San Fransico Raises Min-wage to $15. Results in THIS:

I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
At that point employers, mostly small business end up subsidizing government TWICE....Through taxation and again through forced government wages. This will squeeze small business into a corner where tjhey will have to make adjustments which will invariably have an adverse effect on jobs and the labor market.

Taking care of their workers is subsidizing government? Either the government or employers are going to take care of people. I prefer it be employers. I would give company's tax breaks if they pay well and hire here in the states.[/QUOTE
You're mixing issues here.
Lets get this straight some 60% of US workers are employed by small business. Focus on the cost to smaller operators and owners.

So you want small business to pay very little and then have workers on welfare? That increases government dependence.

I don't know about you but I want loony lefties to stop promoting the idea that a part-time job as a clerk is a "career" that should support a family of 8 and I want bleeding-heart libs to stop pretending the rest of us are somehow required to pay for others poor choices. Keeping them down may serve the party-of-gov't-freebies but doesn't serve America.
Lets just say what the typical stock option compensated person pays in cap gains taxes in a year is more than you will pay in your lifetime.
None of which is relevant to this discussion.

Yes capital gains are taxed less than income. Thank you.
As well they should be. Again, this presentation by you is irrelevant.

It shows they get paid gross amounts and get to cheat the tax man.
Explain how these people are "cheating" the tax man...
Who is the "tax man"?
Who is responsible for creating the US Tax Code?

they aren't paying the higher income tax even though they are actually receiving a huge income.

:lmao: To be honest you would have to change your Screen Name to "Brain-Dead."
Yes capital gains are taxed less than income. Thank you.
As well they should be. Again, this presentation by you is irrelevant.

It shows they get paid gross amounts and get to cheat the tax man.
Explain how these people are "cheating" the tax man...
Who is the "tax man"?
Who is responsible for creating the US Tax Code?

they aren't paying the higher income tax even though they are actually receiving a huge income.

:lmao: To be honest you would have to change your Screen Name to "Brain-Dead."

That is funny given how I schooled you yesterday.
I love how the same people who want everyone to get paid nothing also want no welfare and small government. Sorry but high wages are how you lower welfare and decrease the size of governent. All this increasing inequality is increasing government dependence and the size of government. Not to mention slowing the economy.
At that point employers, mostly small business end up subsidizing government TWICE....Through taxation and again through forced government wages. This will squeeze small business into a corner where tjhey will have to make adjustments which will invariably have an adverse effect on jobs and the labor market.

Taking care of their workers is subsidizing government? Either the government or employers are going to take care of people. I prefer it be employers. I would give company's tax breaks if they pay well and hire here in the states.[/QUOTE
You're mixing issues here.
Lets get this straight some 60% of US workers are employed by small business. Focus on the cost to smaller operators and owners.

So you want small business to pay very little and then have workers on welfare? That increases government dependence.

I don't know about you but I want loony lefties to stop promoting the idea that a part-time job as a clerk is a "career" that should support a family of 8 and I want bleeding-heart libs to stop pretending the rest of us are somehow required to pay for others poor choices. Keeping them down may serve the party-of-gov't-freebies but doesn't serve America.

Then get the job creators to do that and pay a decent wage. Otherwise look forward to more government dependence.
The average cost of a one bedroom apartment in San Francisco is $3,530. I saw this on TV last night.

Meaningless pap. What is the price range and supply of the lower cost units?
There are no freebies but a few $100,000/mo rentals skew the avg.
As well they should be. Again, this presentation by you is irrelevant.

It shows they get paid gross amounts and get to cheat the tax man.
Explain how these people are "cheating" the tax man...
Who is the "tax man"?
Who is responsible for creating the US Tax Code?

they aren't paying the higher income tax even though they are actually receiving a huge income.

:lmao: To be honest you would have to change your Screen Name to "Brain-Dead."

That is funny given how I schooled you yesterday.

