Same bullshit, different decade: What members of the gay rights movement could learn from history

I imagine in your fantasy world, those things really happen

We can only speculate what goes on in your imagination. :laugh:
Tell us the part where you punched him in the nose and he apologized

ISIS is throwing gays off the roofs of buildings for being gay. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

Unlike you we can walk and chew gum. We can be concerned with human and civil rights abuses here and abroad.
Wow, who died and made you goddess of all things homo?

Sorry you didn't get to vote. Polls are closed.
There is no such thing a "Jewish urge". And acting on one doesnt make anyone Jewish.

Sucking a guys cock doesn't make a dude gay either. Judaism is a choice.
It's not gay if the balls dont touch!
No, Judaism is not simply a choice. Engaging in gay sex makes someone gay.And that is a choice.

No it doesn't. I could have sex with a guy right now...I'd still be gay. Religion IS a choice, unlike being gay.
So it's an illness?

Nope...just a normal human condition.
Yes, sin is a natural human condition
Christians, typically, don't encourage people to continue in sin
In return we're called hateful bigots
We can only speculate what goes on in your imagination. :laugh:
Tell us the part where you punched him in the nose and he apologized

ISIS is throwing gays off the roofs of buildings for being gay. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

Unlike you we can walk and chew gum. We can be concerned with human and civil rights abuses here and abroad.
Wow, who died and made you goddess of all things homo?

Sorry you didn't get to vote. Polls are closed.
LIfe is tough when you're stupid.
A black man "chooses" to be attracted to a white woman and wants to marry her, and the bigots offered up the identical objections about the definition of marriage, it being forbidden by the Bible, the sanctity of the tradition which had always forbade such unions, the moral decline of America if this was allowed, etc., etc., etc.

Same bullshit, different decade.
I wasn't around for that bullshit.
Idk where those bigots got their information, because the Bible is full of interracial marriages.

The Bible is also full of polygamous marriages, not just one man-one woman marriages.
You guys call Christians bigots...yet you continue to cite a book that you think is bigoted, in an attempt to justify a sinful way of life. Why do you need the word of God to justify it if you're just gonna do it anyway? Why all the focus on the Bible huh?
This sums a lot of liberals in this thread up quite nicely.







Very childish interpretation.

Actually it is using words like "faggots", "queers", and numerous other slurs and derogatory terms that expose bigotry.
But can you say that, because you don't agree with me, I am not a bigot?

We certainly disagree. As I'm not hamstrung with your assumptions, I can assess the intention and the harm caused by any given action and glean its morality accordingly. Stealing and oathbreaking cause harm to other people. Homosexuality doesn't.

If a gay couple gets married......nothing happens to you. You're simply unaffected. If a gay couple stole from you, you lose property. And you're most definitely effected.

So the first act wouldn't be immoral or a 'sin' because it causes no harm nor is intended to. While the second is an intentional act to take from you. And would qualify in my opinion.
Thank you for that concession (I think)
But I disagree that one of these things cause no harm in that it is contrary to why I believe we were created as male and female (to go forth and multiply)
Now, mind you, I only speak of the sinfulness of homosexual behavior NOT "gay marriage".
Gays SHOULD have just as much "right" to lose half of their shit in divorce as I do.
I simply object to being called a hateful bigoted homophobe because I don't buy into the hard sell that gay is normal
You can believe that all you want...just like you can believe that left-handed people aren't normal, that Jews aren't normal, that short people aren't normal. Just don't try to legislate against us.

And don't be surprised when you get called a bigot for saying things like "there's something wrong with gays".
Why? Is stating fact now bigoted? Care to compare health profiles of homosexual and heterosexual men? No, of course you dont. You deflect every time I bring this up because you know the answer. Gay kills.

Health of Gay & Straight People Compared in 1st of Its Kind Survey

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people may be more likely to smoke, drink excessively and experience serious psychological distress, compared with heterosexual people, but in some other health-related areas, they fare better, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
This sums a lot of liberals in this thread up quite nicely.







Very childish interpretation.

Actually it is using words like "faggots", "queers", and numerous other slurs and derogatory terms that expose bigotry.

Ahh, and you do the same when you call people "bigots." Welcome to the club, hypocrite.

What would you call people who use words like "faggots", "queers", and numerous other slurs and derogatory terms to describe homosexuals?

“If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibility that we have a small aquatic bird of the family anatidae on our hands.”
Douglas Adams
This sums a lot of liberals in this thread up quite nicely.







Bigotry is the only explanation for being opposed to same sex marriage. No one's come up with a reason that doesn't involve simple bigotry.
Yes they have.
You just choose to dismiss one main reason: simple word definition

Nope. Religious bigotry is still bigotry. Bob Jones University felt they had a religious reason for their prohibitions on interracial dating. It's still bigotry.
This sums a lot of liberals in this thread up quite nicely.







