San Bernardino city attorney to citizens: “Lock your doors and load your guns”


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Pension Showdown Brewing in California | Via Meadia

The Wall Street Journal reports that San Bernardino, which filed for bankruptcy two months ago, has missed a $5.3 million payment to Calpers, the state pension fund, and is projected to miss further payments in the future. This is the first time a California city has refused to make its payments. Amid the subsequent confusion, both sides are digging in their heels:

“I don’t look at Calpers as being any different than any other creditor,” said Jim Morris, chief of staff to San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris.

Calpers argues that it cannot forgive or reduce a city’s pension contributions. The city of 213,000 people is effectively violating state law by stopping its pension payments, a Calpers spokesman said in an email.

Calpers, for its part, is looking to avoid a showdown with one of the state’s largest cities, but San Bernardino’s finances are in such bad shape that it may be unavoidable:
Pension officials said they would attempt to help San Bernardino get back on track, as the fund has done with other cities that fall behind. One option is to increase the amortization period of the obligations, a step that stretches out the payment period for cities.
But San Bernardino’s options may be limited. The city already amortizes its public-safety pension obligations over 30 years, the maximum allowed. Ms. Norris said it was rare for cities to become delinquent on their pension bills.

The stakes here are high for both parties. San Bernardino is desperate to save money anywhere it can, and pension contributions are among its largest costs. Calpers, meanwhile, wants to avoid setting a dangerous precedent that cities in trouble can refuse payments. There are plenty of distressed cities throughout the state, and they will be watching this showdown closely. If San Bernardino can get off without making payments, other cities will expect the same treatment, leaving Calpers with a serious crisis on its hands.


This is political.

This is what is going to start happening in many cities as they simply can't meet theri obligations.

I don't gloat.....but there is simply no way you can run things the way they have and expect the books to stay balanced.
the people should also be warned of this and have to suffer because they voted for this crap.
My Sister works for Pomona and I know CalPers has been having problems since at least 2007 and they haven't done anything about it since. They never will.

Prediction:US Gov't, or Foreign Bank, steps in and buys them for pennies on the dollar.
CA and other mismanaged states will come to the feds for a bailout and should be told to piss up a rope. They can't strap the rest of us with their problems. It's not great for the folks affected, but they voted in the politicians that mismanaged their affairs, elections do matter, and some time you pay the price.
California, in general, seems to be running out of taxpayers. With more and more people retiring and expecting pensions, how can any state keep up if welfare rolls also grow and less people are paying taxes? It's a lot like social security. Unsustainable in the long run.
CA and other mismanaged states will come to the feds for a bailout and should be told to piss up a rope. They can't strap the rest of us with their problems. It's not great for the folks affected, but they voted in the politicians that mismanaged their affairs, elections do matter, and some time you pay the price.

Each Democrat in California should be reduced to 1/2 of a full vote...

because they are 1/2 wits...just sayin.

The unions & politicians have killed the, "Golden Goose" ..they deserve zero benefits because of their greed.. now
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CA is done. It's a sinking ship. Another failed liberal experiment.

Just time now.

Problem: fucks are bailing and moving to other states and petitioning for the same policies that destroyed CA in their new state.

Look CA transplants. We welcome you. Just dont vote.
CA is done. It's a sinking ship. Another failed liberal experiment.

Just time now.

Problem: fucks are bailing and moving to other states and petitioning for the same policies that destroyed CA in their new state.

Look CA transplants. We welcome you. Just dont vote.

im sure after Christie is done here in Jersey the libs wil be back on track destroying our state too. I feel for whatever state you are in.
CA is done. It's a sinking ship. Another failed liberal experiment.

Just time now.

Problem: fucks are bailing and moving to other states and petitioning for the same policies that destroyed CA in their new state.

Look CA transplants. We welcome you. Just dont vote.

im sure after Christie is done here in Jersey the libs wil be back on track destroying our state too. I feel for whatever state you are in.

I actually lived in CA for 10 years (moved there from PA).

Currently in Texas. I think we are safe for a while.
CA is done. It's a sinking ship. Another failed liberal experiment.

Just time now.

Problem: fucks are bailing and moving to other states and petitioning for the same policies that destroyed CA in their new state.

Look CA transplants. We welcome you. Just dont vote.

im sure after Christie is done here in Jersey the libs wil be back on track destroying our state too. I feel for whatever state you are in.

I actually lived in CA for 10 years (moved there from PA).

Currently in Texas. I think we are safe for a while.

good state to be in, glad you got out of CA? where at in PA? do you miss it,?
Pension Showdown Brewing in California | Via Meadia

The Wall Street Journal reports that San Bernardino, which filed for bankruptcy two months ago, has missed a $5.3 million payment to Calpers, the state pension fund, and is projected to miss further payments in the future. This is the first time a California city has refused to make its payments. Amid the subsequent confusion, both sides are digging in their heels:

“I don’t look at Calpers as being any different than any other creditor,” said Jim Morris, chief of staff to San Bernardino Mayor Patrick Morris.