:lmao: Brain-dead & delusional! That's quite a combo.
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.
At that point employers, mostly small business end up subsidizing government TWICE....Through taxation and again through forced government wages. This will squeeze small business into a corner where tjhey will have to make adjustments which will invariably have an adverse effect on jobs and the labor market.

Taking care of their workers is subsidizing government? Either the government or employers are going to take care of people. I prefer it be employers. I would give company's tax breaks if they pay well and hire here in the states.[/QUOTE
You're mixing issues here.
Lets get this straight some 60% of US workers are employed by small business. Focus on the cost to smaller operators and owners.

So you want small business to pay very little and then have workers on welfare? That increases government dependence.

I don't know about you but I want loony lefties to stop promoting the idea that a part-time job as a clerk is a "career" that should support a family of 8 and I want bleeding-heart libs to stop pretending the rest of us are somehow required to pay for others poor choices. Keeping them down may serve the party-of-gov't-freebies but doesn't serve America.

Then get the job creators to do that and pay a decent wage. Otherwise look forward to more government dependence.

Although you spew that silliness like it's your job, gov't mandated higher wages or welfare are not the only 2 alternatives. Since you seem to believe it's so easy, why not get off your lazy duff, start a biz, and overpay and "take care of" your employees to your heart's content (or until you run out of money).
So to the naysayers, have you been complaining about the folks on food stamps who are making low wages?
You can't have it both ways, ya know!
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.
Last edited:
["saintmichaeldefendthem, post: 12277804, member: 52097"].
Welfare and food stamps were never meant for people who work.[/QUOTE] Especially our military.
No...Wanting both ways is when one makes zero effort to improve their education or skills then demands they be paid higher wages.

Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.

Is On-the-Job Training Still Worth It for Companies? - Businessweek

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Just Whose Job Is It to Train Workers?

As I was saying, I don't make shit up.
Spoon, did I anything about wanting it both ways? Nope.
Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills. When they are making minimum wage, that can be quite tricky, no?
I see the GOP wants to cut funding for training programs. Well, that just adds another wall for those who want to better their skills and life.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.

Is On-the-Job Training Still Worth It for Companies? - Businessweek

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Just Whose Job Is It to Train Workers?

As I was saying, I don't make shit up.

Cherry-picked silliness, none of which even comes close to proving businesses no longer train their employees, as you falsely claimed.
As already stated, you just make that whiny, sniveling, loony leftist shit up.
Not a wall. A hurdle. So what?....
And you'll have to dig for quite a while to find companies that no longer train workers for better positions...Stop it.

The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.

Is On-the-Job Training Still Worth It for Companies? - Businessweek

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Just Whose Job Is It to Train Workers?

As I was saying, I don't make shit up.

Cherry-picked silliness, none of which even comes close to proving businesses no longer train their employees, as you falsely claimed.
As already stated, you just make that whiny, sniveling, loony leftist shit up.

I used non-partisan and respected resources that clearly proves you wrong. Any and everyone can see that you are incapable of admitting you were incorrect and you try to deflect your inadequacies by attacking me. The only person you are fooling is yourself. I'm sure glad I'm not you.
The jig is just about up. They are running out of stuff to whine about and are reduced to making shit up as they go along.

I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.

Is On-the-Job Training Still Worth It for Companies? - Businessweek

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Just Whose Job Is It to Train Workers?

As I was saying, I don't make shit up.

Cherry-picked silliness, none of which even comes close to proving businesses no longer train their employees, as you falsely claimed.
As already stated, you just make that whiny, sniveling, loony leftist shit up.

I used non-partisan and respected resources that clearly proves you wrong. Any and everyone can see that you are incapable of admitting you were incorrect and you try to deflect your inadequacies by attacking me. The only person you are fooling is yourself. I'm sure glad I'm not you.

