Salon blames Trump and MAGA for recent outbreak of women punched in face


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."

Trump should sue them for a billion dollars.

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is already alarming. CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized....

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner...

The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."

Why it matters men are punching random women in NYC
How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."

Trump should sue them for a billion dollars.

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is already alarming. CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized....

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner...

The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."

Why it matters men are punching random women in NYC
I knew it was White guys in maga hats


How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."

Trump should sue them for a billion dollars.

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is already alarming. CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized....

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner...

The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."

Why it matters men are punching random women in NYC
TDS should be recognized as a true brain disorder. Salon, RawStory and DailyKOS are all prime examples of what happens to brains with TDS.
Apophis Asteroid headed for Earth. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Mars quakes detected. MAGA and Trump to blame.
European colonization of North America. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Eventual supernova of star, Betelgeuse. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Planet Trappist 1 found to be uninhabitable. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Humans having a finite lifespan. MAGA and Trump to blame.

Salon blames Trump and MAGA for recent outbreak of women punched in face. Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."
Who is this "Salon magazine" anyway? Thank God we don't have it here in my country.
"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated.
Oh yeah, it's "coordinated" for sure! :auiqs.jpg:
... what we do know is already ... the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim.
Or could it be the pandering to the likes of Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley, and Maxime Waters that are driving men up the wall?
Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner ...
That's been established, has it?
The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying.
So bashing women is the best way to Make America Great? Oh well, if that's the only way ........⏭️ I wonder what the excuse is for women punching men and getting away with it scott-free? Is that called misandry?
"This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."
Violence in films (particularly the comedic sort) plays no part in it, huh? What about Putin? He just has to have a hand in it! And what about MGTOW? What role do they play? No, I can guarantee you that ignoring women is a punishment far more devastating than punching them. ♂️
Apophis Asteroid headed for Earth. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Mars quakes detected. MAGA and Trump to blame.
European colonization of North America. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Eventual supernova of star, Betelgeuse. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Planet Trappist 1 found to be uninhabitable. MAGA and Trump to blame.
Humans having a finite lifespan. MAGA and Trump to blame.
and Dems nailing each other in the as in the Senate building . well ... at least we can blame that on the left .
How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."

Trump should sue them for a billion dollars.

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is already alarming. CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized....

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner...

The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."

Why it matters men are punching random women in NYC
It's most likely a NYC tradition. A few years ago it was blacks that were sucker punching oriental folks in some lefty controlled city here in our USA. The statist left marxinazis are naturally violent like it's normal for them to cause violence as that is all they know.
People who write such articles would be the first to corroborate with an enemy power if they iinvaded the U.S. Keep that premise in mind when consuming such infirmation.
Are Canadians not taught English as a rule or is it only the ones who are shocked?
How much more retarded could the liberal Salon magazine be? They're attributing the recent outbreak of violence against women in NYC on Trump and "MAGA."

Trump should sue them for a billion dollars.

Men punching random women in NYC: A desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA​

"Men are punching random women on the streets of New York City. As usual with these kinds of diffuse and chaotic stories, there's much that is unknown, including how often this is happening, how many people are involved, or whether it's at all coordinated. But what we do know is already alarming. CNN reports that dozens of women have discussed being victims on social media, and formally interviewed six of them. NBC News reports there have been at least 3 arrests. CBS News reports that NYPD released images last week of a fourth man wanted for allegedly punching a woman in Union Square. Even reality TV star Bethany Frankel says she's been victimized....

These stories resonate, as well, because the nation is having a moment of increasingly unhinged male fury at women for daring to have lives that are centered around something other than catering to a man's every whim. Unleashed by Donald Trump and the MAGA movement, there's an upswell of loud male entitlement shouting at us from every corner...

The rise of MAGA is fueled by misogyny. But it's less a backlash than a tantrum, a rage explosion by men who want to restore their dominance but fear that, this time, women won't buckle to their bullying. This rash of men punching women in New York City captures this moment in a dark way. We don't even need to know their names or faces to know that men who do this are losers, lashing out because they've learned that actually, women don't owe them anything just because they're men. It's also true that women aren't just suffering in silence, but telling their stories without shame or self-blame. There's something nakedly pathetic about punching women, as scary as it is for the victims. It's not like the cat-calling or groping of old, which disguised male aggression as a mere over-exuberance of lust. This is a last gasp of men who, unable to justify their sexism in any way, must resort to brute force. Yet even then, they're unable to shut women up."

Why it matters men are punching random women in NYC
I'm not sure I would post anything from this source. The Salon, from looking at the front page, looks like left wing propaganda BS, which should send out alarms for anyone with half the intelligence of a gnat. But this is USMB, so, which is represented by propaganda filled idiots on both sides of the political isle.
Are Canadians not taught English as a rule or is it only the ones who are shocked?
Silence. It is very early in the morning and auto fill completes words and I am too tired to notice. If you are looking for the word collaborate, do as you please. The spelling errors arise from poor eye site thanks to a co.promised health system. You wouldn't collaborate, would you?

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