San Bernadino is not a gun control issue


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.
Granny says, "Dat's right - we at war with the Mooslamics an' too many of `em allowed to buy guns dey turn around an' use to kill us...

‘This Is Not a Terrorist Attack. This Is An Act of War’
December 3, 2015 | While many liberal observers, including President Barack Obama, were ruminating over whether the mass shooting in California was “terrorist-related” or “workplace-related,” Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell, looking at the evidence available, said it was “not a terrorist attack” but “is an act of war.”
Bozell made his remarks during an interview on Fox Business Live on Thursday, after commenting on the anti-prayer bias of the liberal media. During the conversation, host Stuart Varney asked Brent Bozell, “How about this? All morning, we have seen politicians dancing around the issue of whether it is a terror attack, a Muslim terror attack, an Islamic terror attack, or workplace violence. And I think people are sick and tired of this -- dancing around this political correctness. And I think this explains the popularity, to some degree, of Donald Trump. He just comes right out and says it. And that’s what a lot of people think.”

Bozell said, “Yes, I was listening to you and [Fox’s] Bret Baier. And you both hit it right on the head when you said that America is way beyond the president in this conversation. And what Bret Baier said, that he is so, so timid about linking terrorism to terrorism. But he has no problem whatsoever immediately linking this to gun control. And he does it immediately.” “And what you see, unfortunately, in our president, is not a commander in chief,” said Bozell.

“You see a community organizer. And, you know, this is unfortunate because if ever America needed a commander in chief, it’s at this very moment.” “This is not a terrorist attack, folks,” said Bozell. “This is an act of war. We are at war with these people.” The MRC is the parent organization of

Bozell: ‘This Is Not a Terrorist Attack. This Is An Act of War’

See also:

‘91% of All Suspected Terrorists Who Tried to Buy a Gun’ in America, Got One
December 3, 2015 – During her weekly press conference today on Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), in addressing the mass shooting in California, said that “91% of all suspected terrorists who tried to buy a gun a store in America,” were able to do so.
“In the past 10 or 11 years, more than 2,000 terror suspects have bought guns in the U.S.,” said Pelosi. “91% of all suspected terrorists who tried to buy a gun in a store in America, walked away with his or her weapon of choice.” “We must close this outrageous loophole,” she said. “Three times this week, Republicans overwhelmingly voted to protect terror suspects’ ability to buy lethal firearms. The most recent time within the last hour, on our motion associated with the rule.”

Later while answering questions from reporters, Pelosi said, “The Peter King bill is Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act. That is a bill to address that right now, if you are on the FBI terrorist watchlist, that is not a reason for you to be denied the purchase of a gun in our country.”

“91% of the time someone whose gone into a store to buy a gun, who’s on the watchlist, 91% of the time he’s been able to walk out of the store with his gun of choice,” said Pelosi. “So this would be the two priorities: the background check bill, which is bipartisan – it’s also Peter King and Mike Thompson cosponsoring it – and then Peter King’s other bill about terrorists.”

Pelosi: ‘91% of All Suspected Terrorists Who Tried to Buy a Gun’ in America, Got One
Yeah....but...but....but white male Republicans like guns. And if the left can't demand gun can they piss off their #1 enemy....white male Republicans? Dont let facts ruin their fun.
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.
This fails as a straw man fallacy – no one advocates 'banning guns.'
Granny says, "Dat's right - we at war with the Mooslamics an' too many of `em allowed to buy guns dey turn around an' use to kill us...

‘This Is Not a Terrorist Attack. This Is An Act of War’
December 3, 2015 | While many liberal observers, including President Barack Obama, were ruminating over whether the mass shooting in California was “terrorist-related” or “workplace-related,” Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell, looking at the evidence available, said it was “not a terrorist attack” but “is an act of war.”
Bozell made his remarks during an interview on Fox Business Live on Thursday, after commenting on the anti-prayer bias of the liberal media. During the conversation, host Stuart Varney asked Brent Bozell, “How about this? All morning, we have seen politicians dancing around the issue of whether it is a terror attack, a Muslim terror attack, an Islamic terror attack, or workplace violence. And I think people are sick and tired of this -- dancing around this political correctness. And I think this explains the popularity, to some degree, of Donald Trump. He just comes right out and says it. And that’s what a lot of people think.”

