Same Old Fascists

When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.
It is the New American Fascism. And make no mistake — the perpetrators are proud of it. Let’s begin with dates and names........

The New American Fascism | The American Spectator

What I read of it is fighting fire with fire. Put on your big boy pants and get some stones.

You know, in a way I agree... the right needs to strap on a set and call the left out for what hey have become.. a bunch of fascist, anti-American whackjobs.
It is the New American Fascism. And make no mistake — the perpetrators are proud of it. Let’s begin with dates and names........

The New American Fascism | The American Spectator

What I read of it is fighting fire with fire. Put on your big boy pants and get some stones.

You know, in a way I agree... the right needs to strap on a set and call the left out for what hey have become.. a bunch of fascist, anti-American whackjobs.

Anti-Sarah Palin's America. The real America we founded.
When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.

When you look back at the propaganda "progressive" parasites had been pushing from the 1920's into the 30's, you will read fawning reports of the great accomplishments of men like:

Mussolini, "the Lion of Socialism"


Hitler, honored on the cover 5 times. Hitler was "man of the year in Jan 1939.


Of course Stalin who holds the title of second most deadly despotic "progressive" killed 20 million according to the most "liberal" reports has been on the cover maybe as much as the moonbat messiah, who is probably jealous he can't even attempt to compete since the proles under his tyranny have the means to resist systematic slaughter.


In their defense at least by the time Mao was slaughtering people the tools of "progressive journalism" realized mass murder was not a resume enhancement. They finally got around to condemning despotic marxist regimes.


Once the left disarms the last country who stands in the way of a collective global government, humanity will become an ant colony. Thinking for yourself is a virtue.

Woody Allen in ANTZ said:
I'm supposed to do everything for the colony? What about my needs?

The last statement of a human drone in the future obozo and his sycophants envision.
The Far Left and Fascism

The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that.

The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.

The tendency of Nation-magazine style Leftists reliably to lapse into the fascist/right-winger comparison is in part a holdover from this hoary Communist tactic, a nervous tic that an old fellow-traveler can find it hard to lose even fifteen years after the collapse of the Evil Empire. What the comparison conveniently forgets is the alliance that existed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before Hitler decided to betray Stalin, the Leftist dictator whose example had taught him so much about concentration camps and secret police. It forgets too the actual history of the development of fascist and National Socialist ideology, which had everything to do with developments in the socialist tradition in political thought, and absolutely nothing to do with the intellectual currents that gave rise to contemporary conservatism. But then, from Lenin and Stalin onward, the Left has been very good at airbrushing over any evidence of its true history, intellectual and otherwise.....

The Mustache on the Left - TCS Daily
The Far Left and Fascism

The argumentum ad Hitlerum has always been the first refuge of the moral and political ignoramus: "You don't approve of [welfare, sodomy, dope-smoking, Federal student loans, or whatever else a right to which the speaker considers the most precious]? You're a f***ing Nazi!" It rarely gets more sophisticated than that.

The international Communist movement, however, which included a great many pseudo-intellectuals of Soros-like talents, had in its day slightly more subtle, if equally disreputable, grounds for making use of the ploy. Given that the Soviet Union had been, during World War II, one of the enemies of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, Communists could pass themselves off as paradigmatic anti-fascists; and from there it was, for them, but a short step to concluding that any enemy of such paradigmatic anti-fascists must himself be a paradigmatic fascist. Of course, these inferences are utterly fallacious; but one needs, perhaps, the average Communist's three brain cells to make them, rather than the two brain cells that suffice for the campus stoner to infer that anyone who wants to take his bong from him simply must have a well-thumbed copy of Mein Kampf hidden under the mattress.

The tendency of Nation-magazine style Leftists reliably to lapse into the fascist/right-winger comparison is in part a holdover from this hoary Communist tactic, a nervous tic that an old fellow-traveler can find it hard to lose even fifteen years after the collapse of the Evil Empire. What the comparison conveniently forgets is the alliance that existed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union before Hitler decided to betray Stalin, the Leftist dictator whose example had taught him so much about concentration camps and secret police. It forgets too the actual history of the development of fascist and National Socialist ideology, which had everything to do with developments in the socialist tradition in political thought, and absolutely nothing to do with the intellectual currents that gave rise to contemporary conservatism. But then, from Lenin and Stalin onward, the Left has been very good at airbrushing over any evidence of its true history, intellectual and otherwise.....

The Mustache on the Left - TCS Daily
Our true history is we founded the country. Let's mush on.
It is the New American Fascism. And make no mistake — the perpetrators are proud of it. Let’s begin with dates and names........

The New American Fascism | The American Spectator

What I read of it is fighting fire with fire. Put on your big boy pants and get some stones.

Wow more stupidity from you, but atleast youre admitti g to nazilike tactics, but of course you nlame us for killing speech, exactly how does the right do that?
What I read of it is fighting fire with fire. Put on your big boy pants and get some stones.

You know, in a way I agree... the right needs to strap on a set and call the left out for what hey have become.. a bunch of fascist, anti-American whackjobs.

Anti-Sarah Palin's America. The real America we founded.

really? baby killing, fag loving comunists is what you are and not how this country was founded
It is the New American Fascism. And make no mistake — the perpetrators are proud of it. Let’s begin with dates and names........

The New American Fascism | The American Spectator

What I read of it is fighting fire with fire. Put on your big boy pants and get some stones.

Wow more stupidity from you, but atleast youre admitti g to nazilike tactics, but of course you nlame us for killing speech, exactly how does the right do that?

For a dog you type remarkably well. You can't think of course but two points for the keyboarding.
When you consider the definition of fascism to be "government control over the production and distribution of goods and services" you have to admit we are in it and it's deep shit. When you combine government bureaucracies that have become gigantic out of control weapons directed at citizens and the low information union educated left who seem ignorant of the most basic freedoms, you have a recipe for fascism.

When you look back at the propaganda "progressive" parasites had been pushing from the 1920's into the 30's, you will read fawning reports of the great accomplishments of men like:

Mussolini, "the Lion of Socialism"


Hitler, honored on the cover 5 times. Hitler was "man of the year in Jan 1939.


Of course Stalin who holds the title of second most deadly despotic "progressive" killed 20 million according to the most "liberal" reports has been on the cover maybe as much as the moonbat messiah, who is probably jealous he can't even attempt to compete since the proles under his tyranny have the means to resist systematic slaughter.


In their defense at least by the time Mao was slaughtering people the tools of "progressive journalism" realized mass murder was not a resume enhancement. They finally got around to condemning despotic marxist regimes.


Once the left disarms the last country who stands in the way of a collective global government, humanity will become an ant colony. Thinking for yourself is a virtue.

Woody Allen in ANTZ said:
I'm supposed to do everything for the colony? What about my needs?

The last statement of a human drone in the future obozo and his sycophants envision.

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