Calpers argues that it cannot forgive or reduce a city’s pension contributions. The city of 213,000 people is effectively violating state law by stopping its pension payments, a Calpers spokesman said in an email.

Calpers, for its part, is looking to avoid a showdown with one of the state’s largest cities, but San Bernardino’s finances are in such bad shape that it may be unavoidable:
Pension officials said they would attempt to help San Bernardino get back on track, as the fund has done with other cities that fall behind. One option is to increase the amortization period of the obligations, a step that stretches out the payment period for cities.
But San Bernardino’s options may be limited. The city already amortizes its public-safety pension obligations over 30 years, the maximum allowed. Ms. Norris said it was rare for cities to become delinquent on their pension bills.

The stakes here are high for both parties. San Bernardino is desperate to save money anywhere it can, and pension contributions are among its largest costs. Calpers, meanwhile, wants to avoid setting a dangerous precedent that cities in trouble can refuse payments. There are plenty of distressed cities throughout the state, and they will be watching this showdown closely. If San Bernardino can get off without making payments, other cities will expect the same treatment, leaving Calpers with a serious crisis on its hands.


This is political.

This is what is going to start happening in many cities as they simply can't meet theri obligations.

I don't gloat.....but there is simply no way you can run things the way they have and expect the books to stay balanced.
Gee...If the City cannot take in enough in revenue to pay pensions, then why are pensions being offered?
The taxpayers are not having it any longer. It's not like things used to be. Union demands wage and benefit increase, government says ok. Then turns around and raises taxes. This went on and on until the voters started to object to the confiscatory taxes. Then they started ending the political careers of those responsible for the public worker candy store.
Time for pensions to go away. Pensions are sustainable no longer.
im sure after Christie is done here in Jersey the libs wil be back on track destroying our state too. I feel for whatever state you are in.

I actually lived in CA for 10 years (moved there from PA).

Currently in Texas. I think we are safe for a while.

good state to be in, glad you got out of CA? where at in PA? do you miss it,?

Best decision I ever made was leaving CA. Allentown. No, visits are enough.

Texas is a fine state. Been here two years and love it.
CA and other mismanaged states will come to the feds for a bailout and should be told to piss up a rope. They can't strap the rest of us with their problems. It's not great for the folks affected, but they voted in the politicians that mismanaged their affairs, elections do matter, and some time you pay the price.

Yep....The politicians these people vote for say "vote for me. I am pro labor and pro pension"..The same people are tax and spend liberals AND believe Ponzi schemes actually work. ALL pension plans are Ponzi schemes. The current workers pay the retired workers...And of course the current tax dollars go to pay for the retirees.
The most galling aspect is when the workers are asked to contribute a minimal percentage of their pension costs, they go ballistic. The common refrain "they hate workers"....
I've seen the same issue brewing in other places.

This is going to be a real mess.

My company just announced it is modifying our pensioners their detriment. I don't know how they get away with it....but the apparently can.

This is because our earnings were way down. Our economists predict a second recession.

Thanks Obama.

Self-inflicted wound.

No doubt Brown is angling for some kind of bailout.


Self-inflicted wound.

No doubt Brown is angling for some kind of bailout.


And if we are stupid enough to give it to him...then what ?

Other cities will follow....until the entire load gets dumped on the fed.....

If Brown tries it....they should cut off his balls (cutting off his head would not hurt him as it really serves him no useful function......).
The problems in San Bernadino are rampant everywhere across the country. Promises were made back when times were really good that simply cannot be kept. Cities and counties are going bankrupt because they cannot pay for pensions and HC benefits and keep their services operational. In some places the unions are working to arrive at an acceptable solution, but most are fighting tooth and nail to keep the good deal they got now. Reminds me of the recent Chicago teacher's union strike, these guys wanted a 30% pay increase and no teacher evaluations. Settled for 16% and a watered down evaluation system, I don't know how Chicago is going to do it.
This is what happens when you allow 10 million illegals into your state. All the money goes to providing schooling and health care for these parasites.

Self-inflicted wound.

No doubt Brown is angling for some kind of bailout.


I agree. I'm sure Brown will try.

Hard to feel sympathy as the voters keep voting the assholes in to run their cities and State.

As far as I'm concerned Cali is on its own and I can't see the taxpayers in the rest of the country being forced to bail Cali out of its stupidity.
California, in general, seems to be running out of taxpayers. With more and more people retiring and expecting pensions, how can any state keep up if welfare rolls also grow and less people are paying taxes? It's a lot like social security. Unsustainable in the long run.

It isn't the number of people retiring, it's the number of people leaving the state and the number of people who cannot support themselves coming into the state. The tipping point has been passed. If Jerry Brown's tax plans are approved the gulf between who is paying and who is not will just get bigger.

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