Bozell said, “Yes, I was listening to you and [Fox’s] Bret Baier. And you both hit it right on the head when you said that America is way beyond the president in this conversation. And what Bret Baier said, that he is so, so timid about linking terrorism to terrorism. But he has no problem whatsoever immediately linking this to gun control. And he does it immediately.” “And what you see, unfortunately, in our president, is not a commander in chief,” said Bozell.

“You see a community organizer. And, you know, this is unfortunate because if ever America needed a commander in chief, it’s at this very moment.” “This is not a terrorist attack, folks,” said Bozell. “This is an act of war. We are at war with these people.” The MRC is the parent organization of

Bozell: ‘This Is Not a Terrorist Attack. This Is An Act of War’

See also:

‘91% of All Suspected Terrorists Who Tried to Buy a Gun’ in America, Got One
December 3, 2015 – During her weekly press conference today on Capitol Hill, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), in addressing the mass shooting in California, said that “91% of all suspected terrorists who tried to buy a gun a store in America,” were able to do so.
“In the past 10 or 11 years, more than 2,000 terror suspects have bought guns in the U.S.,” said Pelosi. “91% of all suspected terrorists who tried to buy a gun in a store in America, walked away with his or her weapon of choice.” “We must close this outrageous loophole,” she said. “Three times this week, Republicans overwhelmingly voted to protect terror suspects’ ability to buy lethal firearms. The most recent time within the last hour, on our motion associated with the rule.”

Later while answering questions from reporters, Pelosi said, “The Peter King bill is Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act. That is a bill to address that right now, if you are on the FBI terrorist watchlist, that is not a reason for you to be denied the purchase of a gun in our country.”

“91% of the time someone whose gone into a store to buy a gun, who’s on the watchlist, 91% of the time he’s been able to walk out of the store with his gun of choice,” said Pelosi. “So this would be the two priorities: the background check bill, which is bipartisan – it’s also Peter King and Mike Thompson cosponsoring it – and then Peter King’s other bill about terrorists.”

Pelosi: ‘91% of All Suspected Terrorists Who Tried to Buy a Gun’ in America, Got One

An act of war?

Hyperbole, attempting to ride on France's coattails.
yeah , course the dems , libs , rinos and elites only want Americans to have guns that they approve of Clayton !!
looked like an Act of War to me Coyote and I like Brents hyperbole !! Also good to see the word WAR being used because that is what the Western world and the USA faces Coyote .
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.

So all you are really saying is that if guns were easier to get in Palestine and Japan and France, there would be a lot more people killed by terrorists than have been by bombs and gas . How refreshing.

And you have to go back 20 years for your example in Japan? How many people in America have died from guns since 1995?
yes sir Coyote , Brent using the word WAR is refreshing and accurate . Good to see Brent accurately describing whats going on in todays world . And of course , we all know where the death , destruction and murder is coming from don't we Coyote ??
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and more Americans are waking up to the threat as times go by . Big deal info coming out of FOX [right now] and other news channels plus talk radio . jihad in America and muslim jihad against the average American is quite a popular subject Coyote !! :afro:
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.

Delta..we have our differences.....but that was a fine post......:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.

So all you are really saying is that if guns were easier to get in Palestine and Japan and France, there would be a lot more people killed by terrorists than have been by bombs and gas . How refreshing.

And you have to go back 20 years for your example in Japan? How many people in America have died from guns since 1995?

You could give all the Japanese guns and they wouldn't commit murder with them....all of their crime rates are low....not just gun murder..all murder and all robbery and violent assault...they are not a crime obsessedeople...and they use group shame and a police state to keep people from acting up...

