Sanctuary States and Cities = Secession From The Union

The use of a Border Adjustment Tax and pro rated division of the national debt would stop the division quickly. The blue wall is high taxes and unstable finances makes secession spread far.

That, and so would enforcing the law Bill Clinton signed making it a felony punishable by up to five years in prison doe anybody to knowingly aiding an illegal alien in evading arrest, and if that criminal illegal alien commits a crime resulting in death to someone the sentence is life.

Between laws on the book and creating a USAexit bill like the Brexit the UK is going through right now would show the following facts:

Using the standard Purchasing Power Parity that is used to check international differences in GDP would show a markedly narrower spread in gross incomes between the states than is usually stated.

After taxes, debts, bills and stealth taxes like the higher blue state crime rate when adjusted for age demonstrates an even narrower band as in a New York state income of $100k requires only $87K or less in FL to live the same life-style. I know this to be a fact because my wife was born and raised in upstate NY. Panama City, FL or Waverly AL Cost less and provide greater amenities than Malone NY by massive margins
I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
We have a God given right to own and bear weapons.

Illegal criminal fucktards do not have a right to sneak into our country in violation of our laws.

Get it yet, bubba?
it is a civil offense, not a criminal offense.
I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
What "extra legal" entity? Immigration into the Union is a federal responsibility, not a State concern since 1808.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

So you'd be okay with a big tax hike so we could hire 750,000 ice agents and build ice offices in every major city in America?

That would make more sense !

You fools think every illegal got here by hopping across the rio grande?

Illegals are from every country and it's estimated that 40% enter legally and overstay . What does a wall do for that ?
Slows down tbe other 60%.
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I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
Once again that pesky constitution stands in your way.

The president is not king . Otherwise he'd hold money from every state he lost .
I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
Once again that pesky constitution stands in your way.

The president is not king . Otherwise he'd hold money from every state he lost .

Once again that pesky Federal law gets in the way of a good fake news story; when these 'sanctuary' fans start getting arrested for felonies and charged these 'cities' will fade away. These 'radicals' aren't all that gung ho about anything, and when they get called on anything they scurry away like rats and the vermin they are.
There is No question about this. The same scenario took place in The South Over Slavery and Abolition.

The United States should let them
cede and the pull all Federal Funding.

Seems like we are living in the 1850s & 60s again and it's The Same Old Dems at their same old tricks all over again!
Y'all are just bunch of national socialists and don't know it. We have a Commerce Clause; why not resort to Capitalism to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders and generate revenue to help lower our tax burden, at the same time.
Flinging invectives like "national socialist" result in disdain.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

Indeed. So the Democrats screamed about the border states taking matters into their own hands.

Now, the foot is in the other shoe.

Hmmm no. It's the same foot. Immigration is for the Feds .

So, Mr Timmy says that they don't have to enforce fed laws; therefore my fellow Americans, under the law according to Timmy; AKA Karnak, we in the states can ignore Roe V Wade! We can ignore any fed law we choose, discriminate in any way we choose, fire illegally anyone we decide to, and for all purposes.....if it is fed law, we can ignore it and the states don't have to prosecute us.

Is that your position oh great Timmy!

Sent from my iPhone using
Extra Legal Means Outside The Law. Harboring Illegals is A Felony Punishable By 10 Years In Prison.

Just Cede and Run Your Own Show if you don't like this Nation's Laws & want to repeatedly break The Law!

I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
What "extra legal" entity? Immigration into the Union is a federal responsibility, not a State concern since 1808.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?
Show me one Federal Law that states that any Individual, State, City, County, or
Community has a Right to Harbor Illegal Aliens (It's a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison)

Show me one Federal Law that gives an Illegal Alien a Right to be in this country Illegally, and the right to enter this country at will circumventing our immigration process.

Show me one Federal Law that allows Illegals to acquire even a Drivers License (That too is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in jail).

It is also a felony to assist an illegal to obtain any Identification Papers such as a Drivers License and Counties, States and Individuals can be charged with a felony and it is punishable up to 10 years in prison.

The law says the Feds are responsible for immigration, not the states or the cities .

Indeed. So the Democrats screamed about the border states taking matters into their own hands.

Now, the foot is in the other shoe.

Hmmm no. It's the same foot. Immigration is for the Feds .

So, Mr Timmy says that they don't have to enforce fed laws; therefore my fellow Americans, under the law according to Timmy; AKA Karnak, we in the states can ignore Roe V Wade! We can ignore any fed law we choose, discriminate in any way we choose, fire illegally anyone we decide to, and for all purposes.....if it is fed law, we can ignore it and the states don't have to prosecute us.

Is that your position oh great Timmy!

