have ALWAYS had your head up shady bradys ass.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yei i DO hate cheaters,i WONT deny that,but you LOVE cheaters no doubt copied off the papers of the students that sat next to you in school to pass quizs and exams the facts you LOVE cheaters.:iyfyus.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

as always you play dodgeball and go into evade mode how brady has the refs in his pockets.:D

oh and just so you know,a ten year old kid proved to the entire world your hero is a cheater and a fraud here in this link below,sorry the truth hurts.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok::itsok:

10 year old kid wins science fair project by proving Tom Shady Brady is a cheater.comedy gold.

It turned out that a fully inflated football goes further than an underinflated football. It's fucking basic science 101!
A golfball flights further than a plum you MORON!
I agree that the cheatriots and billicheat have to be paying someone bigtime money.
You nuts need mental help!
Make sure you've got your razor blades ready after the PATRIOTS win!
Go fucking bleed out behind your favorite dumpster!

I KNEW coming from YOU,you would post some kind of garbage like that going into insult mode since i backed you up against the wall in my OP with pesky facts in those videos of the HISTORY of the lying cheating ways of the cheatriots.that you went into evade mode on same as all cheatriot apologists always ALWAYS do.:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::rofl::laughing0301:

you did not even read anything in the OP how both of these teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl by the refs.much less look at the evidence in the videos there..:iyfyus.jpg: the truth seems to always hurt the cheatriot apologists so much they always go into insult mode when backed up against the wall with nowhere to run unable to counter pesky lillte facts.:lmao::laughing0301::iyfyus.jpg::itsok::itsok:

Everybody knows you have ALWAYS had your head up shady bradys ass.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

yei i DO hate cheaters,i WONT deny that,but you LOVE cheaters no doubt copied off the papers of the students that sat next to you in school to pass quizs and exams the facts you LOVE cheaters.:iyfyus.jpg::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

as always you play dodgeball and go into evade mode how brady has the refs in his pockets.:D

oh and just so you know,a ten year old kid proved to the entire world your hero is a cheater and a fraud here in this link below,sorry the truth hurts.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::lmao::laughing0301::itsok::itsok::itsok:

10 year old kid wins science fair project by proving Tom Shady Brady is a cheater.comedy gold.

It turned out that a fully inflated football goes further than an underinflated football. It's fucking basic science 101!
A golfball flights further than a plum you MORON!

yeah i KNOW you are,your so full of it,give it up with your lies.:abgg2q.jpg:

golf ball and plum,thats REALLY getting desperate and grasping at straws comparing apples to oranges.comedy gold.:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
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Bad news The guy I bet with Took Rams I'm left with NE and Over But don't feel too bad for me I have FB and AAPL
same ole same ole story as ALWAYS is in playoff games,the cheatriots get the calls,their opponents do NOT.

This chiefs/pats game so much reminded me exactly of the playoff games years again in the BS tuck rule game of the raiders and cheatriots when the refs GAVE them that game as well.

Had that game been officiated FAIRLY,it never would have even come down to that BS tuckrule call that wrongfully gave the cheatriots that playoff win because even before that,the pats were getting ALL the calls and the raiders were NOT same as the chiefs game. this is NOT the first time its happend,they have a HISTORY of this with the refs yet you cheatriot ass kissers say the refs dont play favorites rRiiiiiigggthhhhhhtttttt.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

All you idiots who keep making excuse after excuse for the patriots that Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback ever and Bill Belicheat is a great coach indeed are EXACTLY that,IDIOTS who ignore FACTS.:rolleyes:

How many superbowls did the patriots win BEFORE 9/11? thats right, many have they won SINCE then? you all are too dense to see this is no coincidence,that its all scripted cause the NFL WANTS it that way.:rolleyes:

I am going to use that Raiders game as an example that they have a HISTORY of having games GIVEN to them by the i said,even before the tuck rule late in the game,the refs were giving the game to them with calls going their way. two moments stand out in that game.

ONE/the Raiders were in patriots terrritory after Gannon completed a pass to Tim Brown which the markers showed brown picked up the first down by at LEAST a yard.the refs ruled he was short of it though and the raiders had to pun the ball.had he picked it up though,they were close to filed goal range for janikowski they said during the broadcast.

the SECOND strike that went against the raiders.

The Raiders were in patriots territory again and an obvious personal foul was committed against Rich Gannon on a third and long play,the pats player hit him long AFTER Gannon got rid of the ball but the call was not called.Gannon could not believe it,he was protesting like crazy which is NOT his norm with refs.the announcers could not believe the NON call either.

Had they CORRECTLY called that a personal foul the refs clearly saw,that would have ALSO put the raiders in field goal range. Had he been allowed to kick just ONE of those file goals,the game would never have gone into overtime and they would never have won even WITH the BS tuck rule.yep no favorites always being played for the patriots by the refs ever.:rolleyes:

then there of course is the superbowl with the rams and cheatiiots where they illegally spied on them and taped their practices and the refs allowed the pats players to CONSTANTLY commit pass intereference on the rams. Rams reciver issae bruce said he had NEVER been in a game before where the players were allowed to mug him like that.

The Rams were given this championship game as well by the refs because anybody here shuld be able to figure it out that the NFL WANTS the LOS ANGELES market to scucceed.:D If you all cant figure out that was WHY they made sure the Rams went to the superbowl.if you all STILL cant see that these games are all scripted and as rigged as pro wrestling STILL,then you all are beyond help and in serious denial mode.:rolleyes:

The cheatriots gert special treatment getting away with scandal after scandal the other NFL teams get punished for and you all ignore that. the NFL is more corrupt now this year than it EVER has been because this is the first time i can recall where BOTH teams were giftwrapped a trip to the superbowl

these videos explain it all so well WHY these two teams are in the superbowl.

Patriots are the greatest team of all time!
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