Palestinians...they don't have guns because the goons in charge won"t let them have guns for fear they would try to take over themselves.............the terrorist goons have all the guns they want........and the way they keep their slaves in line....they kill people .....we tend not to use that technique against innocent people...
Lee Harvey Oswald got his guns through mail order people who are determined to commit evil acts will always find a way to get the weapons they need to do it. Should we try and find ways to keep these people from getting these weapons yes but the reality is you won't stop them all you might be able to cut off ways for them to get them legally they will find a away to get them illegally .
Lee Harvey Oswald got his guns through mail order people who are determined to commit evil acts will always find a way to get the weapons they need to do it. Should we try and find ways to keep these people from getting these weapons yes but the reality is you won't stop them all you might be able to cut off ways for them to get them legally they will find a away to get them illegally .
Ban All Guns. . .
All but impossible to get a gun in Japan. So when Japanese cultists launched their terror attack on the Tokyo subway they used sarin poison gas.

All but impossible to get guns in Palestinian territories. So when Palestinians commit terror attacks they used explosives, bulldozers, and stabbing weapons.

All but impossible to buy assault rifles in California. So when Muslims launched their terror attack then built bombs and got them from outside California.

If you ban guns, terrorists will just use something else, or get them from where ever they aren't banned. France too has it very difficult to LEGALLY purchase weapons, so there's a thriving and efficient black market supplying them. Laws only affect law-abidding citizens, not terrorists, psychos, etc.

I live in Japan on and off for awhile. Yes. It's impossible to get guns in Japan. The sarin gas attack in Japan over 20 years ago was extremely very rare. Gun shootings, murder, mass shooting is also very rare or non existent. Compared to daily crimes involving guns here in America.
You could give all the Japanese guns and they wouldn't commit murder with them....all of their crime rates are low....not just gun murder..all murder and all robbery and violent assault...they are not a crime obsessedeople...and they use group shame and a police state to keep people from acting up...

I was stationed in Japan (Fujiyama) in 1957/58 and one of the first things I observed about the Japanese people is how amazingly well behaved their children are. The Japanese do a marvelous job of raising their children to be polite, respectful and considerate. One thing I noticed about their social habits is when a disagreement arises, others, even strangers, tend to involve themselves to ameliorate the circumstances and prevent escalation. And it always seems to work.

Another important thing is they are ethnically exclusive. While they manage to politely tolerate the presence of non-Japanese they are extremely insular and inclined to keep to themselves. This causes me to think the root cause of the violent American culture is its extreme diversity, which tends to promote alienation, which in turn enables hostility.

In simpler terms, we Americans do not relate to each other very well. There is a pronounced distance between us at an extremely critical psychological level. There is among us an absence of the kind of ethnic familiarity that impedes violent disposition.
You could give all the Japanese guns and they wouldn't commit murder with them....all of their crime rates are low....not just gun murder..all murder and all robbery and violent assault...they are not a crime obsessedeople...and they use group shame and a police state to keep people from acting up...

I was stationed in Japan (Fujiyama) in 1957/58 and one of the first things I observed about the Japanese people is how amazingly well behaved their children are. The Japanese do a marvelous job of raising their children to be polite, respectful and considerate. One thing I noticed about their social habits is when a disagreement arises, others, even strangers, tend to involve themselves to ameliorate the circumstances and prevent escalation. And it always seems to work.

Another important thing is they are ethnically exclusive. While they manage to politely tolerate the presence of non-Japanese they are extremely insular and inclined to keep to themselves. This causes me to think the root cause of the violent American culture is its extreme diversity, which tends to promote alienation, which in turn enables hostility.

In simpler terms, we Americans do not relate to each other very well. There is a pronounced distance between us at an extremely critical psychological level. There is among us an absence of the kind of ethnic familiarity that impedes violent disposition.

Arigatou gozaimasu.

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