Bigotry is the only explanation for being opposed to same sex marriage. No one's come up with a reason that doesn't involve simple bigotry.
Yes they have.
You just choose to dismiss one main reason: simple word definition

That 'definition' thing is pure nonsense. Blacks were once 'defined' in America as being property. They were also defined as 3/5ths of a person.

Do you think the fight for civil rights and equality for blacks should have been halted in its tracks, never to progress further,

by some bigot holding up a sign with the simple word 'definition' on it?

Thank you for that concession (I think)
But I disagree that one of these things cause no harm in that it is contrary to why I believe we were created as male and female (to go forth and multiply)
Now, mind you, I only speak of the sinfulness of homosexual behavior NOT "gay marriage".
Gays SHOULD have just as much "right" to lose half of their shit in divorce as I do.
I simply object to being called a hateful bigoted homophobe because I don't buy into the hard sell that gay is normal
You can believe that all you want...just like you can believe that left-handed people aren't normal, that Jews aren't normal, that short people aren't normal. Just don't try to legislate against us.

And don't be surprised when you get called a bigot for saying things like "there's something wrong with gays".
Why? Is stating fact now bigoted? Care to compare health profiles of homosexual and heterosexual men? No, of course you dont. You deflect every time I bring this up because you know the answer. Gay kills.

Stating facts is fine. It's not a fact that being gay is wrong...unless you believe being left handed or red haired or Jewish is wrong.
A matching pair of red herrings built out of straw.

Jews are born into it.
Left or right handedness is taught
Acting on homosexual urges is a choice

5 Myths About Gay People Debunked Homosexuality Sexual Orientation Science

While some claim that being gay is a choice, or that homosexuality can be cured, evidence is mounting that same-sex attraction is at least partly genetic and biologically based.

To test whether genes play a role, researchers have compared identical twins (in which all genes are shared) to fraternal twins (in which about 50 percent of genes are shared). A 2001 review of such twin studies reported that almost all found identical twins were significantly more likely to share a sexual orientation – that is, to be either both gay, or both straight – than fraternal twins, who are less genetically close. Such findings indicate that genes do factor into a person's orientation.

Other studies have found that biological effects, such as hormone exposure in the womb, can also play a role in shaping sexual orientation. And findings of physiological differences, such as different inner ear shapes between homosexual and heterosexual women, contribute to this idea.

"The results support the theory that differences in the central nervous system exist between homosexual and heterosexual individuals and that the differences are possibly related to early factors in brain development," said Sandra Witelson of McMaster University in Ontario, an author on the 1998 inner ear finding published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sucking a guys cock doesn't make a dude gay either. Judaism is a choice.
It's not gay if the balls dont touch!
No, Judaism is not simply a choice. Engaging in gay sex makes someone gay.And that is a choice.

No it doesn't. I could have sex with a guy right now...I'd still be gay. Religion IS a choice, unlike being gay.
So it's an illness?

Nope...just a normal human condition.
Yes, sin is a natural human condition
Christians, typically, don't encourage people to continue in sin
In return we're called hateful bigots
They're call hateful bigots when they engage in hateful bigotry, such as working to deny citizens their civil rights predicated solely on who they are.

Christians should also concern themselves with their own affairs, and be aware of their own arrogance, where being homosexual is not a 'sin,' as 'sin' and religion are subjective and legally irrelevant, in no way 'justifying' efforts to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law.
What would you call people who use words like "faggots", "queers", and numerous other slurs and derogatory terms to describe homosexuals?


Oh and for those who never say those things, and simply refuse to cater their weddings because of their religious beliefs, I'd call them brave, not bigots.
ISIS is throwing gays off the roofs of buildings for being gay. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

And your position is closer to ISIS. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

Thing is, ISIS does worse things to gays than those evil Christians in America do. But alas, silence from you.
ISIS is throwing gays off the roofs of buildings for being gay. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

And your position is closer to ISIS. Shouldn't you be spending your free time working on that problem?

Thing is, ISIS does worse things to gays than those evil Christians in America do. But alas, silence from you.

So throwing people off the roof of buildings is the criteria?
Oh and for those who never say those things, and simply refuse to cater their weddings because of their religious beliefs, I'd call them brave, not bigots.

What would you call an EMT, fireman, policeman or doctors who refused their services because of their religious beliefs?
So throwing people off the roof of buildings is the criteria?

That's what you should be outraged over, not some Christian who won't cater a gay wedding. Because as you can see, Christians don't kill people they disagree with. Not in this day and age. Those who do are no better than ISIS.

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