Perhaps you misunderstood ... none of your sources proves that American businesses no longer provide training as you falsely claimed.
When employers stop taking care of employees politicians are elected who will have government fill that void, government grows. When employers pay well and have good benefits there is no need for welfare, government shrinks.
Welfare and food stamps were never meant for people who work.

I know, but this is what happens when employers pay too little. We vote in this country. Fair or not people will be taken care of either by employer or government. If you want small government, then employers need to pay up.
It is not that simple. The marketplace must be left to determine prices and wages.
Look, economic forces react to themselves.
When wages rise, prices rise.
When the marketplace can absorb the increases, we have a healthy economy with low rates of inflation. Cost of living remains relatively stable.
Enter this $15 per hour movement.....This thing affects the smallest and most vulnerable businesses. Those stores with the Golden Arches and such, are not owned by the corporation. They are owned by individuals who have sunk a significant amount of their life savings into the business at a very high risk.
As you said it's not that simple. In cities like San Francisco, New York, and Seattle who have enacted or plan to enact a $15 minimum wage, most low income workers are well above the current minimum wage and near or above the $15/hour wage. So the effect of the higher minimum wage is not near as great as it might seem. Secondly, most proposals for the $15 minimum wage is spread out over a number of years. In Seattle, many businesses will not be affected for 5 years. Seattle passed the the minimum wage last June and so far the business community as a whole has been very supportive. The University of Washington has started a 5 year study on the effects of the wage increase. It will be interesting to see their conclusion.
So why these city governments enacted these minimums has another purpose. That can only be concluded as "for political reasons"....Or better stated, "see what we did?"
Of course the minimum wage is passed by government for political reason. That's why most things that have a lot of pubic interest pass or fail.
That's what you get when you raise the minimum wage to $15. What did you think would happen? You either raise prices, layoff staff or both.
That's what you get when you raise the minimum wage to $15. What did you think would happen? You either raise prices, layoff staff or both.

Not in leftist la-la land and when the inevitable does occur they blame "the rich" or the Repubs or just slink away.

They will NEVER accept responsibility for their actions.

The hypocrisy is many of them actually own stocks or mutual funds - often through pension or other retirement plans - and would be the loudest whiners should a dividend be missed or the stock value fall due to higher gov't mandated costs.
That's what you get when you raise the minimum wage to $15. What did you think would happen? You either raise prices, layoff staff or both.

Not in leftist la-la land and when the inevitable does occur they blame "the rich" or the Repubs or just slink away.

They will NEVER accept responsibility for their actions.

The hypocrisy is many of them actually own stocks or mutual funds - often through pension or other retirement plans - and would be the loudest whiners should a dividend be missed or the stock value fall due to higher gov't mandated costs.
dudes; laissez-fair capitalism is a myth; that is a problem the Right refuses to recognize.
I have been here just about five years, people know I don't make shit up, asshole!
Why don't you point out something I made up. I'll wait.

No problem:

"Not that long ago, companies used to provide training to their employees to upgrade their skills, that was back when companies used to invest in their employees.
So now a low paid employee must find funds to pay for training to upgrade their skills." - Kiwi

Companies still train and pay (or help to pay) for advanced education.

Is On-the-Job Training Still Worth It for Companies? - Businessweek

Why Companies Aren't Getting the Employees They Need

Just Whose Job Is It to Train Workers?

As I was saying, I don't make shit up.

Cherry-picked silliness, none of which even comes close to proving businesses no longer train their employees, as you falsely claimed.
As already stated, you just make that whiny, sniveling, loony leftist shit up.

I used non-partisan and respected resources that clearly proves you wrong. Any and everyone can see that you are incapable of admitting you were incorrect and you try to deflect your inadequacies by attacking me. The only person you are fooling is yourself. I'm sure glad I'm not you.

Perhaps you misunderstood ... none of your sources proves that American businesses no longer provide training as you falsely claimed.

Well it's obvious you didn't read the articles or have a reading comprehension issue. The articles back me up. I easily could have chosen from many resources via Google which also back up my statement.

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