Sent from my iPhone using

Yep, and that also means no Obama Care nor having to follow federal regulations regarding the environment.
I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
Once again that pesky constitution stands in your way.

The president is not king . Otherwise he'd hold money from every state he lost .
Umm. Please ....know the facts. Otherwise refrain from posting.
FYI. the Executive Branch has absolute Authority in this area. THAT is in the US Constitution.
I find it ironic and typical of the left how you people were all in lockstep with Obama on his executive orders.
I'd ask you to think about that, but you are not a thinker. You emote.
An example. I bring you back to 1990. The State of Arizona government decided it had enough of the 55 mph national speed limit. Arizona increased its speed limit to 70 mph on all rural interstates. The federal reaction was swift and within the bounds of the law. Arizona lost all of any future federal highway funding until such time as the state complied.
Now, if your tiny mind can remember, the 55 MPH limit was established by then President Nixon. BY executive order. he unilaterally set the national speed limit to 55 mph. In that executive order. The order was eventually replaced by the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act.
Both served the same purpose. To ensure compliance with the federal law, all states were required to post a maximum 55 mph limit on all interstates and other highways.
Another example. The National Legal Drinking Act. This increased the minimum age ot consume or possess alcoholic beverages to 21.
States were again compelled to comply due to a provision in the law that non compliance would result in withholding of federal highway funding...
There is NO legal or Constitutional precedent that prevents the Legislative nor the Executive branch from withholding federal dollars in the even of non compliance with federal law.
Federal immigration laws are unambiguous.
now, you may disagree and obfuscate all you like. That does not change the facts.
So you may as well shut up about it.
Rich wealthy elitist anglos. They LOVE illegals. THEY HATE poor white trash, or anyone else that doesn't agree with them , because it's good for THEM. Like strip mining or deforestation. Liberals have something in common with conservatives after all.
Idiots who like sanctuary cities and think The States can Defy Federal Law, can ask themselves this one question.

How do you feel about several states declaring themselves Abortion Free Zones?

The states could ignore federal law and make abortion a felony even define it as murder.
Funny . Righties often talk about not Respecting any law that takes people's guns away .

But sanctuary cities don't want to play immigration agents and they get all mad?

YOu and your straw man..

Gun rights are fundamental to protecting my rights and are not negotiable.

Immigration is subject to the US's needs and immigration laws..laws you retards don't want enforced..

You retards want to enforce laws where they are not allowed yet not enforce laws where they are.. what kind of an upside-down world are you in?
I say call their bluff. If they want to exist as an Extra Legal entity, then they cannot receive Federal Funds. Federal Funds are sent to cities to help carry out Federal Initiatives and Enforce Federal Law.

Therefore you cannot give a city Federal Funds for failing to do with exactly what the money is intended to do.
Once again that pesky constitution stands in your way.

The president is not king . Otherwise he'd hold money from every state he lost .

Once again that pesky Federal law gets in the way of a good fake news story; when these 'sanctuary' fans start getting arrested for felonies and charged these 'cities' will fade away. These 'radicals' aren't all that gung ho about anything, and when they get called on anything they scurry away like rats and the vermin they are.
First degrees, should go first.
There is No question about this. The same scenario took place in The South Over Slavery and Abolition.

The United States should let them
cede and the pull all Federal Funding.

Seems like we are living in the 1850s & 60s again and it's The Same Old Dems at their same old tricks all over again!
Y'all are just bunch of national socialists and don't know it. We have a Commerce Clause; why not resort to Capitalism to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders and generate revenue to help lower our tax burden, at the same time.
Flinging invectives like "national socialist" result in disdain.
having nothing but fallacy for your right wing fantasy, results in a lack of confidence in your sincerity.
Are you from this country Troll?
Are you a citizen?
Are you a paid Troll?
Or do you spew such moronic Troll Idiocy for Free?

Phuck your Criminal President Obama Bin Lying & Phuck his whore Hillary Rotten Clinton!

Phuck allah & Phuck Mexico
Phuck The EU
Phuck Global Warming
Phuck Liberals
But most of all, Phuck You.

There is No question about this. The same scenario took place in The South Over Slavery and Abolition.

The United States should let them
cede and the pull all Federal Funding.

Seems like we are living in the 1850s & 60s again and it's The Same Old Dems at their same old tricks all over again!
Y'all are just bunch of national socialists and don't know it. We have a Commerce Clause; why not resort to Capitalism to solve our illegal problem at the federal borders and generate revenue to help lower our tax burden, at the same time.
Flinging invectives like "national socialist" result in disdain.
having nothing but fallacy for your right wing fantasy, results in a lack of confidence in your sincerity.

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